Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5577 5572?

"This time, I am a lot of unparalleled brothers!" The brother of Frosa pulled him directly with the sword unparalleled relationship.

The sword is unparalleled, you can think that the other party will be able to get over, it is still very happy.

He mixed this point today, half of the reasons, is the god of Furosa, and half is because of U.

It's a giant pit, the gods!

For the attentiveness of the gods, swords are unparalleled, they will not be true, they don't dare to be true, the true spirit next to it can still look at it, can't be too enthusiastic, it can't be too humble, since the other party wants to talk to him, he is not polite, When you have cough, you said: "Little things!"

It's best to make it easy, and the true spirit is happy to see.

"This is not a small thing, I am privately owed by you, I have encountered, I have a welcome, use the place, although I said, especially some place is not used to it, come to me, this order You are holding, all those who have encountered my giant gods, as long as I take this token, they will be no danger! "

This is very domineering, but it is not doubt that the other party is exaggerated.

The giant god is really this strength!

The sword is unparalleled, I really have a little bit moving for a while, and I have the meaning of derogation of the temple in the other party. He is hesitant for a time. Is it still!

"Since it is given, you will accept it!" Zhenling saw the entanglement of swords and unparalleled tangles, surely atmospheric, and took the initiative to help the swords unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and it dares to accept the order, and he is grateful to the true spirit.

There is a complete ending.

The strongest black hand covered in the four major secrets is about to withdraw from the history of the Polysman.

Unlucky Frosta, frankly Fergog, and Herasa that have not been incubated.

Three giant gods, walk into the channel.

Frosa looked back and followed the passage straight.

Since the birth, he is in the Polyson Temple, which is also his first hometown.

The sword is unpaired by their back, and the heart is completely relieved.

The true spirit is very relaxed on the side, and finally, these people will be sent away, and the four major secrets of the future will resume calm, and completely become the back garden of the inheritor.

As for a bigger suffering, it is in the purgatory, he can't help it, you can only take a step.


After the truth collapsed, he turned his head to the few people left by Frosa.

In addition to the sword, there is also the old man of the Mono State, and several emperors.

It is not a threat, but since it is a dead, there is no need to stay, and several emperor will make a powder.

Magic is a big body, he is not a dead, I have long known that there will be such a day, there is no resistance, but closed my scorpion.

"Wait!" The sword has no double hard and scalp, said: "The true spirit, he is not a dead, can you go around him, let him go to the mine to make a mine, come to make up for a big mistake!"

Wu Zhuo saw this, even busy with the sword, there is no double opening: "True spirit, this time, this time, these chickens are the dog, the little, or let it work!"

The magic rival is old, although the heart is not afraid, you can also want to live!

When the bottom of the heart, the sword is unparalleled with Wu Z.

The true spirit scanned the black and glanced, just a eye, let Wu Zhi closed his mouth and retired.

However, it's just a good, since the opening is mentioned, there is no need to add a slaughter.

Now in the inheritor, no matter what he has been optimistic, it is still unlocuous, he is a sin.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will be sent to the treasures, and you can stay.

Can Hui Qing is different, and one of the dead brains.

At the beginning, there was so big cost training, and the result was cultivated to come out.

I don't know if I have a ghost around!

For ginger, the true spirit can not be soft, this threat is larger than the gods.

Due to the giant gods, you can also defeat the dequore, but the origin of the ginger body, can be similar to him, if you suddenly take him, how to do he suddenly!

However, now he has already paid!

"In this case, then I will spare him. As for the mine, I don't need to go. I will follow the sword without double as a guard person. The last thing, I can't happen anymore!" The true spirit said that it is very emotionally. It is almost lost a general!

Wu Zuo is very surprised, the bottom is also more confirmed, and the sword will definitely be the controller of the Discrimpious Temple. Otherwise, the true spirit can not take such a price to save the sword.

The heart is secretly decided, be sure to hug the sword unparalleled future.

He thought that this is all the credits of true spirits. If you know that in the first prison, the true spirit will always handle the sword without double, I don't know what to think.

I know that all swords are unparalleled, but I don't think so, the true spirit is so polite, maybe there is no good thing.

This time he won't believe in the true spirit, even if he kills him, he will not stop!

"Right, these special life, all of them are sent to the magic sound mountain, give to the magic sound!" The true spirit threw that there is still a group of headaches to solve.

There are also dozens of special life.

Originally, they left them in the first prison. After discovering the situation in the purgatory, they did not dare to stay in these people. What do you do if you have any problems!

As for the original promise, he will not perform its commitment.

The true spirit pointed to the robbery of the robbery, and the opening: "You also go together, watching these guys, when will I want to bring the gods of the gods, when they put them out!"

After hearing the special life, the face changed!

If you want to open your mouth, you can't do it.

The Zhuang Zhong has already become a true spirit of the horse, there is no complaint, can only be taken.

It is good to come out.

After the name of the Zhuang Zhong, Wu Z. He is a little surprised. He is aware of the other party. It is just that the two is the way, and they will go forward.

I used to be a disciple of a disciple, Zhuang Zhong also naturally knows Xiao Zuo, since it is a master, two people are also coming.


Three people left.

True, sword is unparalleled, and the magic is old.

"Hey, this time you really have a big power. You can go directly to the Yuan Lao Palace directly. You can rest assured, no one will be difficult for you!" The true spirit said seriously.

This time the sword is unparalleled, I believe the other party, I don't believe it.

The true spirits turned to indicate that the Magic Region is old and then returned, then the next junction is careful: "I still have a thing here, to remind you!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it has also rely on the past, and the two people gave the hands, so that the color of the sword was completely sinking.

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