Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5570 5565 Chapter? Don't fight

It is not the same now.

As long as the true spirit promise does not interfere with them, he can also swear out, will not be disadvantaged.

This sale is cost-effective!

So he did not refute.

Zhenling heard this sentence and stunned.

For this oath, he is more clear than the sword.

In the past, there were rooms that didn't swim, so I didn't think of easeness at all, but not dead.

It's not the same now.

Everyone is sitting together.

The sword is unparalleled, and then said: "The true spirit, as long as you swear not to interfere with their plans, they can also swear absolutely unfavorable to the disorders."

Two whole beauty.

Ferigo is very cautious, I can't help but make a hand after it.

It's really like this, you don't need to fight.

After restoring the peak, the gods Frosa had a way to take him out, as for the rewards, he really thought.

One leaving this place, he will notify the family of super strong people.

The Temple of the Disagreement is combined with the power of a time and space, the treasure has a lot of treasures, it is a semi-step partial part.

The seven robbery is very hot.

Of course, he is not willing to let go, you can see it in the form, you can go out, you can discard it.

Flossa looked nodded in Fergo, both of them were almost.

I have neitched the difference now.

The sword is unparalleled. He is not afraid of the true spirit to gamble, and there is a super existence in the future inheritance. At that time, Jiego can go out from the first prison, but also in the boy, it can be kill.

True is also afraid, in case there is no longer a six-hearted orientation, how can the number of five hobbies?

Distake himself mobilize the sea of ​​this source, dealing with Fygo is too tapped.

Fergo's peak war has a half-step six-step.

The true spirit mobilizes the sea of ​​this source, nor the opponent, can only rely on the land to deal with.

Too late.

"The sword is unparalleled, this time you have a big job!" Zhenling finally gave up the adventure, chose peace talk.

Zhuang Zhong heard this, but it was stunned.

do not fight?

Talk peace talk?

What should he do?

"Frosa, do you dare to play me?" Zhuang Zhong is very atmosphere, it is hard to get to now, becoming the protagonist, the result is not hit.

Then he hasn't used it, maybe both parties will cooperate first.

Zhuang Zhong quickly retreated, brow wrinkle.

True spirit turned to the other party, cold channel: "Zhuang Zhong, you beg for now, I can spare you, take you out!"

A robbery, but also a complete robbery, and the rise is also available.

It is a good helper, the premise is that the other party will return, and the oath is oath.

If so, the true spirit can go around the other party.

More important reason is that he is like knowing how this guy escaped from the purgatory.

This is critical, because those who are detained in the purgatory, some even don't have opponents, absolutely do not allow errors.

And the purgatory is the core of the Diva Temple, only to the sea of ​​this source.

There is no error there.

Zhuang Zhong bite his teeth and furiously stared at Fosa. Although he was a bit, it was not stupid.

Frosa abandoned him, he couldn't only turn his head, let him play!

The gods of the gods didn't take care of the Zhuang Ben, but he looked at the throne: "I will open the vows, the things of Zhuang Zhong, I still don't have anxious!"

He is also afraid that Zhuang Zhong has just turned on true spirit, and the true spirit will do it again.

At this point, although it is much more, it is not possible to go out from this way.

"No problem, but in advance, I have a good oath!" The true spirit doesn't care, he is more vooked.

The two sides officially talk, and they start to discuss vows.

The sword is unparalleled.

This crisis is resolved.

If there is no reconciliation, he will only hide the watch the game.

However, it is always trapped here, think about what is nothing to follow.

The strong, should go to the starry sky, walk through the space of each universe, is constrained with the fall, it is better to give each other to a happy.

Those special life stood aside, but it is a bit boring.

Handed over and licking.

"This is the end?"

The special life of Eight 10,000 times the body is obviously not addicted, it is very regret.

"I thought it would be exciting, but so!"

The sword is not a double distance is not far, hear the other party's words, and the bottom is soaked.

Fighting to now, in fact, there is not much behind the two sides, and the true spirit is sent to each other. It is definitely not prepared to prepare, after all, no grasp.

Just make one of the embarrassment of the shadow of the shadow, nothing.

If he is very big, the other party can't pick it up.

There is also the god Frosa, but also prepared numerous era, the back hand will not be less than the true spirit, and it is also useless.

I really want to make it, I am afraid that these special life will not live a few.

Now I can stand here, it is very good, and these special life come in is true, I can't go out is a problem, and I will still think about playing.

The two sides have a time, and it is finally oath.

"No problem, my requirements are not too much!" The true spirit took the meat of the mouth and looked at Frosa.

Frosa is frowned, cold channel: "You can't appear in a time and space with the Different Temple, it is a bit too much!"

He also understood the map of the Temple, not only to cultivate the inheritor. I am afraid that I will go to some more powerful time and space beforewards. In case it is, do he have to hide?

Don't forget, he is a goddess of gods, but he also wants to fight time and space.

Don't you give up?

"Hey, so many time and space, do you want to be enemies with the people of the people?" Zhenling smashed, angry.

God is Wrosa is not willing to show weakness.

In order to this, it is entangled in an hour.

The sword is unparalleled to see it, and you can't have a lot of time, and you will take a step.

Entanglement is so long, and finally, you can return halfway, you can be in the same time, but Frosa is not able to threaten the power of the Polyson Temple.

Even the steps are not going.

Frosa is also satisfied with this, because both parties cannot enter their respective forces, which is also beneficial to him.

"Okay, since there is no problem, I swear according to the vows above!"

"Wait ..." Frosa called the true spirit.

The true spirit is somewhat incomprehensible: "Are you finished?"

"It's almost a witness!" Said Fossa.


In fact, there is no, but in order to officially, it is still a good job.

The true spirits beads move, and turned to the sword.

The gods also saw it.

The two stared at the sword and unparalleled.

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