Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5585 5580 Chapter ?? Missing Memory


Ability to erase the memories of the other party, and let the examber remember the name.

This memory, I am afraid it is not erase, but it hides.

It is impossible to cover his search, I am afraid that the other's strength is not weak.

There are a lot of ways to cover, some simple points, and all the customs can do it, and the powerful Emperor will come.

He didn't stay here, I am afraid I have been blended by the other party.

"Jiang Gu!" The sword was unparalleled with a glass, inserted into the topic of the other party.

"Is it so amazing in this brother?"

The sword is unbelievable.

Just listening to the other party talks about Jiang Gu's medical skills, it is more than one.

Even the old man on the verge of the big limit can pull the other party from the ghost door.

Pan An heard the question, the face was sinked, and turned to the sword. It was unparalleled. It was confirmed to be a strange face.

There are so many people in the town, some people can not remember, but the appearance is still familiar.

The sword nodded, then leaked a fashion that couldn't believe it.

Jiang Gui in the mouth of the party, ten eight nine is ginger, just to find out that the position of the other party is not easy, if there is one of the way, it is best.

Also relieved.

Pan An is a pot of wine, directly came to the sword, and it is a guest first.

Since the work of the board, the sword is unparalleled naturally with its own rhetoric, and it will be confused.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled to settle some news about Jiang Gu, first leaking the ginger's means, and then surprised, doubt.

Put the vulgar performance of a first-eyed practice world.

And the speech is sharp.

Although Pan An looked like a scholar, but it was just like it. When I was a few days, I saw a few simple words.

That's the sword is unparalleled, some is a little angrily.

Look at the time, the sword is unparalleled, saying: "Pan brother, do you want to blame me to talk directly, do not meet our family is specially doing medicinal materials, the old gentleman, I am from the small follow, I really haven't listened. Say that medical skills you said in your mouth, it is better to take me to visit it! "

"This ..." Pan An has some hesitation, and his face is also a little ruddy.

The sword has no double-finish change, and it is surprised: "How? It's a brother!"

"This is not difficult!"

"Then there is Lao Pan brother to take me, if it is true, I will definitely open the family's pharmacy, please Jiang Gu to take the town!" The sword did not directly get up, and a reason to make ordinary people cannot refuse.

The people of the people of the desert are rare, and the sum is not as good as a common country in the city.

The sporadic van is still far away, living in an oasis, many institutions are incomplete, small-scale town, don't say medicine, even a similar medical house is not, it is more than a long time The means to analyze the condition and then apply the material on site.

This makes this martial art life shortened, most people die because of the cold and die, if it is really in this place, I am afraid it will benefit one party, and some of the people will take root here, people gathered, people gathered, Although the resource is scarce, it can open up more water sources and food.

So this requirement has no reason for any rejection.

What can't make the sword have not thought that the other party actually shook his head.

"Just underneath, Jiang Gu's medical skills, but not a physician!"

The sword is unparalleled, and continue to ask: "What is she is doing, I can visit it once!"

The other party did not have a memory of Jianggu. Even if he controlled the body's body, he could not find Jiang Gun hidden places, or need Pan An to lead.

Pan An gently turned the wine glass, turning his head, gradually falling outside the window: "She, very special, if it is nothing, do not want the outsiders to disturb!"


The sword has no doubles, the wine in the hands, the other hand directly pulling Pan'an's collar, anger: "You play me!"

His patience is limited, it is really can't blocked this, directly refining the space, and does not believe in the other side.

If you think about there is a good life, he is not very urgent, you have already used it.

Since the other party refused to take him, then the sure is broken, and the hand is directly.

Pan An was also shocked, just still Wen Wenya's sword was unparalleled, how did he shot him, and he felt that his collar would be like a pair of iron clamps, which could not break free.

I was originally left to get up with him, and I won't surround the sword.

Although I looked at all kinds of fierce, I didn't have a hand, but I've been able to say that the sword is unparalleled.

After all, there are some dry and live bridges.

The sword is unparalleled, sweeping around, cold and said: "I give you a chance, who takes me to find Jiang Gu, as long as I find it, each person rewards a beast gold, and take you into the big town!"

This temptation is less small, a piece of animal head is gold, can buy a yard in some of the martyrs around, and seven or eight little wives can't finish.

And in the big city, it is no shortage of water.

"Hey, you are a small person who said in Jiang Guou, but also brought you in the past, a piece of beast gold, I want to buy me!" Pan An angrily.

Some of the bridges next to it is some hesitant.

Seeing the play, the sword is not parallel here, but there is no need to take care of each other, but the mental power is staring at the space near the moment, as long as there is a breath, he will go instantly.

On the side, Magic Lon is also paying attention to everything in the nearby space.

"Old three, do your hand, Jiang Fu saved your mother, your kid didn't forget!"

The sword is unparalleled but shakes his head, but he didn't persuade.

He has no patience.

If there is no news, there is no news, and now there is a chance to play in front of him, and there will be any kind of heart.

Drag down, the strength of ginger is restored, he is not an opponent.

At that time, let others shoot, I am afraid that I will give up Huiqing.

"Hand!" The sword did not double the breath, and spoiled.

Magic Luo has also followed behind him, and in his hand, a huge blood column of a huge blood column that covers the sky.

As long as you think, this place will have a huge spatial crack.

After the sword is unparalleled, stare at everything under the eyes.

The exquisite is also found in the sky, and they look up.

Among them, Pan An.

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