Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5565 5560 Chapter? Robbery

I will not be angry with myself, I have to be accompanied by the whole Moo time!

At this point, even the gods Furisa didn't know, I am afraid it is really spiritual.

"In fact, it is not as bad as you think, become a robbery, and the first three robbery, master a universe, becoming the universe, has a great help to his cultivation, and every robbery They are all countless era, have enough time to deal with! "

Become the Lord of the Universe, the benefits will not be able to say.

The resources that have mastered are different.

You can cultivate the family, Zongmen, and strength can also build their own universe into a universe that gives birth treasures, relying on countless treasures to cultivate.

That is a new level.

Through the top three robbery, everything will change.

After controlling a universe, as long as it is not too unlucky, you can pass the fourth robbery, or even the fifth robbery.

But the sixth robbery is not the same, even if there is a universe support, I want to spend it, it is also difficult.

At the beginning, the three kings and the current Fygo are all struggles.

The three major gods of the Polysman Temple is the strong people, the whole Moop, the total four six-hearted strong, the three are gone under the dismass.

Discrimination is a strong, natural countless person wants to rely, not just that it is so simple, the most important thing is to get the guestriction, this is the most important.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is still consumed, and the road in front seems to have a lot.

His current battle has a six-order peak, as long as it is successful, it will be able to enter the penetration.

In fact, it is not very far from the universe.

Nature should know more.

The two people talk, unconsciously in the past 100 years.

And the power of the true spirit is also ready to come quietly.

Just two people don't know.

In a huge array, hundreds of strong workers sit on every eye.

The three people at the core are relatively correct, and the sword is unparalleled and the godfalls, Fergo!


This world suddenly began to tremble, a powerful breath, is coming.

That breath, from the underground.

It may be broken at any time.

The gods have changed, and he has a very bad sense.

This place is unidirectional, this point he is more clear than true spirits, and the other party cannot fall into this place, personally come.

As long as he is not true, he can block each other.

But now the stock is gradually rising, and the power has soared to the robbery.

In these years, the sword is unparalleled, and the gods of the gods are not deep. Although the injury is not deep, only a few years, but not anxious.

Today, it is still a half-step force.

Although Fygo just alleviated the injury, the strength did not improve too much. Nowadays, there has been a hobby, whoever is a hard thing.

Two people join hands together, I am afraid it is not how much grasping.

In this way, not only wasted time, but it is also very likely to be dragged.

"You stay here, I will go alone!" God's heart, did not let the sword were unparalleled, and he was a gold dragon, rushing out of the big array.

There is countless cracks on the dim land.

The breath is in the underground.

boom! ! !

Countless broken dust, saying is dust, you can be like a mountain.

The body of the atmosphere of the underground, can I want to have a huge.

The gods see people, eye-catching, shocking: "Is you?"

It is not true spirit. If it is true spirit, he will not be so shocked, unless it is the true body of true spirits.


A whispering laughter, the scalp is numb from the scalp.

In the big array, the sword is unparalleled to see the contour of each other. It is a human beast, and the shape is like a party.

A huge tail swayed.

The god recognizes the robbery of the eye, and the heart is a sigh of relief. He is afraid that you don't know each other, and you will have to deal with them.

"Zhuang Zhong!" Shenlong Frosa leaked a smile, eased: "You are still alive!"

The behemoth saw Frosa and the body was slowly shrinking, but there was still a strong gang size, and the gods came against the gods. The cold channel: "Your bug is not dead, this seat can fall!"

bed bugs!

These two words are tatched into the heart of the god.

He is a proud giant nation, is said to be a bug, or because of this place, he will definitely die for a hundred times of death.

The other party but a small beast of ancient deceased.

In Moop, it is the bottom layer.

This kind of ant ants dare to ridicule him, this makes Frosa are very angry, and they are angry and angry. Nowadays, the overall situation is heavy, can't anger each other.

"Zhuang Zhong brothers said, I am just a lucky!" The god is distorted, has to bow.

The opponent's strength is far from the above, after all, it is a high-capacity of the goods.

The Zhuang Zhong is somewhat surprised. In the past, when Frosta was a bug, the other party can't wait to hop, how is it so good?

He looked at Fosa with his head and leaked it.

"I thought you were crowded here, there is no temper, it turns out another picture!" Zhuang Zhong said, take a step, go to the big array.

The god is anxious, and then stop the way.

The mountains are not over, and now they can only be dragged against each other.

"Zhuang Zhong brother, don't you want to leave this place?"

Zhuang bell shook his head, only said two words "let it open!"

The sound is very cold, and it is not necessary to discuss the room.

God once again persuaded: "I know where your magic is!"

This time, the other party fell to it, but it was just a moment, then continued to be close to the big array.

Seeing that it is persuaded that the color of the gods is cold, and the light is instantly skyrocketing, and the breath is constantly climbing.

That breath, has surpassed those gods, even more powerful than the four major temples.

Half stepped!

It's not to be underestimated, after all, not a top.

"Do you want to stop me?" Zhuang Zhong called, "Then I will go!"

Bad people's things, he likes it.

Anyway, this place cannot go out.

When the five-torn strong, he was caught in this place. He really didn't believe that Frosa can go out, the big array is estimated to have other roles. He just get off, it is curious about what is going on.

"Zhuang Zhong, I don't know why you have not died, but today, you will be bad!" Frosa anger, a huge power of a huge force in the mouth, straight to Zhuang Zhong.

Huge energy, shining the whole first jail.

The Zhuang Zhong felt a threat, when turned, the hot radiance was on his face, and there was an incredible expression in the eye hole.

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