Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5573 5568 Chapter?? Terror Dragon

Her origin is the true spirit of the grass.

Take over countless classics, and never heard of the source of who's original.

This secret, only she is aware of two people, never mentioned the outside.

Hui Qing slowly got up, looked up to see the girl on the willow, leaking a smile, said: "We should go!"

"Good!" Jiang Yan nod agrees, and very happy.

In this ruins, she is not bored.

Ginger jumped from the willow tree, but when contacting the ground, the bottom of the heart was a movement.

That is the trembling of this source!

The face of ginger is cold, and the mood is also broken.

"Nothing, I am!" Hui Qing took the shoulders of Jiangsu, helping the other party to repeated the mood, full of wisdom.

He stopped cultivation, but he is not going, but someone is coming.

And look like it, or an acquaintance.

Deep ruins, among the black fog, a shadow, high glory, and the green warfare is horrible.

The fog on the waste, accompanied by a destroyed scream, dungee is not anxious, handling the ruins in the ruins of the fifth-order Dijun, walk toward Hu Qing and others.

The shares are oppressed, let the ginger next to them are shrinking, and the spirit of the grass in the body is more thrilled.

Hui Qing got to go, there is no surprise, but it is very calm.

Staring at the shadow of the Qingjia, a little: "Why bother, keep it for so long!"


The epithelium has stopped, and stepped on the brown bones of the ground and made a burst of smashing.

"I am inadvertent, I'm really a heart, Hu Qing, I am very optimistic, I hope you can understand!"

Tsingjia's shadow opens, black fog dispersion, leaked out.

The people are the owner of the Qinglong Temple. In addition to the true spirits in the Diva Temple, the strongest strong powerful, a powerful horror is very simple, it is not as simple as half a step, he is a super power that can be robbed. Only than the original declined emperor weak.

If you go to the North Wang Tower, you will have a minimum of eighty floors.

Be strong than those will be.

This kind of person actually secretly followed Huqing.

The most horrible thing is Hui Qing actually knows.

Finally, Jiang Yan did not dare to look with each other, and his eyes have been dodging, returning to Hui Ying.

She once met the dragon. It was in the big summer emperor, but the time of the dragon one is not them, so there is not much pressure. If you really face, you feel more horrible.

Hu Qing face is still calm, saying: "Since there is no intention to the temple, why need it is difficult for me!"

"You really have to protect her?" Dragon is so eyebrows.

Since Hua Qing can find him, it will understand that it is not for Huqing, but ginger.

The spirit of the grass in the body is the biggest hidden danger of Wanzang, must be removed.

The true spirit did not hesitate to this, as long as the strength of the other party exceeded his bottom line, it will be cleaned up immediately.

The spirit of the grass is more terrible than other threats.

The so-called mountain is not a two tiger, and there is only one true spirit of the Polysurgery.

The true spirit of this source can be swallowed with each other. This is also the reason why Zhenli wants to kill ginger.

So directly dispatching the dragon and staring, but unfortunately Hui Qing has never had a chance to do it, now the strength of Jiang Yu has reached the sixth order episode, and the source of the source is also upgraded to the hierarchy, true spirit. I can't bear it, plus the pressure of ancient monarch, can't be soft.

Even if you are evil, you have to kill ginger.

This time, I didn't open it, my heart sighed. He also understood a lot of specific reasons. After all, I stared for so many years.

It can be one of the four major temples. This is to cultivate the inheritor, but now you have to shoot a heritor, he is still a bit couldn't bear.

After all, Hui Qing did not betray the Buddha temple as swords, but the old man's truthful cultivation, the people, the mood, the potential, and the future will be the candidate of the three gods.

Nowadays, in the inheritor, there are many strong people inheritance in the three gods, but it will eventually be inherited, but Hu Qing has that potential, and there is that strength.

This superior inheritor, the stronger of the staples on the future, but now I have to go on the opposite side.

It is a pity.


The dragon has skyrocketed, and there is an unbeatable atmosphere.

He still wants to let Huizhen know, you can't stop him at all!

Know the character of Huiqing, but you have to do this, it can be seen that he has to see heavy Huqing.

Not only the Qinglong Temple, even the white tiger temple and the Zhu Xue Temple have a high evaluation of Huiqing, and the resources are more fully supported. The true spirit is to open the three kings in Huqing, so Hui Qing successfully.

"Hand!" Hui Qing's eyebrows shine, there is a strong sense of eyes, he can't give up your disciples.

He also has a heart, a heart that must be guarded.

This is what he learned from the master.

On the big battle, in the face of hundreds of millions of bones, nine Tung Dami, guarding him did not retreat, generously died.

Nowadays, he will retreat, how can you dare to retreat.

If it is retreat, it is violating his own mind. He can't view the peak for a lifetime.

In order to guard everything, he is willing to fight!

"Master, I will not lose your face!"

The robes floating, in the mud, a white robe is on the sky, and the enemy is abducted.

The dragon is in front of it, and the heart is shocked!

Just a breath, you can force him.

"How can it be?"

It is possible to force him to retreat, and Hui Qing's strength is much better, but he feels clear that Hui Qing is just a six-order peak emperor.

How can I enhance this.

"You still hide the strength!" Dragon is a eye-catching, incredibly staring at Hui Qing.

Hui Qing handshey ten, only the face is grim, there is no good eyebrows.


This pair of honors is true.

The dragon started, and the breath on the body rose again, and the face has a highlights, smiled: "It seems that there is a battle."

Originally thought that it would be crushing, I didn't expect Hui Qing and hide the strength. He really had to treat it seriously.

At this moment, he is also very excited. I didn't expect Hui Qing's potential to strengthen this. In this case, I went to the hierarchy.

"Please!" Hui Qing raised his hand and made a pose.

Just this time, the two are not polite, and they will take them directly.

The two huge breath trembles together, and Jiang is hiding in the distance, and the face is pale.

Although the two did not speak, she had some guess, it is very likely to be because of her.

She has heard of the powerful dragon one, is very worried about the master, Hui Qing is the only relative of her in the world. When her brother died, she would never allow the master to leave from her.

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