Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5578 5573 ?? Two requirements

"Do you have this?"

The true spirit has nodded, and sighed: "I just got a knowledge, this is a big cause, the little girl is now able to seriously hurt the dragon!"

"Dragon is not an opponent?" The sword was unparalleled!

At the beginning, he didn't care, it would be like this.

From the true spirit, he learned that Jiang Yan took Huqing, looking for him around, and he hates the blood!

The dragon who can't see it personally and old, and the result was seriously injured by ginger.

This is over!

The sword is not a little in the bottom of the sword. If he is sixth order, he is not afraid, it can be seriously injured, and it is much better.

He is not an opponent at all!

At the same time, it was also surprised that this thing is a disaster of the top, but for the true spirit, it is the matter between the men, it is so be careful.

This makes him skeptical, and the eyes are somewhat staring at the true spirit.

Behind the hands of the truth, then dry cough, continue: "I don't want you, this ginger is to let you revenge, before going to Wanzang Sen, stealing a ban, the strength will skyrocket, because Hui The reason, I am not good, so I have to help, but all this is because of you, you have to be responsible! "

"I am responsible?" The sword is unparalleled, because Huqing's relationship, the true spirit is not good, is he shot?

Even if it is good, it is not an opponent!

Is this not let him send it?

"The true spirit, don't know Hui Qing is my life and death?" The sword is unparalleled, I don't want to pick this pot, turn the head to one side, my heart is firm, swear unyielding!

He is really life and death brothers with Huaqing, how many times have been facing together, how can it go to each other.

Zhenling continued to persuade the guide: "It's not letting you go to Huqing, just let you eradicate ginger!"

"Adult, you can don't play me, where is her opponent, not to send it!" The sword is unparalleled is also the head.

The true spirit quickly waved, saying: "No, no, she is also seriously injured, the strength has fallen to the sixth order emperor, and Huiqing is still sleeping, this is a great opportunity!"

"Then I will not go!" The sword is unparalleled has already identified a good thing, directly refuses the true spirit.


A light appearance appeared in the hands of the true spirit, let the sword on the side are unparalleled, and thought that the true spirit is madness to do it.

The face of the true spirit is extremely wretched under the shine of the light, especially the two beans, the size of the eyes!

"You don't go, just this top level to treasure, I will give others, and I want to remind you, the battle between the men, I will not intervene, you killed the Torn I didn't say anything, when ginger recovered the strength, I went to you, I won't manage! "Zhenling almost wrote the two words on the face.

How to give a sugar first, and then stick to the truth.

The sword has no double one to grasp the crystal ball in the light and shadow, bite and bite.

Siliterism, it is indeed some treasures and experience, but the heritage when he is in the three king of the three Kings, is too much.

Two compared with scrap copper rotten iron.

However, there is always no strong, he has now arrived on the verge of the glide, which is also a snow in the snow.

Of course, this is not enough!

If the sword is unparalleled, if there is anything in the mustard, this time his receipt is not small, not this crystal ball, his beast will have recovered, and there is a unique improvement of the gods, now it has arrived Body of the beast native.

That dripping is also a key role.

Also from the gods, some messages about the outside world are also worthless.

But these are the gods to him, and the real spirit takes a broken crystal ball to try to send him, but it is not so easy. As for the origin, this is his, it is not a reward, so he began to think about some needs. Treasure, prepare to extort the fraud.

I want to go, I have something to do.

His body does not need to improve, there is a home source, the space realm can also break through the black hole, and finally there is a state of mind, but this is no way to lean.

Waiting for him to solve more and more inflated causal robbery, it should also be able to break through.

It is nothing wrong with it, then it will mention it.

He has asked the gods. There is no fall in the end of the White Junwang. From the gods, he knows that the Bai Jun Wang is flying.

And the present is falling in ancient times.

One thing, the Budget of the Bai Jun is in ancient times, it is falling in the boy, which can use the sea of ​​this source.

It can recover the Arunzer of the ancient times, and the other party does not know him at all.


The sword is unparalleled, and he still wanted to recover Nie Yuan. He tried from Nie Yuan 's home to the true meaning of the ultimate sword.

Jian said, from the end of the micro-end, immediately want to welcome his own success, his feelings of the swords, more grateful for those who helped him to have a lot.

If you can recover Nie Yuan, he is willing to pay some cost, it is better to extort the chance of extortion.

Unfortunately, Nie Yuan called the strength of the star in the sky, and it returned to the stars and did not resurrect.

"You can also, just the true spirit, I have two small requirements, I don't know ....." The sword has no double color, staring at the true spirit, and the tone is very serious.

The true spirit was shocked, thinking that the sword was unparalleled to the lion, even if I retired, twisted: "The sword is unparalleled, you also know, I am just a true spirit, don't look at the power, in fact, it is empty shelf, true theory Treasure, you have to find Zhu Yixi, she some, I will tell you, you said ........ "

Scared of the true spirits, a large skelings, so that the sword is unparalleled to take the treasure.

The sword is unparalleled is speechless. If he wants to go, I am afraid I will be slaughtered by the Zhu Xue Temple.

Moreover, his two requirements are not treasure.

"Adult, you misunderstood, I am not treasure, just resurrect a person!" The sword has said a demand.

The true spirit heard a breath, and he waved his hand at the air: "To say, be a few people! This is too simple!"

When he resurrected the emperor, a group of resuscitation was a number of resuscitation, and there was no burden on the sea of ​​this source.

If it is someone else, he may be martyrdom. Nowadays, there is a sword and unparalleled, and it is broken.

"One!" The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are tough!

He has since entering the Polyson Temple, and there are not many friends.

In addition to Huqing, it is a white Junwang. Although the Bai Jun Wang is in order to hit him, it can slowly touch it, and the two people are also friends, and the church has a lot of things.

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