Sword Master of All Dao

Cap 5571 5566 ?? witness

"Oath, Frosta!" The sword is unparalleled, there is a position in the middle of the two people, and the sound is high.

In his hand, he also took a jade lottery. The top is the vow, I thought that two sentences were almost the same. I didn't expect two people to listening to thousands of vows in it. Among them, the ring loop is deducted, he all I didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

Although he felt some embarrassment, Shen Lingfrosa and true spirits were very serious, and after hearing his name, he responded.

Frosta Previous step, high voice: "in!"

"Oath, true spirit!"

Truming is also going forward, the sound is tight: "in!"

"Do you have two people ..." The sword is unparalleled, this time is the part of him, and the time to say a fragrant time.

The god Furisa and the true spirit are the face of the pride on the face. After all, it is all the two people.

"I am willing!" The two replied at the same time!

The sword has no double dry cough, and continue to say: "Let's start!"


"My giant god, Frosa!"

"My Ap of Temple, the first true spirit!"


A big string of vows, the foot is half an hour, it is not completed.

At the moment of the swearing success, the stars in the stars came, and then incorporated into the origins of the two.

If Frosta is violating the vows, the robbery will fall.

The true spirit is because it is not a practitioner, so put the border of the origin of the people, if it is violated, the sea collections of the source.

Without the sea of ​​this source, the Buddha Temple is just an empty shell.

This insurance, the true spirit dares to take it.


The sword is unparalleled, and it is finally completed.

"The sword is unparalleled, this time you do a good, the gods in this source of the origin have left, the source is yours!" The true spirit is pleased.

Thousands of origins, in fact, this will be unparalleled, this time is also a boat.

The sword is very excited, this time it will not only keep the life, but also get the source of all things, so naturally.

When you respect your life, you will be able to answer your questions: "Thank you for your true spirit!"

"Okay, still recover the strength of this seat, I will leave since this place!" Fergo did not speak, and now I can't help but remind the opening.

The true spirit slightly raised his hand, showing that the special life is retired, rising a big array again.

This big array was originally used to stand, and now it seems to be full of gods, and it will have a break.

The sword is unparalleled with Fleto into the big array, and the gods will follow.

"This time, I will restore my injury!" Frosta is still unstable.

I am afraid that I will reappear, and his source resumption is faster and only takes ten years.

At that time, there is a complete robbery, even if there is any change, there is also a bottom gas.

It is not intended to this, the knee is sitting in the center of the array, starting to restore its own source.

The sword is unparalleled to help the gods Furisa began to fix the other party.

As for the fellowship of true spirit, it is watched in the distance.

Anyway, just a part, there is nothing in this place, and the Zhuang Zhong is chatting, asking the impact of the purgatory.

Zhuang Zhong low, some desolate, changed the previous sense of hair, whispered: "The purgatory does have an accident, and it has fallen a few robbers!"

The true spirits became bigger, he did not know.

Although it is unable to enter the purgatory, he is able to induce each other.

Those familiar atmals are clear, how can I fall?

"It is swallowed!" Zhuangzhong face is moving, and there is fear in the eye hole.

When the true spirit heard the words swallowed, it was also a shock!

But soon, I will respond, I asked: "Is that really?"

"It's ancient king!" Zhuang Zhong was somewhat blind.

He almost falls in the purgatory. The strength of the other party is too terrible. Fortunately, he is only a small person in the purgatory. The ancient king of Allah did not care about him, but mass sagged the Lord of the universe and swallowing the other party.

Although the people of the universe fallen, the origin was swallowed in the body, and the breath was natural.

So the true spirit did not find it.

"Gu Jun!" The true spirit heard the back color of the name.

Three major realists, fallen, turned into five magic owners.

There are two two, I originally thought that I didn't know the temple, I didn't expect the scourge or left.

Perhaps it is the original body kindness, and I don't want to put it out of the stars.

The suppression of one of them.

The true spirit is slightly closed, and the subject matter returns to the present.

In the sea of ​​this source, Zhenling sat in the view of the sea and began to show.

At the same time, it is still swallowing some memory debris, which is the memory of the disagreement.


The true spirit of the true spirit opens the scorpion at the same time.

The brain has a large picture, as well as the conspiracy of the three high hands.

The first prison.

The spirit of the true spirit is a bit cold, staring at the Zhuang Zhong, asked: "How is the strength of the ancient monarch?"

After aware of the conspiracy of those Allah, or the original evil spirits were passed to the death of the origin, so that the other party has been remembering.

All this is still the root of the disaster left.

Although the purgatory is strong, it is a time and space to treasure, but the power is also limited. In case it is broken by the other party, the Buddha Temple is really complete.

"It is comparable to the original wilderness!" Zhuang Zhong replied.


The bottom of the true spirit.

The strength of the wilderness is the peak of the six robbery. It can be rampant in the position of the three, and it is only a discriminant that it is possible to stabilize the waste.

The remaining three hexacids, and one is a new Jin six-robbery. In the other two, there is still a temple, the true spirit knows, but the strength of the waste is the three gods. The most powerful.

Ancient Jun can be comparable to the shortage, which has a lot of remembals with him.

At the beginning of the three realisms, it was not so strong.

How can I enhance this now.

It's good to fall.

Now one is suppressed in the original universe, one in purgatory.

Both are on the temple, like a stone.


This is a robbery of the Temple.

I can't hide.

Now I just solved the gods of the gods, and there was a bigger hidden danger.

Ancient king's kind of madman, can be so good, I really have to come out, I have to give the bodges.

I was afraid after the truth, I was well known in advance, and I could respond in advance.

"You say, there is a crack in the battle, the cracks, how are you?" The true spirit couldn't believe that the purgatory can be time and space, how can there be spatial cracks.

Zhuang Zhongtou nodded, firmly said: "Thousands of true, it is a spatial crack, just in front of me, only I am escaped, then I don't know why it will appear here."

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