Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5596 5591 Chapter? Horror Brole

Now, the magic Ronali has already returned to the temple, no magic Luo supported behind, the magic rival is a plate of shackles, and there are many ways to stay in the original magic.

Magic Luo said: "The more the cruise is, the more it is easier, the chaos is too eye!"

"It's a little truth!" The sword is unparalleled, and the small rich is safe!


A stuffy thunder came from the Coast of the Magic, and the entire Tiannan was able to listen.

This power is extremely violent, the sea water swept is enough to die.

"Let's go to settle your old people. I will go alone!" The sword is unparalleled. It is very confident. It can threaten his in the city.

It is very likely to be Brole, and he is of course going to see.

I thought that the Brole will be in the emperor of the magic, it seems that the other's clearing speed is very fast.

Now it has arrived in the West Sea.

Mono is somewhat not to be assured, his current duties are to protect the sword and unparalleled, how can I have a sword because private affairs?

Moreover, those versators are still good, Brolen obviously does not do it for them.

As long as a man can arrange it, it is not necessary to stay.

Seeing the other party insisted that the sword is unparalleled.

After the Magic Lonified a part, the two continued to move towards the breath.

The more close, the sword is unparalleled, I feel that there is an invisible pressure.

That feeling, like a waste of terrible desert, is being sagged.

"You also feel it?" The sword didn't look at the front and whispered.

The magic loss is low, replied: "It's like two decelers and play hands!"

"This is the change of the varying, Brole's opponent is a deep sea, and it is a very powerful deceased in the middle!" The sword is unparalleled.

At the beginning of the three Wang Ting, it was just the West Overseas Ring.

At the core sea area, there is a real afar desert beast, and the stinky fish is much more powerful than the Turtle Island.

Turtle Island Lords are more than two generations of deceased, and the blood is not pure, but after some of the three kings, I am afraid that the power of the current strength is not weak.

The speed of the two has skyrocketed again, and it is already a bit can't wait.

If you want to see this changed trunks, how strong it can make so many people.

After a fragrant, they have been able to see the stretch coastline.

Just above the sea is black and cloud, the Thunder is constantly flashing.

There is also two stunning figure in fierce hands.

Every Thunder flashes, it will reveal two huge figure.

The sword is unparalleled to use the eye of the beast, and I saw Brole!

The huge figure did not change the opponent's appearance, especially the pair of candles, and the naked upper lines were extremely conspicuous, and Brole, Brole, which was more horrible than he imagined.

His opponent is a desertable beast for a long time.

Eight Emperor!

Can be called the beast, that is, there is a beast.

Strength can be comparable to special life.

This deceased is more terrible than special life, because there is no source of life, but the deceased has the source.

The flesh of the deceased is powerful, although the body is less than special life, but there are many practices.

Compared with special life, the origin of deceased is stronger, compared with the practitioners, the flesh and the body are strong than the practice.

This is the hierarchy of life.

The two sides of the war are extremely violent.

The eight giant claws of the end of the deceased be enlightened by Brolen death.

Magic Lon is looking at the bottom!

"Leight, this deceased is very strong, even if I don't guarantee the defeat, Brole is kicked to the iron board this time."

I thought Brolence has more powerful, I really saw it.

The sword is unparalleled, the stronger Barole is the stronger, according to the power of the opponent, the most good, the following is the following.

"First look at it!" The sword didn't flash the shape, and it was directly near the West Coast.

There is also a lot of strong people here.

Among them, only a few strong people are people of the temple, and many emperors are preparing to join the gods.

There are many acquaintances.

Standing in the first one is the master of Turtle Island, and it seems that the strength of the current is broken, although there is no peak, but it is almost a foot.

Because Brole's relationship, Turtle Island is now high.

Barolei is still a disciple of Turtle Island.

Today's Brolent chicken will change the phoenix, not only enter the tomb mountain, but the strength is strong, and it is good to have a good relationship with Brole.

! !

The two fell, the sword was unparalleled, and the magic erotic was standing.

"Well?" The strength of Turtle Island is weak, and it is the first to find two powerful breaths, frowning, recognizing the sword.

As for the magic, the other party is not aware.

"The sword is unparalleled!" Turtle Island owner leaking a smile, the bottom is inexpensive!

Although I recognized the identity, I didn't say hello.

They are all inheritors, but in the view of Turtle Island, the gap in the inheritor is great.

He also saw the heritage of the third-order episode, of course, there is also a heaters who can fight halfway.

When you look at the sword, it is a bit not allowed, but it is clear from the breath, and the strength is obviously less than Brole.

"Island owner, which one is recognized?" These emperors gathered in the West Coats, most of them are local powers.

Only a small part is to transfer from other places, saying is Civoroli, in fact, standing on the side.

See someone asked, Turtle Island is slightly nodd, saying: "It is the sword where the wanted in the year is unparalleled. I heard that I don't want to get it. I didn't expect it to appear here!"

"Oh! I can hear, the sword is unparalleled or the Daojun, and I don't know how to fake!" Some people curiously said that the remaining people heard the sword and unparalleled is the way.

Turtle Island Lord shook his head, said: "I don't know this, I have entered the three Kings Ting with him. At that time, he did Dao Jun, but I have been in so many years. Don't let him, I can only feel that his breath is not weak, I am afraid it has been successful! "

"I also see that compared with Brolear people, it is very far away, but it is a little not simple in his black robe."

"You don't say this, the strength of the sword is not weak. When the Daojun can be comparable to the five-level emperor, if it is successful, I am afraid there is also the level of sixth-order emperor!" Turtle is the Lord .

Even if it is a sixth order, it is still very far more than Brole.

Now Brilli, but the battle is in the top, and even a lot of gains.

Show or change the peak peak, if it is further, create the secret law of the universe, really stepped into the pending, not more than those gods.

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