Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5581 5576 ?? Sorrow

Perhaps it is a cup of bow silent, just that the war frightened everyone's courage.

The people who have no battle are like this. Everything has a scruple, and they don't want to be in front of the ground.

Brolen is a four-party, millions of slaughters, still do not change the status quo of the city.

If you put it in the people, you have already surrendered.

After discussing, the number is in the middle, got up and went to the holy mountain in the central continent.


At this time, the sword is unparalleled with magic, and it is looked at the entrance appraisal below.

The person designed to design this assessment is also very interesting, let some disciples in the door to dress a scaffina, with those families with the assessment.

Every assessment, the seemingly scattered is the same as those of the family, and they have entered the Fengmen Mountain, but they are their own people.

There is no scales at all, you can enter the mountain.

The invaluated assessment is also very simple, but it is a simpler than the test. It does not identify their respective potential, or inspire their potential.

Even the initial test screen is not as good.

Especially in the dark box.

It is actually a lot of scales here, but there is only no resource help, the strength is very weak, strong, can be comparable to those families.

Even if it is comparable, it will make these truth repaired, and the scatter of those camouflage.

Camouflage as a scaffina disciple, although the strength is that, it can be dedicated to the true finish, but it is a rolling posture.

On the ring.

A true score called Xinjiu is the strongest one in this entry assessment, which is much stronger than those families.

His skin is dark, the flesh has been refined to the extreme, and the ordinary means can't open his defense.

Unfortunately, this time he draws a disciple of Fengmen Mountain, which has become a scattered.

The realm and strength of the Dai Shishan disciples exceeded Xin Jiu's cognition.


A sword is awkward, so like Thunder, many watching can't see the sword, the sword stops, and there is a blood dance on the ring.

"Burst sword!" A family child's eyes contracted, very surprised.

It is possible to prove that the sword is pulled off.

A scales can show swords, which makes them some of these families.

"This year's scatter is too strong. Which one I have encountered this year is not an opponent!" A girl who was born in a big family, touched her own accessories, and worried.

An old man standing behind her, but the mouth rose, smiled: "I want to enter the mountain, don't have the strength, you see that the name is called Xin Jiu, is he not very unlucky?"

Girls think of it, not happy, but some regrets: "So strong strength, it is also a hard repair, it is also very unfortunately!"

These families, most of them have been born in a hundred years, and there is still very little recognition in this world, naturally unclear some means of Fengmen Mountain.

But the old man is aware of, he has also come from this step, but he has not had to be a way, and it has been taken to Fengmen Mountain for 100,000 years, and you will go down the mountain.

Returning to the family, teach family and late generations.

I heard the girl's regret, the old man was stunned, surprised the human nature, followed by the color, I thought about it, the opening lesson: "The game is not a good choice, but they can't go, this is life, change Can't! "

"Oh!" The girl nodded, did not think much.

But the seeds of the fate, but it is buried in the heart.

The battle on the ring is basically, and there is less sigh. Most of them are sitting on the mountain.

Which side is scattered, but it is seen that the brow is slight.

A weak exhaust, the voice is low: "The guy with the sword is too embarrassing, everyone is exhausting, it is necessary to do this!"

"Unfortunately, Xin Jiu brother, I thought that he must enter the door of Fengmen, I didn't expect it to kill a master of swords!"

"Nothing, there is a day outside the sky, there are people outside, at least this time, we have four in the side of the division, and there are two up to three in the past. It seems that our world we have more than one more. what!"

After listening to the rest, there was a good comfort in the heart, and said: "To the right, those families, the resources are more than us, if everyone is the same resources, ten places, they still don't necessarily Can stand a few! "

In the air, the sword is unparalleled to look at this, and the head is swayed.

This does not exist, the most fascinating.

Magic erotic in the eyes of the eyes of the eyes.

"Why, even your magic is strong, you can't see it!" The sword is unparalleled, the magic rival is the devil, this magic is old, natural is also the magic.

Magic Luo shook his head and said: "Less Lord, you are wrong!"


The sword is unparalleled, there is no mind, please confuse: "What is wrong?"

He really wants to listen to the truth of this Magic Region!

"Leight, you can know where our magic tribeters are born?" Magic sigh: "We are almost all scattered, some of whom have some families, all of them are because of their families!"

They are not a natural magic, nor is it a little bit, in fact, like the right way, just a difference

"Family is unfamiliar, there will be a master and the owner to judge, but those who are scattered, who comes to comment?"

The magic Luo said that there are some blood in the eye.

"It's not that we are willing to go to the magic, but is forced to walk on the magic, it will be bullied, all the ruins of the food, the practitioners fight for the genius, even the common forces have Wang Quan, not to mention the practice By!"

One person gets the chicken and dogs!

A family often has a strong, and it is possible to enter the top forces, cover the entire family with one person.

This is also why, no matter where there is a group of people.

A person's strength is limited, and the strength of a group of people is unlimited.

The ground world may end on the road of the people, but not now.

The human body is the Qiankun has been fixed, and the scatter will never have the day.

Magic said that at this time, I recalled myself.

This is a paragraph.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also shocked, and it is also very admired.

That is an era of hunger and cold.

The Mono was born in a broken stone temple, and the mother begged him, was heard by another .

It's just that I have already ran, leaving a mother and raises him.

Unfortunately, because of his birth, the mother lost his blood, and then frozen in the stone temple after a month.

Magic is rescued by the old monk in a stone temple.

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