Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5580 5575? Fengmen Mountain

The could not see so poor people's mirroads. These words are deceived, so that the family power of these years has skyrocketed, and the scatter is every one can rise! "

"This is a bit mean!" The sword nodded, not to agree with the other party, but feel that the man is too long.

Centralized resources, all give those big families, should not be intentional.

It was initially estimated that the resource was concentrated to cultivate the practitioners who had good talent and potential. As a result, the family forces were finally surprised, and the resources that were already allowed to surveyed, so that the roads that were completely repaired.

In front of the avenue, everyone has the opportunity.

Do you so early?

Give up yourself too early!

He has seen the strong people who are late, can't always be honest.

The potential of Torn the Tiandi is weak enough. If it is because of the beast, I am afraid that it is a big Daman to fare. Can you finally?

Fifth-order peak emperor, worship iron three, and you can see the sixth order emperor.

Although it is not equal to the other party, even personally kill each other, but should still admire.

Others have this matter, the success of the other party, can have no relationship with the potential.

Work hard, work hard.

With luck, it will not be so far.

"The Qiankun has not been determined, everyone is the future of the future!" The sword was unparalleled: "I have to leave this sentence!"

Magic Luo, then guaranteed: "No problem, the big respect of the people, nothing, he does not dare to have a little master!"

The temple of the people, almost just a furnish, and there is no strong.

Because the criminals are not fighting.

The fight is only a common rules, and all the crowds are all the laws of the temple, so there is no meant in turn.

Although the battle between the derivative is, it can be outside the bottom line.

As for the emperor, all kinds of Jinshan Yinshan, they don't need to fight, go!

As long as the strength breaks through, you will go to a larger Jinshan Yinshan!

Of course, the light is not dry, and it is difficult to break through the medicine.

"Go now!" The sword did not double the direction, and directly returned to the most central continent of the people.

Magic has followed it behind.

The core of the people, the upper continent.

This continent has a very large size of the crowd, accommodating the strongest part of the people.

However, this is very small, although this best resources, the number of practitioners, very rare.

Taking only millions of people in a city.

If this is the center of Zhongzhou, a city, a city, has a million practitioners.

The sword is gradually sinking.

Since the power of life, he has also begun to gradually study, and his thoughts have also changed.

Seeing this practice of violating everything, it is very uncomfortable.

Natural Selection!

The practitioner is to compete.

The Temple is suppressed in the ground, is the magic of the slaughter, or it is not obedient.

I have never said it, I am not allowed to kill.

He didn't know, why the Temple will be such a destination.

I don't know, will it ruin the people?

In this way, where is the meaning of life?

What is the direction in practice?

He is going to give people everyone, open up a strong road.

Holy Hill, Fengmen Mountain!

This place is located in one of the three ancient ancient power of the people.

The sword is unparalleled with the magic, and there is no breath, and it appears directly in this so-called hill top.

Looking down, full of eyes is humanity.

St. Mountain, divided into three layers.

The first floor is that the first floor is the second floor is a Danan, Dagan, Daojun, and the third floor is the strongest core of Feng Yam, living with Wanmine.

"Go to see!"

Mono has naturally no opinions, and the two landed to the first floor of Fengshan Gate.

This place is looking forward, with a vulgar gesture, he will not see the top of the mountain, and can only see the thick clouds.

There are many people gathered in the mountain gate, because today is a 10-year entrance appraisal of Fengmen Mountain.

At this time, people gathered outside, all extraordinary, all the children of the emperor family.

They or ride a huge immersion, or they are flying, and they have a strong escort.

The sword is unparalleled with the magic errors, and those who are all felt in their existence.

The sixth-order episodes of the mountains, suddenly found that there were two strange super strong, actually outside their mountains.

The humanity is so big, the strong is small, and there are many names between the emperors.

Especially the six-order emperor, and the strong powerful.

That is not a Weizheng four square, there is a territory belonging to himself.

It is impossible to have a strange power!

Although occasionally there is a strong incentive, there will be no stay in the people's tomb.

They also know, the people are barren, those strong people can't see it.

"Notify the door! The breath of the old man is obviously a strong, not what we can deal with!"

After several elderly commercials in Fengmen Mountain, I first informed the door, and then drag the opponent before the old man.

At this time, the gate of the gate is still in the north of the people, because the strong people in the eastern ruins have gathered a batch of strong, it is a rare big event, and naturally will not be awarded.

It is said that it is a group of old guys to mount the time, go to a very prosperous island in the north, enjoy it.

When I received a message, the door is still not sitting, and the east ruins have just happened, there is unknown to the strong, appearing in Fengmen Mountain, if there is any association, then It is a big thing.

After talking about it, everyone is ready to see it.

The top-level strong people in the people are mostly fascinated, and there is an emergency, they will hold the group.

When the special life of God's tomb, they also got together.

Although it is useless, the life is not too difficult.

"Let's take a look, what is it, I really have to be related to the ruins of the east, this matter is notified!" Fengmen Mountain Marter said something unassured.

After listening to the great victory, the completion is changed, that is, the first power of the people.

The peak in the peak, the cosmic secrets created, have reached the point of inconsistency, even if it can also take the first few people in the ground.

Even the landscape of today's people is all the big dedication.

"The door, this thing, it is best not to be a big respect, or go to see again!"

Some people think that after all, it is just a mysterious thing. They have a group, how can there be a good appearance, you have to move out of the great respect, then you can't exhaust it.

Although the door of the Fengmen Mountain is not at ease, it can be refurbished, just because this is something, it is really unprotected.

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