Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5566 5561 ???

boom! ! !

The body of the bell, the momentum, and even the breath was ignored.


After the huge strength is tilted, the Zhuang Zhong relies on the remaining breath in the space, and the moment is restored in an instant, but the atmosphere is weak, which is obviously hurt.

Zhuang Zhong was shocked. The other's war is clearly just half-step, but it can hurt him.

I don't dare to see each other again.

God Flosa gasped and stood the way to the Zhuang Zhong.

Just a trick, I spent his own source.

It is considered by injury.

If you can't stop, you can also consume the other party's strength as much as possible, and Fygo can also respond.

"Need me now?" Fygo is also paying attention to the voice to Frosa.

He is really afraid that Frosa can't stop.

The sword is unparalleled is also entangled. At this time, this kind of thing happens, and I don't know if it is good.

If Fygo does not recover strength, he will never go.

But if the strength is restored, he is afraid to unload the kill.

Fossa slowly shook his head, Tai Ruo, no sound, said loudly: "No need to take me!"

"Are you so confident?" Zhuang Zhong was a little surprised, and he was really embarrassed by the gods of Fosa.

Just like this, I didn't hurt his origin. He now gives back in two difficulties.

From the bottom world, he is also a thousand difficulties.

When the gods were flying, the first prison was suppressed, and all of them were suppressed in the depths of the ground.

Nowadays, it is difficult to escape, he doesn't want to just come out and will sail ship in the ditch.

Frosa saw the other party hesitated, the face slowly, this is also in the middle of him, although I don't know how the other party is still alive, since the other party has just appeared, I am afraid I don't want to fight with him.

"You can try it!"

Zhuang Zhong stared at Fossa, and some did not dare to say: "Is the big array, is the power of life?"

When I came out, he didn't care, and now I can feel the power of the big array, I found that the power contained in the big array is actually the power of life.

Ancient times, want to get a lot of life, need to spend countless people to refine, now the life of the life is extremely strong, and it is not the way to refine the power of all things, but from one The force in the practice of the practice.

This makes him very unexpected.

He didn't believe in the words of Frosa, and now I understand.

In the large array, there is a breath, the power of the breath is similar to him, and it is a robbery, and it looks not weak.

"Talk?" Zhuang Zhong put away the power of the body and looked at Fosa leaking a smile.

Frosta is happy, it seems to be successful.

Chat, you can talk, as long as you can drag each other, once Fygo has resumed strength, it must slaughter each other.

I haven't waited for him to answer, the sky began to change, and a huge vortex began to condense.

This scene made two people.

Fossa has prepatched, he knows that the true spirit must not come in, did not expect it, he just got the Zhuang Zhong counter.

Zhuang Zhong is a little bit of this.

The vortex is slowly formed, and the strength is leaked, and each wire is sufficient to make the universe of the universe fallen.

This is also why this place is unidirectional, and even the five hobbies can unable to break the reason.

At the beginning, only the discriminant, can open this place at will, and the rest can not open.

The three gods cannot destroy this place.


The depression of the vortex, the faint approximately a group of people appeared.

The sword with the lead is unparalleled, it is true spirit.

It's just that there is no change in the face, but the body has a change in the earth.

This is nothing, after the true spirit, dozens of special life, all horrible.

The true spirit is coming!

Here, the sword is unparalleled.

True spirit stared at the little eyes, glanced a circle, and the sword was unparalleled to completely rebellious.

There is one person to make him very surprised!

"Zhuang Zhong!"

"You?" Zhuang Zhong was also very surprised. He didn't know the other's , but he was able to feel a familiar atmosphere from the other side.

After you feel this breath, Zhuang Zhong quickly retreats.

The disagreement is too shocking for the power of Zhuang Zhong.

Don't say that it is a disagreement, even if it is the Lord of the universe of the top three robbery, he has seen it.

"No!" Zhuang Zhong quickly responded, he could feel the breath of the true spirit, although it was very similar to the boy, but the breath was weak, and he didn't even have him.

Almost be embarrassed by the true spirit.

"How come you here?" The true spirit did not take care of Frosta, but the question of Zhuang Zhong will appear here.

In addition to Frosa, the rest of the robbery is suppressed in the purgatory, and become part of the Polyson Temple.

How about Zhuang Zhong suddenly appeared here?

The true spirits suddenly turned to look to Frosa.

Frosa knows what the other party is thinking, did not make any response.

Some of this situation is fascinated.

The appearance of Zhuang Zhong, chaos two plans.

Originally the true spirit is coming, it is to kill or drag Frosa with Frego.

The god is that it is necessary to have no things, only 100,000 years, he has a way to leave from this place.

The appearance of Zhuang Zhong is completely disrupted.

Regardless of the side of the station, there is a victory.

If you can help Frosa, then the true spirit must pass, there is no possibility, even if you can't break the true spirit, you can also drag the true spirit.

This is good for the current swords, but it is better.

Not only can you go out, but at least it will not be recorded after the autumn.

It is a mustbe whether it is anti-water, standing on the side of the true spirit, it is different, not only the big array is going to break, but the Buddha is falling.

No matter what is really spiritually, he can't leave this place.


The sword is unparalleled directly and stopped the big array.

Fergo also stood up. Now, in addition to Zhuang Zhong himself, everyone knows, life and death are in each other.

The true spirits were slow, not in questioning, but leaking a smile, said: "Zhuang Zhong, Zhuang's first strong, the first is the three Wang Ting people!"

"How do you know, who are you?" Zhuang Zhong is very taboo really, although the strength is not as good as him, but the breath of the disagreement can shock him.

The God saw this situation, and even quickly of the sound of the true spirit, and the situation of today's Division.

He is afraid that the Zhuang Zhong is stunned by the true spirit.

The face of Zhuang Zhong listened was changed, then rampant, and there was no one in his heart.

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