Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5574 5569 ?? Huang's power

A pair of little hands died, nails spn the hand, the bright red blood month flows out, drops on the ruins.

The ruins are over, the two have a fierce battle.

The stronger the dragon is stronger, the breath has risen, but Huang's breath is constantly weakening.

Even if I arrived at the hierarchy, I can play with the dragon one of this strong man or very hard, especially in the experience of killing, but also crushed.

One don't pay attention, countless boxing shadow, Hui Qing's eye is shining, the figure instantly disappears, hiding the past, have not waited for him to stop, the back is there, is the dragon one.


A heavy leg, kicked in Hui Qing back, after which a dullness, he crushed Huqing's flesh, along with the tear of the body.

Huang's body is a heavy ruin, and the whole ruins are depressed.

Looking at the ginger in the eyes is unbornful, but her strength is, I am afraid that a round can't stop, only let the master are distracted.

It can only be seen.

It can be unconscious, her breath is constantly rising, that is not a leap of the upper limit.

I quickly arrived at the edge.

In the deep pit of the ruins, Hui Qing's white robe fragmented, slowly stood in the ruins, there are some blood in the mouth, and the injury on the body starts recovery in the case of the naked eye.


The hand is pulled down, leaking a set of black floating clothes, and consistent with Huqing.

His flesh was broken, but the black brocade did not even crack.

The power of the dragon is enough to destroy ordinary eternal tobao, but this dress is not broken, it is obviously not everything.

This is a peak eternal to treasure.


Hui Qing turned his mouth with blood, slightly, and looked up to look at the dragon in the air, the face is very calm.

Just fight, but it is warm up.

Dragon is a chabrow, this time is not surprised Hu Qing's strength, but found that the other party is very calm.

"Huiqing, are you not afraid?"

Staring at Huiqing, Long Yi is very doubtful, the other party is not using full, he is not hidden.

After all, it is a heritage, he doesn't want to directly crush Huqing.

I really have to use it. I am afraid that I just got Huqing fell.

In the Diva Assist, in addition to the true spirit and other three temples, no one can resist him.

It's so confident!

As for the other three temples, it is not because the other side has more, but they are all the same, it is the body, and the robbery is hard to kill them.

Unless it is the strong man who has mastered the universe, it can be paced on the front.

The ability to defense is strong than the original declined emperor.

Hui Qing can't stop him!

He is just not willing to hurt Huiqing, it is best to resolve peace and turn the girl.

Although he is a puppet, you can also understand the hearts of people.

Hui Qing's shape is vacant, straight up the dragon one, the sound is flooded: "My master teaches, don't be afraid!"

At the beginning, his masters can not be afraid of death, in order to protect him, all fall.

The sword is unparalleled, desperately protects him, escaped from the body of the corpse, and it is blocked in front of him.

At this moment, it is possible to retreat when he takes him to guard.

Long Yi sighed, shook his head, then the eyes also changed some changes, said: "Don't blame me!"

This time, he will not be closed, it will be seriously injured directly, then take away ginger.

No way, everything is for the overall situation!

Threatening the true spirit, that is, threatening the whole of the people temple, he has to do it.

If it is other reasons, he is willing to go to seek love, and even violate the will of the true spirit.

"Yulong Shangbin!" Dragon angered, and the body of the body began to jitter.


After the back of the broth broke, there was a barbar, and the dragon tail was rolled from behind, and the face directly made a dragon state.

At this moment, the strength of Long Yi has directly surpassed God, but it is just his half of his war, but it is enough to deal with Huang.

Now Huqing's strength, the most comparable to Wu Zuo, you can compare it to Zuo Zhi, it is very powerful.

When the horrible breath, the Hui Qing shooked out thousands of miles directly.

Under a light beam, it reluctantly blocked the waves, and the Huang Qing, who was stabilized, and his own mistakes, the observation of the eyebrow, the strength also reached the peak.


Dragon One Show Peak Secret Method, Hui Qing also showed that he had just upgraded to the secret method of the cosmic secret.

For a time, the two of the two is very fierce.

It can be seen that the strength is great.

The strength of Long Yi has enrich a level than Huiqing.

This battle, there is no suspense!


Strong breath, tearing the space of the people, the dragon one through the space, unilaterally crushed Huqing.

This is a double pressing of the realm and strength.

Hui Qing arrived on the pendant, because creating the realm of cosmic secrets, space, or black hole, did not reach the universe.

Just a big loss, I have a big loss.

The breath of the dragon is started to fall.

It is good to go back to school, but the core of the three gods, the core of the "round to the Holy Lord", now has been improved by Huiqing, has reached the level of the cosmic secret law, can be barely block the first hit of Long Yi.

! !

The sound of angular explosion sounded, and the ginger in the distance heard the sound, but he didn't see the body shape of the two.

At this time, the atmosphere has risen to the hierarchical ginger, can't see two people, there is too much in the space realm.

! !

The two shadows appeared in the moment, and after the time of fighting, they disappeared again.

Jiang Wei can only feel the breath of Huiqing Master, and the Dragon One of the Yulong Shangbin is a stronger battle.

Call! !

Hui Qing's big mouth gasped, once again, after a punch, the flesh began to break, this time is really broken, even the power of repair is not.

He has reached the point of burning, and no burn is not burned. He is likely to be hit by the Dragon.


"The body burn!" Hui Qing's eye hole burst and started to force the body.

From the basis of 50,000 times, you will continue to rise!

50,000 times, 60,000 times, 65,000 times!

"Ah !!!" Huiqing broke out completely, and he glared in.

Who can think of Wen Wenya, a temptated Huqing will have such a madness.


Forcibly burning, the body is instantaneous transformation into strength.

It's a hundred-year-old population, Hui Qing is like a God, a hand holds a stick, hold a punch, biting the face, and biting his teeth, the blood is flowing down in the mouth, and has already fallen into a crazy realm.

The dragon is shaking, and the next moment, he waves his right hand. After the body, there was a bloody cloak in an instant, and a long gun shocked by hundreds of millions of years came.

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