Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5567 5562?

"Haha, I really didn't expect, one day I will become the leader, even the dominant temple is destroyed!" Zhuang Zhong is a bit crazy.

His strength is in ancient times, it is a small person, although it is also a robbery, but for the people of the discriminates, even the ant ants are not.

At least, the hijacking of the universe is able to enter the eyes of the disagreement.

He is just a wasteland of the first-entered the robbery. The family forces is also very ordinary. The ancestors are just a strong rumor. In the Sanyang Ting, there is a little bit of voice, but in the discriminates, nothing is.

It is now able to dominate the fading of the temples, how can this not let him mad?

"Discrimination?" Zhuang Zhong bite his teeth.

At the beginning, the three kings were destroyed, and a god of the people of the Discriminated Temple came, they all suppressed them, and they were plundered into the Polysman.

This hatred, he has not forgotten.

The true spirit saw the other party's breath in rising, and full of hostility, the bottom of the heart is also a sink.

This time, it seems to be defeated.

The god Frosa is ecstatic, as long as you can't kill the true spirit, everything is said.

He does not believe in the true spirit dare to make your own.

It's really a come, he also recognizes it, it is inadvertently trapped here.

His gambling is not dare to do.

The inheritor just rises, the true spirit will not give up.

No one can pick up the girders of the Pacific Temple. Once they are trapped here, the Temple can have a strong enemy, there is a rebellion.

The true Lord of the original universe, he is aware, and the other party still cracks the seal, the strength of the Allah is not weak.

At the beginning, I was swallowing the avenue and turned into three realists. One of the original origins of the God were broken, and the five magic owners, the mountains of the magic, the wings of the Xuanwu Temple, as well as the blood of the cloud .

There are two left, one of the wind that is controlled by the true spirit, and it is not known to go to the heart.

Each has a half-step force.

Five, so strong, the strength of the real master is more horrible, the original universe suppressed the realism, the peak period, and the fighting power of the five knockers.

Just hurt, plus the suppression, now there is a three-knocked body, it can be, it can threaten the Buddha.

If the true spirit is still good, there is no true spirit to sit in the town, and the external defense of the Polyson Temple is probably difficult to block the true Lord.

So the true spirit did not dare to gamble, he did not dare to let him enter this place.

There is no real body to come, and you can't stop it at all.

At that time, Fergo returned to the peak, and maybe there is any way to escape this place, otherwise Fosa does not dare to let Fleto come in.

"Stupid!" The true spirit flakes, staring at Zhuang Zhong: "What do you count, I will first get you today!"


The true spirit is not nonsense, and it is directly shot.

Black Yao light flashing, a whole set of universe treasures, the power of the universe, from the arm armor to the hands of the stagnant four-sided light, all of which exudes a dazzling light.

It's just that light is different from the white sunshine, but black light.

True Spirit, the body of Frosta, sitting on the mountain!

Zhuang Zhongyu drunk, and also skyrocketing, incarnation to cover the deceased of the sky.

"Black Yao Lake!"

In the face of such a powerful to treasure, Zhuang Zhong did not retreat, as he said, now he is dominant.

A boxing of the face rushed to the past, and a burst of the ancient times sounded, and the deceased of the darkness was in the darkness.

Everyone looked at the blood boiling.

This is the robbery!

The sword is unparalleled, although the gods will be worthy of the article, but the atmosphere on the other party, let him not be much longer.

He is a Daojun, in this battle, I am afraid that I can't live in this battle, and I will smash it.

"Go, kill them!" The god turned to the people in the big array, saying that the special life behind him: "Don't stay!"

Those special life, I can't stand it, I can't stand it, I heard the true spirit, and I will directly.

Dozens of special life, the gods of the god Frost frown.

If it is an ordinary, it will be, but this is also a special life comparable to half a step, it is very troublesome.

"The rest of the people protect the swords, these people are gave it to me!" Ferigo stood up at this time.

At this moment, it is about the overall situation.

He must first remove these special life.

The gods couldn't help.


The special life of the front, the body is 80,000 times, before entering this place, the true spirit also gives them a lot of treasures, if the strength has skyrocket.

Eight 10,000 times the body is already the limit of the emperor.

Even if you enter the robbery, the body is difficult to increase to 80,000 times.

The other party is a special life, and the born is born.

Like red water, the weakest is the body of the body. Nowadays, it has grown to this point, it is also normal, but the practitioner wants to reach 800,000 dioxin, it is a bit difficult.

Even if it is a special body, it is difficult to do.


The huge palm is coming, and the gods make a golden dragon look Yangxiao.

The strongest special life, one person is entangled in God Fosa.

"Hey, happy, no loss is a robbery!"

The rest of the special life is hot, but it is not together, but the past is rushed toward Fergo.

In these special life, the two special lives of the top three have burst out, and the seven hundred thousand dawn prostitutes are undoubtedly.

"This guy is handed over to us, you go to destroy the big battle!"

Special life, although bloodthirsty, war, mind is not too spiritual, but it is not a fool.

Know it.

Before entering this place, Tao Spirit has already told it. Only one person in the battlefield said, he also listened to his command.


There are dozens of special life, the weakest is more than 60,000 times, and there is a special life of seven thousand times.

In the face of these special lives, everyone standing in the big array is like a dead ash.

"No!" The magic rival is a big man, and the black champion is full of flying, and there is a hidden fever.

The sword is unparalleled, and although this array is a big array of transformation of life, it is still a defense.

For a while, those special life can't be broken.

"What to do!" The sword is unhappy!

This kind of scene has exceeded his ability to range, there is no way at all.

It's hard to be hard!

The sword is unparalleled at the tripartite war group, and it is not right to fight.

The fight against the truth and Zhuang Zhong two is the most fierce, all of which are complete, and the breath is also the most receiving.

Second, the gods and Fyjor are two.

Their two were originally thought that they can interrupted all special lives, and found that the strongest three actually can be matched with them.

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