Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5582 5577?

Under the care of the old monk, the magic Luo is still a good time.

When he was twelve years old, the old monk made a chemistry, never returned again.

After the way, the magic erotic looks at the traces of the old monk, and the results are not found.

At that time, the magic logo, very small age, there is no better bowl in the stone temple, he can only kink up the crafts left by the mother.


Looking around, looking for old monk messages around.

Also at this time, he met the one of the way to let him practice.

The princess of the Magic Region of the Vale World.

Although it is only a dynasty world, the princess is a foreign disciple of a practitioner.

It is also because the princess, the magic is called the magic.

I remember that when I met the other party, I didn't eat a meal three days. When I was so dark on the road, I met the princess.

Although it is a bit embarrassed at that time, he can remember his life.

Speaking of this, there is a recollection in the eyes of Magic, and there is also a sadness.


The rice bowl was now unforgettable!

It is precisely because of this bowl of rice, he will not only go on the magic, but also led the magic rival to the truth from a van Dian dynasty, but also a peak force, and in the country is also a top great forces.

Unfortunately, the princess has already left.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is also understood.

No wonder the legend of the Mono Royal Remnant is so weak, and it is also able to keep this big old, and the feelings have been reporting!

From a crowd, to the top!

This road, even if the sword is unparalleled, it feels incredible.

When a crowd, the rice can't eat, can step on the truth!

At this time, he understood why Mono said that he was wrong.

Although the land is chaos, the magic road is rampant!

It can be embarrassed to take the road to the road, which means that the threshold for the bottom layer is not high, and the at least there is almost no threshold.

As long as you have the qualifications of practice, you can embark on this road.

Compared with the secret of the humanity, the land is paradise.

These scatters have rely on their own exploration, go to this step, difficult, if they enter the oldest power of Fengmen Mountain, I am afraid it can be able to stand up.

Why, because of the background.

This is a big loss.

It is expected to be a sword who is a self-employed inheritance in the future, can't look at it, he is going to change.

On the ring.

That Xin Jiu has lost, there is not so much anti-day link, and the strength is too much.

As far as the emperor slaughters.

The disciple of Fengmen Mountain, who was disguised became divided, but also defeated Xinjiu, but also won the other party's cultivation.

It is simply to kill.

With the help of a scatter, Xin Jiu is difficult to stand up, watching the ten people who successfully entered the Fengmen Mountain in the ring, the heart is not dare, the eyes are unrestricted, overflowing the words.

Pressed, rushing to the mountain, dozens of years, now in front of the threshold of the door.

"Xin Jiu brother, don't be too sad, with your talent, even if you can't come to Fengmen Mountain, you can enter the sects of other weaknesses, and it is a promising future!" Someone opened comfort.

Can Xinjiu knows that it has been abolished, no hope.

It is the same as the families, but the face is not the same as the desolate.

Even if you don't enter Fengmen Mountain, their cultivation is also retained, and you can try again to try again.

As for the scatter, you want to cross a range of sects, go to other paramenors, simply in the sky.

In the mountains and rivers, the monsters are rampant, and it is good to come to Fengmen Mountain.

At this point, the sword is unparalleled, and it has been leaked directly.

The crowd of everyone felt a horror at the moment, like the sun in their heads.

The sword is unparalleled with the magic, and the eyes floats half of the empty, and the eyes are so sad.

The elders of those families have also seen some worlds, knowing the extraordinary people, and is a cactus, and they will see you.

"See you, last!"

Turnover also reacted at this time and went to see it.

For those family swords, there is no good face, directly falling in the scattered, which makes those family strong.

Unsions don't know, but the family of family is very clear about this world rule.

The strong people who can repair the immortal are all family bodies, or they are born, how can they go to some finishing.

The sword is unparalleled but there is no ignorance of these people, and the radius is straight to Xinjiu!

The power of a trace of life is made into the Xinjiu body.


A breath suddenly broke out in the body of Xinjiu, and several of the scatters of the Jiujiu, which were directly returned.

Xinjiu, who was originally seriously injured, completely recovered, not only repaired, but also strongly rising.

And it's still a moment of skyrocketing.

The families have been shocked, and the breath of Xinjiu has surpassed the strong people in those families.

On the ring!

The face of the Nikki Mountain disciples were in the face of the Niu's disciples, and he was responsible for abolishing these scattered disciples sent from the Zongmen.

It's jealous of a time.

Xin Jiu is very excited. He still saw the last immortal. I didn't expect the other party to help him resume strength, and he also helped him improve the repair. Now he will not control his strength.

According to the hierarchical rules, he is now the realm of the Fa!

When he directly worshiped directly, he said: "Thank you for Shangxian!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the turn is turned to the magic of the magic: "His potential is good, you will help me collect him for the disciple!"

"Yes!" Mono was a bit surprised. He just knew that the sword was unparalleled and not used to the border. I didn't expect it to make a disciple.

However, the other's potential is indeed, if in the ground, even if there is no background, it can be embedded.

Nowadays, there is a cultivation, and it is not difficult to become an emperor!

I heard someone had to collect him as a person, Xin Jiu first stunned, then the reaction was changed, turned to the three heads of the magic.

Magic Lonned to a little happily, the skin of the skin is dark, the character is very similar to him, and there is a very unfringed spirit. It is also very good.

The sword next to it is unparalleled to see the other party's joy, but the bottom is sigh.

It is better to teach people to fish with fish!

This truth understands, but it is very difficult to do it.

If you want to change, you have to make the people's memorial, and if he does this, I am afraid that the Temple will be shot.

So he wants to have a countermeasure.

Create a peak!

Just in the people.

Stharing, it is not appropriate, but it will also be sinned by all the people 's power, and these people are sinful, even if they want to help these underlying finishes, there is no way.

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