Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5563 5558 Chapter? Starry Strong Ethnicity

"The giant god family is the strongest life in the Starry Sky. Those the so-called natural beasts are just in time and space, and our giant gods are the most perfect creatures of the Starry sky, and the whole starry sky. A group! "

This is not exaggerated.

How many natural beasts is only, and it is as few in accordance with all the things in time and space.

And you can't breed!

This is the most important point, but the gods are different, not only can we manufacture, but also have the inheritance memory of the beast god.

That is the real .

In addition to their giant gods in the long river in the long-range, there are some powerful gods, born among the stars.

Tour in the boundless starry sky.

That is the real power.

Elephant, you can cover a time and space.

The sword is shocking.

He didn't think that there is such a powerful ethnic group in the stars.

Frosa looked at the sword, comfortable: "You don't need a scruple, you can master your life, you can be scarce this kind of arrogance, you can be scarce than the gods, the Lord of the universe is just a beginning, your road is still very long! "

The power of life, that is the magical force capable of creating everything, regardless of how the gods are strong, and finally the one in life.

Strong, can you also jump into your life?

Even the special life of the sky is the life of the universe.

Unless it is a powerful will race, it can abandon the power of life.

But this kind of ethnic group, either die, or the strength is not.

Whether it is the universe or time and space, or is a starry sky, it is love for life.

This is the first large rule.

No changes.

In this way, the sword is unparalleled, it is really hopeful, standing in this starry sky.

It can be known from knowing that Nie Yuan can enter the starry sky, and the sword is unparalleled.

In the past, I felt that I was a selection. Now he doesn't look like this, there is a day outside the sky, some people outside people.

Can't do it!

"The adults said, I just award, now I am a robbery, I dare to peek the owner of the universe!" The sword was unparalleled.

God Furos heard the disaster, the face changed, then laughed: "You are right, the robbery can not be despised, even the Lord of the universe will fall under every robbery, let me not mention these little guys!"

The information about the owner of the universe, the sword is unparalleled is very sensitive. He heard the gods, and quickly asked: "The Lord of the universe will fall."

"You won't think that the Lord of the universe will not fall!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the opening: "This is not, it is quite curious, will encounter what kind of robbery, is it because some battles caused?"

"This is not, this is said to you, your discriminates have a lot of universers, the strongest discriminant, you should clearly, his strength is very powerful, just compare some ancents in my inheritance memory. It is very powerful, and it is also very charming. It is possible to suppress a time and space. It can be so powerful. He also fell below his robbery! "The god said very movement.

Although it is suppressed by the discrimination, it is still very admire the strength of the disagreement.

After all, it is a strong person who is competing with the super strong people in the gods.

"Is it human, or the rules of rules?" The sword is unparalleled.

The discriminate is falling, but their inheritors don't know why, the fallen of the disagreement, the first true king did not say much.

He is actually guess, and even in the event of the encounter of the Teminate.

On the wooden bridge, he saw the discriminant, but did not see the face, but the other person's tone, but there was a resentment.

And it is also broken into its own source.

Will be swallowed, and the living from the spatial origin is pulled out.

This is a means of self-falling strength.

God Lingfar, there is a color in the eyes, and the tone is serious: "It is the main consciousness of the stars!"

The voice just fell, it seems to have a pair of intangible eyes, staring at the first jail.

That kind of feeling that the rest did not feel, but the two of the conversations were all feeling.

Ideology of the Starry Sky.

That is a great conscious consciousness than the universe.

The original universe has its own awareness, and the domain sector also has a natural source.

The domain sector is controlled by the emperor, and the principle of this source will return to the universe, and the universe is aware of the main control of the universe. The native awareness of the universe will return to the time and space.

The time and space is the Star Ideas.

That is the real peak.

Although the gods were relieved, they felt the arrival of the consciousness, but they did not worry.

The universe is conscious, he may worry about it.

But the consciousness of the starry is unable to interfere.

This is recorded in the inheritor memory.

The super power of the gods of the gods, did not have anything to provoke the awareness of the stars.

Although it is nothing, the gods don't have the courage to provoke. After all, he is not a super power.

I really had that time, he may go to try it.

"You can feel it!" The gods found that the sword was unparalleled, and it was like being suppressed by something.

The sword nodded and didn't answer.

He is a little exhausted.

The consciousness is like standing on his head, and his breathing is somewhat unstable, and the power of life in the body is also boiling.


! ! ! !

The sword has no double eye hole, and a voice rang in his mind. His whole person seems to be separated from this place, even from the original time.

Simple simple single word, let him have this, the feeling of fear, let him unclear in the mood.


At a moment, he returned to it again, gasping, and the cold sweat on the forehead also urged.

"You a Dao Jun, actually I can induce the starry awareness!" The gods of the gods were burst, and he was unbelievable to stare at the sword, and the tone was very surprised.

The sword is unparalleled, and if only the owner of the universe can be induced?

Record, think, right!

He is a Dao Jun, and it does not understand in the time of time. The stars have a wonderful consciousness above the time and space! How can he feel!

And he also heard a wonderful voice!

"Taken!" The sword was unbearable and worried.

What is a sneak?

In fact, it is a thief.

Is he thief?



The power of life, belongs to life, this is a pseudo-proposition.

No one can talk about the exact answer.

Even the gods said that it is very little to master the power of life.

The other party has the memory of the memory, which is equivalent to the knowledge of the entire goddess.

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