Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5584 5579??

Two people spoiled up, next to the magic contained below, then the desert beast, wearing the sand, jumped out of the desert, and smashed the body of the body, and smashed the lakes just formed.

The sword has shaken his head, and said: "It turned out to be such a place!"

"Not that simple, these vankes can't keep this lake, how long does it take, will have a stronger tribe to hit this place!"

The sword is unparalleled to these, but the magic has been these years, in addition to searching to Hui Qing, he always pays attention to the exudential van, from which the rules of the vulgar world are learned.

Great hidden in the city, maybe ginger is hiding in the crowd.

"Maybe!" The sword nodded, and then the two continued to search in front.

Through hundreds of millions of miles, he searched it, a era, he couldn't find Huqing.

If the other party runs to other places, he is equal to white.

Now Jiang Wei should not dare to leave the people in Huqing, which is equal to the Sirovo.

Even if the Temple does not shoot, I am afraid he will notify him.

Probably still hiding this place.

cause and effect!

This is the biggest connection between swords and worship.

I didn't want to be so down, but I was not a way to find it!

I have been looking for so many years, wasting time.

It is only aim to find yourself.

Nowadays, the sword is also successful.

With Nie Yuan 's own inheritance, he learned another powerful ultimate sword.

Starry sky!

The sword is atmospheric, although there is no way to change this, but the killing is not weak.

The road is not the main killing, the pursuit is more vast than the sword.

The sword road is the only one, chasing the strongest killing of Wan Dao.

The two are also complementary.

"Less Lord, this is not a way, it is better to search for people in the temple!" Mono said on the side, but also seen today's distress.

The sword has no double shakes his head, firmly said: "This matter must be done personally!"

If you can, why do you want to let the robbery becomes more than the harm of the robbery?

This is also the ,

Causity add!

The sword is unparalleled.

Don't kill ginger, the future is not only a big suffering of the Diva Temple, but also his robbery.

Now the true spirit is still not anxious, if he can solve the ginger, Huiqing is also alive.

When I was really awkward, I am afraid that I'm will take myself, and I will pick up the Huiqing.

If you don't have a cherish, I am afraid I have already opened it.

So he this time, not only in order to solve the private resentment, or for some treasures to go to Huanqing.

Instead, in order to protect Huqing.

If he is a shot, the true spirit pushed this matter to his head, Hui Qing at least, unrecognizable, leaving the Polyson Temple.

Maybe it will continue to develop potential from this, and continue to develop potential.

Today's Huqing, in the inheritor, it is a business, and it can also take the top three or even the second.

At the tomb mountain, some of these six-order emperor, but the strong strong is not heard.

Such a peerless arrogance, can't give up so easy.

The sword is unparalleled and doesn't want Hui Qing because of a woman, since then.

"Don't blame me!" The sword was unparalleled, and then took out a mirror, the treasure, a drop of blood, and suddenly pushed a moving thought out, four rounds, swept the world.


A red line appeared in the sky, the sword did not have a double eye god leak, whispered: "Chasing!"

With this cause, you can reduce the scope of the target.

The two will travel in the direction of the southwest, and the breath is hidden, avoiding the crazy snake!

Those strong people in the human body cup bow snake, these days are not good, then the breath is scattered, I am afraid I will provoke unnecessary trouble.

It is not worried that the other party dares to shoot them, and it is afraid that it is bad.

Flying for a few days, because the line is getting smaller and thin, and it has completely disappeared before an ordered an oasis that is about to exhaust.

The sword is unparalleled with the magic, which is the lowest of the atmosphere, and now there is no difference with the vanity.

"Just here!" The sword has no double-one glance, and every face of the exquisite is in the mind.

Whether it is the old man or a child, or some women, their faces, their body, they all viewed some.

There is no cover.

The sword is not a double eyebrow, and it is surprised: "No?"

He mastered the power of life, there is no one near this nearby life, even if the strength of ginger, it is able to seriously hurt the dragon, and will not escape his eyes!

Since the crudeone is staying here, it will show that Huang is here.

Still in depth.

The sword is unparalleled with the magic erosion, and the two people are incarnation, enter the town.

They have not to listen around, everything is willing to violate.

First, I went to find a pub, lived, and then every day, I was near the table in front of the window, and I went to the two-two burn, a disc peanut, quiet waiting.

Can't wait for a few days than what time you search for a few days.

This inn is mainly for this small town, usually rarely come to foreigners.

Every time, there are some feet or the vanity of the handling water source to go to the inn to eat.

Every time the sword is emerging every time, listening to some small things, seeking to find out the drop of ginger.


I have been living for more than half a month, still there is no news.

This approach, I used to be very easy to use, and now it's ok.

It is estimated that ginger is really hidden in a cave, or the underground dark river, the root will not come out.

If this is true, don't blame him for your hands, directly, the land is ruined, even if you dig three feet, you have to give it out.

When this idea has just appeared, I don't know if it is a good luck in this place, or the sword is unparalleled, his luck is good.

I really let him hear some things, it is likely to be related to ginger.

This person is mysterious, according to the information he is coming, there is no finding this person at all.

There are thousands of people in the town, and when he comes, he will touch their appearance or even some memories.

Everyone's name, age, and memories since birth have read it, but there is no impact of the mysterious person.

This means is not general!

If you hear someone talking, he doesn't know the name of the other party.

A table close to the sword, a few clothes, unsuitful hamenters, drinking, sitting on the same table, sitting on a young man with their appearance.

This person named Pan An, the feeling of extraordinary, and the appearance is even more than one born in the ten miles.

It is this Panan who said that the mysterious man is.

In Pan'an's mouth, the mysterious person "Jiang Gu!"

But in Pan'an's memory, there is no trace of traces.

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