Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5583 5578??

One world, there is no top power, even if the potential of the scatter is big, it is difficult to take the peak.

Have guidance, touched the stone over the river, the difference is almost.

Magic looked at the dark teenager and thought of the original one.

The princess, once a meal, let him create a magic empire, and the people who have helped him have all lives.

Only him, resist all.

All the way against the sky, the achievement is the strong.

"Let's get up!" Mono's old language is tempered and, the first disciples, it will inevitably look, the more smoothly look.

The sword is unparallled, but the source is a weak change.

He can see the top of Xinjiu, a line of lines.

Above the line is a block screen.

It is actually a future!

I pursued my heart, I actually made him unexpectedly.

The sword is unparalleled as a shock!

His space has not arrived at the black hole realm, but it can realize time.

This is caused!

He instantly understands that the causal has driven time and let him see the future of each other.

That picture is the battlefield!

It is a pair of battlefields, where the sword is unparalleled.

Ruins with the residual wall, the bloody sky, the dark emperor, broken stone, broken bones.

It seems to be a hell.

Xin Jiu is standing in the sky, like a Shura.

The breath on the body, let the swords are unparalleled!

I thought that the other party had a help of the magic, it can be an emperor, even if it is good, it can be seen, the next future, will be a strong powerful.

Break everything?

The sword is unparalleled, and it is pointed out in an instant, and everything around is crazy.

A grass, instantly turned into a big tree, one grain, became a mountain!

As for the vanacies of the bystand, it turns into powder.

The horror of life, but these people can absorb.

The more powerful families are old, and they feel surprises when they feel the power of life. The realm is constantly climbing. It is almost fairy. absorb.

Although the magic Luo knows the strength of the sword, it also understands the horror of life, or how can it be restored to the peak in a short time in a short time.

At the beginning of the big array, he felt the power of terrorism, and the source of continuous conversion became everything.

I am very shocked when I feel the violent life of the violent life.

This can be more than those of our own treasures. If he can get it, it is afraid to practice the mountain for a thousand miles, it is not a problem.

The power of this horrible life is to point out the Xinjiu.

"Less Lord, this is this?" Mono did not understand.

Just is still good, how do you suddenly start?

The sword is unparalleled, and even the beast soldiers are used.

He turned to look at the magic, his face is somewhat, crazy: "Because I don't live!"

If the future is true, then Xin Jiu is to block him!

He wants to see, this is not accurate.

Xin Jiu faces green energy, some don't know, everything around it disappeared, his body came to a ocean.

The violent life is so pure here, he is a slight hand, countless energy gathering into the body, and the realm will climb all the way.

The sword is unparalleled just to release the power of life, and do not substantially do it.

As long as you do it, I am afraid that Xin Jiu will die.

He is to see what is special, and everything in the future is not good.


Xin Jiu, who feels the power of life, is constantly stronger, and the sword is unparalleled, almost released all the life of life, but the other party is one by one.

It seems that the other's life is really hard!

In the future, maybe it.

"He is very good!" After the sword didn't have a breath, the source immediately returned to the peak, and he turned his head and said to the magic blunt: "You have received a good apprentice!"

This sentence makes the magic erotic can't touch the mind, how can I receive a good apprentice.

I haven't reacted for a time, I heard an angry sound from the power of life.

Mono will understand it!

This day, under the mountains, a scaled teenager, one interest in the fairy, stepped into the way.

As for the sword, there is no double and the magic, I have long left.

When I walked, the sword didn't say hello. The top of the mountain is a few six-order emperor. It is only afraid to come down, but just inquire, you can know the identity of Mono.

Xin Jiu's future, it is a humanity, and it is not good.

It became a Danadian, the growth is very fast, the future people, will change because of Xinjiu!

You don't need a sword where you have no double shots. Just let the people of the Temple, know Xiao Xinjiu with his relationship, you don't show up.

Xin Jiu's road, you need yourself.

Just like him now, maybe a person will be completed.

The hammer of the human side, the boring desert, except for some hungry wasteland, there are countless sand, the far away, no one.

There is no one in the row.

The best of the west, but there are some sporadic oasis, and this land has lived a seat. Most of them are all customary, and there are few practices.

There is no prune world of the practice, but there is no order.

The water source is completely monopoly, and you need to pay a price.

Mai Luocheng!

Said is the city, in fact, more like a broken town, the only thing in the whole city is a huge beast stone statue.

In the stone statue, a group of people do not cover the van, enough for thousands, each of the bones, holding some strange strange utensils, some are more taking the wild bones of the beast as a utensil.

They lifted their heads, not afraid of intense sunlight, then wait.

"What are these ?" Outside the crowd, a teenager turned to look at a black robe old, curious.

The old man sinks, staring at the stone, thinking about what, opening up: "It should be waiting for water!"

"Water?" The young woman squinted and stared at the stone statue.

Next, the blood of the stone statue opened, the sweet fresh water was sprayed, and the exquisite of the following madness was mad.

Compared with the crowd, the water column is slight.

"Too much trouble!" The young woman shook his head, looked at it, and the cave wear the stone statue, then the stone statue crashed.


The stone statue burst, countless fresh water, this city has become a lake!

The old man is moving, and it is quiet: "Less Lord, this will harm them!"

"Why?" The sword is unparalleled.

One less old, is the sword is unparalleled and the magic.

They came to the manian desert, listening to Huqing and ginger in all around, almost in the whole western part, did not find a little clue.

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