Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5579 5574? Human Tribute

"White Jun Wang?" Zhenling frowned, said: "What do you do with you?"

The true spirits and slightly induced, only discovered the Aliudi-Dynasty's Bai Jun Wang, even if the resurrection didn't know the sword!

"I promised him, I have to give him a chance to re-register the peak, now I understand the cause!" The sword is unparalleled.

At the beginning, the vow is also because of this, but unfortunately by Fosa calculations, the Bai Jun Wang also became the rationion of Furgo.

All this is life!

Now he has the opportunity to resurrect the original white Junan, and it is a helping to the other side, even if he doesn't remember him.

"Well, since you demon, I can help you, talk about the next one!" The true spirit took the beard. These things were not difficult to do, they were able to complete.

The second requirement is simpler.


It is also a person who is miserable to noble, I am afraid that she is still in the prison of the venery.

"Put the palace!" The sword was unparalleled.

Although the other party betrayed him more than once, it can be used for Nie Yuan, and it should also be a free other party. If there is a chance, throw the other side out of the temple and give her a world.

"No problem!" Zhenling guaranteed!

This matter is actually not required, and the sword can go to the palace.

It's just that the original Gong Miao is collected with the god of Wrosa, will be ill, there is a true spirit, and there is some unnecessary trouble.

The true spirits patted the sword and the unparalleled shoulders, the opening: "Then I will wait for your good news!"

"Fortunately, you can't help!" The sword is unparalleled, but it is very happy.

Some things, there is a break in the morning and evening.

If his strength is strong, don't use it at all, but now the other party has grown to this point, he has to go out of ginger.

It is too fast to blame the strength of the other party.

"Hui Qing!" The arc flashed in the sword.

After all, it is a disciple of Huqing.

After the arrival of Zhenling, the magic rival is old and flying, and it is said to see: "The magic has seen the Lord!"

For the sword, there is no pair of help, the magic Luo is still very grateful. Now the gods run away, and he has nothing to do, and it is better to follow the sword.

As for the monster country, there is no concern.

"You don't have to follow me!" The sword said without a double opening.

Magic is not worth it, respects: "If the Lord is not rest assured, I can set down the vows!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is not necessary.

But the other party has not waited for him to respond, and it directly has the same oath.

He is not worried about the loyalty of each other, but he now rises very fast, the guardian of the war is not used by him.

Now the gods are gone, no one will threaten him.

And the magic is only a strong, and the thing is nothing to do, it is indeed a lot of use.

"In this case, then follow me!" The other party is so firm, he is not more.

According to the guidelines given by the true spirit, Jiang Yan hovered in the secret state of Huaqing, and he still went to solve the trouble, then he can return to the heaven.

Lifting causations, go to the Mahayan, get the heart of the beast, and then there will be left.

"Fast!" The sword is unbeded, and the breath is changed. By the way, the breath is wrapped in the magic, directly toward the people.

The closer is getting closer, and his mood is more placed.

Come to the Diva Temple, and millions of years, his speed is not fast, and now it is just Daojun.

Since cultivation is better than him, this is, for example, Huqing is now successful to become an emperor.

The first batch of inheritors, the ultimate way of the road is most.

Today, it has been successful, and there are more than half of the road.

In the rest of the road, some is not confident, more still want to go to the ultimate path to success and then go, each of which is very big.

The tomb mountain, the footsteps of thousands of ultimate Jun, can be successful in success, in addition to Huqing, but only one or two success.

This road is too difficult.

But if it succeeds, step into the five-order Emperor, can enter the sixth order episodes quickly, then go directly to the secret law, find the secret law of the universe, once the cosmic secret is,

The cultivation of the emperor, is still fast.

The robbery is faster, the emperor is at least without the deadline, but the robbery has a disaster, hiding the hide.

The strong road is getting more and more bumpy.

But never difficult to these practitioners!


Huge waves, punching the ocean, lake, mountain range!

The sword is unparalleled with the magic errors, only three days of the western part of the people.

After seeing the scenes in front of you, the sword was unparalleled, why the people in the secret in the four secrets have nothing to do.

The western part of the human body is an undead desert, which stands for a quarter of the people in the human boundaries.

The east is the ancient ruins, and it accounts for more than one quarter.

Only two good land left, and half of them were collisted by the demon.

Ethnic tribers want to stand up in the urinary secrets, it is too difficult.

Practice resources are scarce.

In this desert, there is no problem in cultivation, but there is no resources!

Here is unlikely, endless territor, resources unlimited.

It is not as peaceful as the Tianjie, with a lot of ancient forces, and resources are also very saturated, enough internal consumption, and even have more.

The people are not the same, but not only the resources are not enough, but most of them are monopolized by some strong people, the underlying practitioners are suffering.

The quantity of the Danoma, the shortage of insufficient boundary, but the number of mortals is able to match the heaven.

This is enough to explain that the strong in the practice has produced a fault.

Such a small number of Deman, there can be a small number of resources to practice to the big dean, as for the emperor, but also the heavens.

So, the sword has no double one road, and the soul is covered by hundreds of millions of millions. The emperor who discovers and discovers is very late. These emperors are in the closure, almost pass through the most prosperous central mainland in the people. I didn't see one. The battle of the emperor.

This is peaceful, this is clearly a morbid supply and demand problem.

One emperor accounts for resources, cultivating alone, at all, regardless of the death of the external tribepers, and the zone is even less poor.

Moreover, the enclosure of the Zongmen is extremely high, only to recruit some of the children of the monarch family, and those who have a big force even the vulgarity monopoly, so that there is no room for survival.

Magic saw that the sword was unparalleled, and the opening explained: "The Lord, the human body is like this, I used to visit an honorian respect, the strength is not weak, he once said, does not control resources, The strong people in the people will be less, but they are not assessed to a group of people, and there is also these strong guards that have been invaded that day. "

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