Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5559 5554 Chapter ?? Tang Dynasty

This force, he has!

You can find out so much life at once, even if you squeeze him, you can't squeeze it.

The sword is unparalleled. Some awkward reminders: "The gods, this array has been built, you see ..."

"Why, is there a difficulty?" Fygo took the lead to open the scorpion, and he went to the sword.

With this array, you can maximize the transformation of life into his body, which is the most perfect practice.

The gods smiled and laughed: "But there is nothing!"

"The god adult, relying on this array, want to restore the injuries on the two, the least need three era, I want to be faster, but I need to make a supplement of all things!" The sword is unparalleled. The treasure you need is told.

Three era, he said there is still some room for maintenance, it is necessary to run the big array, which does require three era.

If you are bitter, in fact, two era are enough.

But he doesn't want to waste so long.

I have to wait for two era, I am afraid that there are several universers.

At that time, these two really had to go out, I am afraid there will be a war. When he arrives, he is not a person.

He can't look at the moment, you have to give yourself a smooth road.

If this is now the two restoration peaks, no one can stop.

The strength of the true spirit, he is unclear, even if it is able to stop, I am afraid it is an enemy, and when he can also circulate it around two.

Can't let someone too strong, otherwise, he will not use it.

A useless person, it will never be too good.

The god seems to be able to inspect his inner general and have promised anything, but the opening: "How long does it take for the fastest need, you give an accurate time!"

"100,000 years!" The sword was unparalleled.

This time, it is the fastest. If there is a continuous source of all things to supply and demand to him, he will help Fleto to restore the peak force.

As for the hurt of the god, he has seen it, and the other party will give each other.

"Good!" God is happy.

The sword is unparalleled, and he doesn't want to drag down, the faster it is, the better.

Those inheritors in the Diva Temple, he has been observing, the strongest one, has had the war's power of the half-step universe, he can't dare to drag again.

Shenling Frosa throws a mustard to sword unparalleled, saying: "These treasures, I have been searching for countless era in the four secrets, it should be enough, as for more, all you!"

There are countless episodes, shadow, and Qi Shi to collect the number of treasures.

The sword is unparalleled with mustard, and a trace of mind can be explored, and they feel a lot, even if he is highly seen, it is still shocked.

The treasures of this have exceeded his imagination.

Among them, there are not many treasures, most of them are the original treasure of the emperor, but accumulated together, the value can be big.

These treasures are enough to cultivate countless emperors, and even support the strong people in the entire North.

It can be seen that there are more values.

These treasures are indeed enough.

And more.

Of course, no one who will feel too much.

Just God is not the same as his eyes.

The god is eager to freedom. Once the true relief, these treasures are not counted.

"You can start!" Fygo has been a little can't wait, he is more eager to go out.

The sword is unparalleled, not in nonsense, nodded, and swallowed countless treasures, while injection of massive life into the big array.

About 100,000 years, for these strong people, but it is a blink of an eye.

It's just about 100,000 years, swords are unparalleled, unfortunately cultivation, some unfortunately.

He didn't come to the exception of the inheritance of Nie Yuan.

However, it is already close to the ninth floor of the ultimate sword. As long as you go out, you can create a peak, and he can take the ninth floor.

The swords and poles have been successful!

Coordination is imminent.

The sword has no double long calls, the heart is dark: "I hope everything is going well!"

It's all very fast about Fygo et al., But for him, these 100,000 years can not be so good.

Of course, there is an urgent experience with him.

The sword is unparalleled, and the mysterious emperor has disappeared for a hundred years.

The gods personally under the lower bounds and went to the Ningjing.

At this time, the mine has been restored.

The guards outside Qiankun have a lot more strict than ever.

After the last lesson, the Elder House had to pay attention.

Although the general probability will not have anyone, it is still necessary to do it. Otherwise, it will be tauntful by the people of the Temple.

When the true spirit came, no one noticed that it didn't see the true spirit.

Those who stayed in their own position were in place, and they didn't know that there was a powerful existence and went in.

"Space!" The true spirit bite his teeth and brows.

His space origin has long arrived, and it is a space of the universe.

At the beginning, the transfer array was established in the spatial slices. He saw the embarrassment.

Since others can build, he may also build a transfer array according to some spider marts.

Just enter it, it is difficult to come out.

Even if you go in, you will be able to take Fygo and others. What should I do if he can't go?

Although he couldn't find the temple in the temple, it was more troublesome, then it was more troublesome, only by separation, and could not sit in the Temple of the Town.

The outside world can still be stared at the staring in the tiger.

At the beginning, the true Lord could enter the Polyson Temple through his mind. Who knows that after being taken off, it can come in.

He is the incarnation of the idles of the gods, but don't forget, the Allah used to be one of the origins of the disagreement.

All of this is said.

In case, he is a nest, he regrets late.

In addition to him, send other people.

"Time is countercurrent!" The figure of the true spirit began to become dim, and the body entered a pavilion.

It is the pavilion of the sea of ​​this source.

The space that has established a transmission array begins to distort changes, everything is swing.

The vast wars of a hundred years are in the eye, and the true spirit everything looks in the eyes.

He is free to make a time, so that everything is a hundred years ago.

Everything will happen, in the eyes, the true spirit eye hole shrinks.

Especially when Nie Yuan broke out, he was surprised!

Starry sky!

That sword!

A sword opened the mountain, killing everything in front of him.

"Unfortunately!" The true spirit sigh.

Such a person is falling, it is also a small loss.

If you cultivate, you are not weaker than those of the ultimate emperor.

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