Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5562 5557 ??

Talking about the conditions, True Spirit will directly withdraw the array of this place.

Hundred years of time, blink!

The first prison!

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no discovery of the true spirit.

Especially the godfrosa, even the four secrets were not peep, but they told those practitioners who were confused to go to the ground to attract attention.

For a hundred years, the sword has no double one, and the strength of Fergo has begun to rise.

The sword is unparalleled, and the music is nothing to do, but the other party does not reserve anyway, he can not only feel the strength of the other party, but the source can be clearly seen.

That is a colorful origin, a successful space, very strong, it is the space of the universe.

There is also a small source, is the time source.

The origin of Tao monarch is robbed, such as the ultimate swords and poles of the sword.

After the maintenance of the maintenance, it will be the emperor, and the cultivation will also be the spatial source. Although he can now practice the spatial origin, but did not integrate the swords and polar integration into the space.

Now that his space is from the source, the worse the way in the future.

However, in the gesture of Daojun, it is very slow, it is difficult to reach a higher realm, it is not likely to reach a higher realm.

Just like now, his has already mastered the black hole of Jiu Yejiu, or you can't take this step.

If he joins the emperor, I am afraid I can master the black hole in an instant, even quickly reaching the peak of the black hole.

But now is Dao Jun, but it is changing him.

The emperor corresponds to space, and the main thing of the universe corresponds to time.

Become a premise of the Lord of the Universe, it is a successful part of the spatial source.

When Dao Jun, the origin of cultivation, it is not necessary to work, but it can go to the emperor, but it is a satisfactory thing in the space.

Condensing space into the universe, not arriving at this, will not impact the owner of the universe.

Behind the Lord of the Universe, the cultivation is also the source, but it is just a higher level.

Time home!

That is a more incredible source, master the cosmic time.

Spatial and time, is the top two origins.

Mastering the complete space of the universe is the Lord of the universe. If you master the source of the whole time?

The sword is not thinking!

There is very little understanding of the owner of the universe, and there is a lot of doubts.

After becoming the Lord of the Universe, you will master a touch of time. This is aware of it. You can think about it to cultivate the time.

One of the strongest rules.

I am afraid that the Lord of the Universe will be aware.

The light is to cultivate space to the main line of the universe, if they are cultivated, then the two is one, what will happen?

What is the level?

After watching Fygo's source, he has a great curiosity.

It is because, in the three kings, he met Xuan Yi, and he wanted to know how the mysterious teacher exists.

The least strength is the main level of the universe, and it will be stronger.

The light is left to him, it is time and space to treasure, and the time of Moopo is so powerful, and there is only a few pieces.

He didn't think of it. Xuan Yi teacher shot is a time and space.

At the beginning of other domain, the things gave were very special, but compared to now, it is some kind of chili, not precious.

But now, it is not the same.

He has a feeling, and the distance from Xuan Yi is very close.

I was interested in cultivating him, why, all of which needed to have an explanation.

The more close, the more doubt it.

There is also the experience of the starry sky, is it related to Xuan Yi?

The sword is unparalleled and gently shook his head, this may not be too big.

But the Buddhist Temple, absolutely talking to the teacher of Xuan Yi.

Even the first true king of the original, could not be considered a disciple, watching the chessboard, but also sent to him with the other person, all of which is too big.

The other party is the first true king in the three kings, the power of the owner of the universe.

This can't get the eyes of Xuan Yi!

The gods in the distance, found that the sword is unparalleled, and open the scorpion, and look at the sword.

"Why, have you have a heart?" Shen Ling Frosa bluntly.

For swords, he is very heavy.

This time, if you can quickly escape from the Polyson Temple, he doesn't mind walking with the sword.

With the power of swords and unparalleled life, it is good to go to other time and space to stand firm.

The owner of the universe is very powerful, especially Fygo, has reached the peak of the Lord of the universe, no matter where it is, it is a hegemon.

This is far from enough.

Rule a time and space, the strength of the needs, the at least is the existence of the level of the disagreement.

Distance, they also have a long way to go.

I heard the gods took the initiative to talk, and the sword was unparalleled.

He didn't expect this god, and it was still very light.

According to the common sense, it is not the most urgent moment, but there is this mind to care about him.

This makes him somewhat being stunned!

At the same time, I have also begun to worry, what is the conspiracy of the other side.

Although he is a fish, it is estimated that he does not take him even if he is a fish meat.

After all, his life is very special, no matter who, there is a lot of use.

The sword was unparalleled, and he also said that the heart is puzzled.

After the godfounded Fosa, he leaked a smile.

For this problem, he also has no concealed, the Lord of the universe, although he didn't see it, the experience is far less than this birth earlier, and he can understand it according to the inheritance.

"The Lord of the universe, in fact, there is no so strong you think, or in other time and space, very ordinary!"

When I heard this sentence, the sword was unparalleled first, and then understood it.

The two people are different, the other party is born is the Lord of the universe.

Don't say that the people are in the stage, even the mastery is born, directly across countless classes, reaching the top end in their eyes, but it is just a beginning.

In this way, for the gods, the Lord of the universe is indeed very simple, very ordinary.

"Adult, isn't you a happy natural space?" The sword was unparalleled.

He is very suspicious.

The natural space is successful, shouldn't it be the born king of the beast?

If the space is not satisfactory, how can you be born is the owner of the universe?

God Flossa, it is said: "It is actually not all, according to your tribe, it is indeed the space is successful to get into the universe, but you don't forget, the giant gods, not the practitioner!"

Speaking of this, Fossa Evil is exudes a proud king atmosphere.

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