Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5560 5555 Chapter? Special Life of God Tomb

"I can't wait!" The true spirit finger out, the space returned to the original appearance, and his body also disappeared in the original place.

He didn't dare to wait.

I have to solve this now.

It is not necessary to go before, but I have to go to a doctor.

It's really not, he will first seriously hurt the god.

Although there are countless spaces, even the first prisoner is a complete universe. It is independent of the space outside the origin of the disorder. It can be severely injured by him.

It can be such that the standard is not true, but it is possible to let the god dog urgently jumped.

So he had to go in and see, seeing that things have developed to that step.

The sword is unparalleled life, he is clear, I am afraid I can't use a few era to restore the strength of Fygo to the peak.

The peak of Fygo, the strength can be weak.

When the other party was first suppressed, it was dispatched a god.

The strength of the gods can be placed in the first three in the original time.

The so-called peak forces Sanyang Ting, in front of the gods, like a white paper, it is broken.

The owner of the universe!

The true spirit blocked.

There is also a big strength gap in the main master, and the level division in the emperor is similar.

Weak or even in the top.

At the beginning, the strength of the cloud, it was unsweound.

Strong strength, and very counter-sky, such as the disagreement, with the three gods.

However, the strength of the disagreement is the first power of all the universe of Moro time, and is the first and other power.

Even if it is the three gods, it is more than one thing with the discrimination.


The space was torn out, and it was once again, it has reached another space.

This floor is dark, no sun is not too much.

The operation of the space is also very wonderful.

This place is not a space for the birth of the universe, but it is created.

Xuanwu Temple, the seventh world.

Zhenling just coming, Xuanyi felt, and the brows wrinkled.

The four major secrets occurred, he also knows one or two, knowing the seriousness of things.

"Adults, but need to be the help?" Xuanyi didn't take a rendereo, and then rushed.

The true spirits are not affordable, and it is row with Xuan and stands in a hustle and mountains of mountains overlooking the whole world.

This place is the seventh world of the Xuanwu Temple, very vast, not in the sky.

It's just that there is no living person, or there is no practitioner.

It's all .

But these , but it is like a person.

At a glance, although the environment in this place is different from the four secrets, the sake of all parts of the world is like the tribepers in the four secrets.

"I am going to go to the first prison!"

Xuan is a surprise: "Adults, you can't come back!"

The first jail is one-way, this point of their four major palays are known.

"If you don't go, you will not come out, they will come out, who will stop Fygo?" True spirit turned to see Xuanyi.

Fygo's strength can cover the three kings, although the strength is not as good as the God, can be too much not much.

He does have strength to block, but it is just a blocking.

What should I do if the other party is destroyed in the Polyson Temple?

So he must enter the first prison!

Whether it is incarnation or true, you should go in.

Xuan is a low head, sigh: "Adult, what to do!"

At this point, there is no other way, you can only go in and see it.

"You don't worry too much. The Budditation is really over, you may really be free, isn't it?" There is something dissatisfied in the real spirit.

Xuan Yi is indeed a little careful.

In case the temple is true, Xuan is a shot with Xuanwu Temple.

Now the time, there is no difference with the practitioners, this is the other of the other pairs, even the true spirit can't be comparable.

I can't do it out, and the other palays are not practiced.

But Xuan is different, he has the transformation of the seniors in the beginning, has not been different from the practice.

"Adults, I am created by my disagreement. I am a little moving to the people ..." Mystery is a bit moving, he is moving these thoughts, the reasons of the people is his home!

He is also reluctant to give up.

The true spirit is shaking his head, saying: "It's actually very good, you have to leave some rear hands to the Division, I don't blame you!"

In case of an emergency, he must even pay some things, entrust to Xuanyi.

"This time, I am looking for you, you need you to help me, you will not be a good fortune!"

Xuan is busy, saying: "If there is any need to open, there is no two words! '

The usual true spirit is all said that this posture is now, and he can say anything, inevitably support.

"I want you to help me to refine a fidelity, there must be the main combat of the universe!" Zhenling said.

Xuan Yi is stunned, there is the power of the owner of the universe, it is not easy, and the cost of need is higher than that of cultivating a universe.

Under normal circumstances, no one will do this, too waste.

"How long does it take, no other, now it's important to time!"

Xuan Yisked some, said: "100 years!"

It is a hundred years, in fact, the fastest time has accelerated, real time, may be hundreds of millions of years.

The true spirit nodded and said: "I need a carrier, treasure me, the better, the better!"

After handing a mustard to Xuan Yi, the true spirit does not stop more, and left this place directly.

He also has other things to arrange.

Since it takes a fidelity, the power is upgraded to the main level of the universe, and some help is needed.

Ordinary is naturally can't enter his eyes.

Holy grave!

This place is the most mysterious place in the Temple, and is also the most powerful place.

Although the people in this manner are scarp, the strong people can be born, but they are all powerful.

In the special life, there were many accumulation of the number of era, and several strong power were born, and these strong people were different from those practitioners.

These special lives, a part of the bodies in the origin, itself has no local source.

Some is just a strong horizontal body, and there is no shortcomings naturally.

The deepest deepest in the secret of the Tomb, there is a purple water pool, and the water chamber has a array.

Since the passage between the secrets between the secrets, the special life of the sky is suppressed in this place.

In these powerful special life, one person can sweep in one person.

In the heavens, the strongest indigenous emperor, but it is just a peak, the universe secret is a major realm.

It's really comparable, but it's almost the same as the palace of the House, and I have not reached the level of Guangzhou.

And those special life of the rest of this place, every one has a wide range of strengths.

Even some, can be comparable to U.S., or the magic sound god.

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