Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5572 5567??

This is troublesome.

In case the crack appears again, the ancient king can come here at any time.

"However, several battles did not have a space, I didn't have a space, I fled that time I was also strange, the battle was not the most fierce, the ancient king killed the two four-stricken power, the crack suddenly appeared!" Zhuang Zhong is also very confused.

When the ancient monarch appeared, there was no crack with several five-minded border, but when killing the strongest, there was a spatial crack.

Perhaps this is nothing to do with the battle, it is likely to have a problem in the purgatory.

The true spirit also thought of this.

If it is really a problem, things are big.

It is not very fast in the speed of ancient jun, and now it is only to swallow a number of three kilobayes and talents, still digesting the results.

There are still many times left to him.

The more the ancient monarch is engraving the source of the origin, the more powerful, the stronger strength.

Now it is comparable to the shortage, and it has reached the peak of six puffs.

If the robustness of the purgatory is swallowed, I am afraid it can reach half-step seven.

By then, the fissure is coming out, and the temple is really finished.

The five hobbies can also be suppressed, and the six robbery will have a lot of rear hands to stand, one half-step seven robbery ........

The consequences could be disastrous.

The pressure instantly came to the true spirit.

"The damn, why didn't you leave so many scourge!" Zhenling is very annoyed.

At the beginning, the people should kill all these people.

What should I do if he left him a rotten set.

He is just a true spirit, it can't go out, in the inside of the Polyson Temple, there is a fight against the peak of the hobby.

It is necessary to mobilize the sea of ​​this source for half a step, he is a little bit.

I can only hope that the power of the purgatory.

Time and space to treasure, even if no one can manipulate, it should not be difficult to suppress a half-step seven.

The true spirit is comforted, and then asked many situations on the inside of the purgatory, it slowly closed the scorpion.

The inheritor's cultivation has to speed up.

Can't be dragged again.

In these years, there have been several ultimate emperors. After these little guys arrived at the sixth order, the four secrets have not been able to experience the ultimate emperor of these potentials.

The larvae of the original universe has nothing to do with a strong strong, naturally, it is natural to send it to other powerful time and space.

Framed here, the recovery of the Moshio et al., The real body is starting with the tomb mountain, and it is constantly arranged various trials and tempers those ultimate road.

Only enough ultimate emperor can cultivate a hobby.

Under his cultivation, it has already broken.

There is one or two, you can continue to cultivate the hijacker with this experience.

After the ultimate emperor became a robbery, it was stronger than that of the emperor of the usual trend. As long as it is the ultimate tribener, it can become a strong force after the robbery.

Then control a universe, the speed of cultivation will skyrocket, and it can quickly become a strong force.

This is the ultimate advantage, from the road, the emperor, and the robbery, the more obvious.

So the true spirit will go to the blood and cultivate those ultimate priests.

As for the emperor of the ordinary source, it is like a fish, as a green leaf.

It is also necessary to cultivate a special emperor of individual origins.

One million years, but a drop in the long river of time and space, instantly evaporate.

It is open from the Buddhist Temple. It has passed a hundred million years, and today's trials have been calculated in accordance with the universe unit.

Once only the original universe in the Polysman, and the surrounding universe plunder trials, today's scope has expanded to a whole time and space.

The hand of the Polysman is bigger than what they imagine.

In the tomb mountain, even the veteran palace, it has begun to issue a large number of tasks, all of which are plundering tasks.

Take the six-order episode, plundering a seat universe.

As long as it is a Deman, one will not let go, I will take it away, and the demands require it very strict.

Sometimes a universe of the Dynamic is taken away from 90%, but the big Daman is talking to the monarch, but it is not enough to take it.

Most of the Deman have not been developed, and the Qiankun has not been determined. It has a bright future. Dagan is constantly constitutive, and the tricks will be consumed to be rude and wasting in some waste.

The external dry wind is fire, and there is a great competitive pressure inside the Polyson Temple.

A group of battles were born, and the five-level emperor who once told the proud of them quickly.

In the heritage of the same batch of swords and other people, some of the more powerful Daojun, such as Jiuyu Road, Tong Tianfu, enter the Difficult Temple, ranking the first five hundred, trials in the universe in Da Dai Xian End to enter the tomb mountain is a sense of wind, and it can be comparable to Wanxing's Wan Daojun.

After successful, crossing the emperor, millions of years, cultivating the five-order episode, although there is time acceleration in the middle, maybe cultivate hundreds of millions of years, can be considered a top hectorome.

But now, it is only a five-order peak emperor. In the back of the heritage, six-order episode has appeared, but it is not more than it.

This also leads to the previous inheritor to be more crazy, but also desperately desperate than later inheritors.

The five-order Emperor is still in the four major secrets, and the sixth order episodes have almost left the people of the people and go to the long river of time and space.

A small portion of the country went to the ground.

The disappearance of the gods, so that the city has stopped, but the murchatria of the changed trocharmonic Brolen has never stopped.

Nowadays, it has become a penetration, but it is still looking for his own killing fever.

The outside world has changed the earth-shaking changes, as for the fact that the sword is unparalleled, it has been thrown behind the brain, no one will mention again.

It will also think of a few hearts that are close to the sword.


On the dark ruins, a giant willus tree in the thunderstorm is taken, Hui Qingyi is sitting in the ruins, but a white robes are spotless.

He did not leave the Polyson Temple with the general trend, but in this ruin, Zen is a million years.

When you open your scorpion again, the star in the eye hole rotates, the star river is agglomerated.

"Master!" Standing on the willow trees that were smashed by thunder, Jiang Yan saw the master opened his eyes and was surprised.

She also thought that she would practice hundreds of millions of years here, I didn't expect to go so soon.

Over the years, Jiang Yan has followed Huiqing four major secrets, and has been to the tomb mountain. I have a lot of knowledge, and I know how strong my potential is.

Military practice, it became sixth-order emperor, she knows that all this is related to the spirit of the grass in the body.

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