Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5569 5564 ?? Advise

If he can help him, he will go to help him, now the sixth order emperor, there is no help to him, but it is still a cumbersome.

In fact, it is better to waste energy than to take the opportunity to escape.

Those special life, the right tiger is staring at them, so in the gods of Fosa, they will block those special life.

The sword is unparalleled to calm our emotions.

At this time, you can't fade and fight.

If you don't work, he has to convert ideas, come.

In the present, these strong people are exactly the tripartite.

Zhuang Zhong himself counts one party, the true spirit and special life are one party.

The rest is the god Flossa and Fygo, these two are one side.

In fact, in accordance with the war, it is equal to the three robbery.

The current battle is a deadlock.

If the big array is still, maybe they still have a chance to win, but now there is no big array, as long as he shoots him, the gods and Fygo will pursue the pot.

Now that the situation changes, he is very critical.

If he is still stupid, he is afraid that Trusted will deal with him.

Need an opportunity!

Or a set of speech.

The sword is unparalleled, no hesitation, first give true spirit.

"True Spirit!"

Then the sound of the gods again.

He has a countermeasure.

However, I have to see that true spirit is willing to be willing.

If you prefer, the war can turn it instantly, even internal threats can completely disintegrate, and he will live.

As for the Zhuangzhong, a wasteland, in addition to having some chips in such a shutdown situation, there is no place.

True Spirit and Zhuang Zhong have handed over, both of them, and also noticed the transformation of the situation, with half the heart of the bottom, but only half of the grasp.

Now you still need to fight.

First, it is a key to the sword, and it is the key. Just kill the sword is unparalleled, everything is solved.

Although it is unable to completely eradicate the remaining trouble, the at least take a few era, and after the inheritor, he also didn't care.

"The sword is unparalleled?" The true spirit is a bit surprised.

The other party dared to pass to him.

Isn't it afraid of him to kill him directly?

"The spirit of the true spirit, the current situation, no profit, even if I fall, Fyigo single recovery speed, the end of the day will return to the peak, and the Polyson Temple will have a robbery!"

The true spirit is disdain: "The sword is unparalleled, no matter what, you have to fall today, don't blame me!"

Although it was the bait he arranged in swords, but now there is no sword unparalleled.

As for the sake of the sword, it will make him some disdain, as a strong, how can you come to fight!

The sword is unparalleled to continue the voice persuaded: "The true spirit, do you want to happen after happening?"

"Hey, do you also take this set of fool?"

The true spirit laughed: "This place is the first prison, no one can break!"

"Then what are you doing here?" The sword did not double directly.

If this is really so powerful, why is the true spirit still come.

Isn't it afraid of the means?

Fygo is a giant god, the gods of the five knocked people, put it here, even if there is no means, the true spirit is not at ease!

The true spirits are sinking, and there will be a punch to the Zhuang Zhong, and you want to say anything? "

"The gods don't think you think so!" The sword has no double straight stamp, continue: "The true spirit, they are the gods, the hegemony of the starry sky, we have no deep vetement with them, why do you want to suppress them!"

He chatted with the gods, and knowing that the other party and the people temple did not have any festival.

Since there is no holiday, it is better to make each other out.

Don't go down, no one is good.

Of course, he is the least friendly.

Think about trying to come now, he just wants to have a bit of relationship with the gods, all almost fall.

The last time was taken by the Bai Jun Wang, this time was taken away by the gods.

Both standing with the Polysman Temple.

He doesn't want this, but he is just a chess piece.

In again, the Temple of the Buddha, suppressed the gods, and is not afraid to provoke disasters?

At the beginning, the three kings crack the gods Frosa, but it attracted Fygo, is it really a stronger robbery?

The discrissory is now falling.

Without the disagreement, whether the first prison is still unidirection, it is not good.

After all, the gods can transfer them here, I am afraid there is also a way, maybe this approach requires Frego to resume the peak, or a five-minded strong help.

It is possible.

In this case, it is better to put the other party.

The true spirit heard his persuasion, and he also stunned.

I don't think so.

Although the gods gave the sword unparalleled, some key reasons were missing, maybe the gods did not know, why did the disorder should suppress him.

The true spirit is aware of the reason.

This is also a big reason to Moro time space.

When Mo Luo was destroyed, there were some relationships with the giant gods. In case it comes out, let's get it!

It is much more than the sword.

The current bodies are still an overlord in this time and space, because this place is a long-lasting time and space for a long time.

Just come to a hijacking.

It can be in some time and space, which is more powerful than when Moopo time, and there is a strong robbery.

The Temple is a treasure house in a mobile, in front of that kind of power, is nothing.

Even if there is a lot of backhand, the original intention of the Pranito Temple is to cultivate the inheritor, it is really a big can not be remembered, not only can't cultivate the inheritor, but the people of the Disagree will be trapped.

"The sword is unparalleled, you think too simple!" The true spirit once again opened the Zhuang Zhong.

The breath on him has risen again and wants to get out.

The sword has no double-finish change, but also insists, this is his only way out, can't give up so.

The murder of the true spirit, he is a clear white, then so, he will finish.

"The true spirit, if they are willing to make a life vow?"

I heard my life vows, the true spirit stunned.

This time, the sword is unparalleled, the gods are also heard with Fygop.

This life vow!

That is able to affect the big events of the next ferry, no one will go to the vow.

Fygo turned to look at God Frosa, asked: "You promised?"

The god did not open, but his thoughts were turning.

He did not promise, and he did not refute.

The life of the life can indeed affecting a lot, but also the conditions of vows.

If they swear not to report to the temple, only to let them go out, then it will be better.

But the true spirit doesn't have that ability to put them out, so he has never thought about it.

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