Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5597 5592 ?? Heart Blood

Above the sea!

Brolen from the bottom of the wind, gradually and the other party, the strong deceased, eight tentacles constantly entangled Brole, but the breath has been suppressed.


The tentacles have once again burst out of the dark red power, forming a storm, instant evaporates all the rocks of the coastline.

The crazy breath came, many powerful emperors, the people who were being hung up.

Only Turtle Island is also able to stand firm and several six-order emperor.

"This isastic mood!"

"The blood of this animal is beginning to soar!"

The strong people in the demon family, the eyes are hot.

That is the beast god!

Swords standing in the last sideware and the two people were also surprised.

Especially the sword is unparalleled.

The beast god is not open to his cultivation.

Beasts are essential, and the beast god soldiers are all key factors that enhance strength.

Especially the current beasts.

When I felt the blood of the beast, the beast gods on his body exudes the scarlet.

Slowly lift the left arm, that is the arm of the candle.

The blood in the dark red skin is clearly visible, and they are exuding the power of violent violent.

The sword is not bored slightly, and the heart also understands!

The beast god soldiers are integrated with him. It is very eager for the vete blood. It can be added to the power of the origin of the origin in his body, and the evil thoughts that swallow all things will rise again.

Just now he has mastered the strength of the complete, and even creates a unique life, it has been able to manipulate it.

If he used, he has already rushed over now.

However, it is possible to manipulate it, he will go.

The blood of the venoms is very powerful, and it is very pure!

If you refine, it is very helpful to him.

Now the animal god soldiers are recovered seven or eight eight, but it is not complete.

Still a bad!

The heart of the beast.

When the god of God was helped him refined the beast soldiers, he once said that now the beast will be all of him, and it is improving the origin of the beast. .

If you want to completely recover, you also need the most critical heart blood.

It is also the blood in the heart of the beast.

That is the blood of the beast god, more precious heart blood.

Now there is a beast god!

That is, a long-term long river is returned to deposit, and it will appear naturally toast when recovered again.

With the current sword, it is difficult to get the beast, more difficult than becoming a robbery.

And now, there is a rare opportunity.


Originally stayed in the country, because Bromelle, it seems that he wants to convert the goal.

Or add the beastmaster with Brole to all.

People who have threatened people, it is best to solve, otherwise it is a scourge.

Brole is like this, the ginger is the same.

Moreover, ginger is taken away by the life, and it has been enemy with the district, which is better.

At that time, there is a true spirit, can be different, he is still a person in the Past Temple, and the body changes, the strength is very horrible, must be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise it is a disaster.

The other person's character has a defect, even if the conflict will kill him, the true spirit can't blame him.

Now his importance is far exceeding Brole.

Huiqing sleeps, the merchant is closed.

It is possible to have him compared to these two.

Although the business is still the first inheritor, it is not a satisfactory way, and there is still some gap with Huqing.

In the future, the temple is needed.

Not Bolori.

The sword is also closed.

But now, I may not need him to shoot, Brole is going to finish.


The eight-jar is roaring, eight tenthers surround, dead sleepy Brole, the horrible force smashes Brole's flesh, only the body and the origin is left.

"Ah, ah !!!!!" Brole is hidden, and you will grow up. "

He didn't breathe in the power of the power.


The sword is not moving, and the figure directly appears on the coast.

The magic Luo standing in the place is that the sword is unparalleled to help, and it will be empty.

"You don't have to shoot!" The sword said without a double opening.

This matter can only be done alone.

If it is pulling the magic, it will definitely not spare him in the future.

Magic has not known that the priest is unparalleled, hesitated, say: "Less Lord, this beastmaster?"

He still worried that the sword is unparalleled. Although the sword in the human sword has exceeded his cognition, he also found that he also found that the price of the sword was very high, even the sword is unparalleled, it needs to restore a time after In order to restore the peak status again.

This sword is a double-edged sword. If it can be able to cut the other party, it is very happy.

If you can't win, that is, you will lose.

The sword in the weak state is unparalleled, the strength is too serious, and it is estimated that the five-order emperor is not an opponent.

The sword is unparalleled. Since he insists that he has a guard, it is not much to say, and can only prepare for the preparation of rescue.

The sword standing in the air is unhappy, and it is better to solve the Bromina.

You don't have to do it.

, he is profitable!

Brole did not have a flesh, and the horrible power is facing the body, then it is the source.

Today's danger!

Turtle Island is waiting for people, and they are ready to take assistance.

When they saw the sword, I thought that the sword was unparalleled, and I still praised the sword unparalleled eyes. At this time, I helped Brolen adults. After the date, I defined less than the benefits.

After all, Baroleum is in the day of the tomb mountain, but in the country, there is an emperor.

If Brole is further, the whole city will not come true in the future.

Such a future superior inheritor is an individual is willing to invest.

Whether it is the strongman of the country, or the inheritor, it will do this.

The sword is unparalleled, they will know!

Seeing the people gathered by the side, the sword was unbeded, and the dark scorpion slowly opened, and then a bloody light was burst.

Only one eye, I will seriously hurt the number of six-order emperor.

Even the Turtle Island is also retired, and a violent force is tumbling in the chest, and it spits out a blood.

"You!" Turtle Island was unstormizes that the sword is unparalleled, you can't open the mouth.

The sword has no double back to everyone, with his hands, it is said: "Magic, kill them!"

These demon strong people, they are dead, and there is nothing soft.

At the beginning of the three Wang Ting, after the white monarch, he did not forget the taste of the died.

Although Mono Luo is a sense of surprise swords, there is no hesitation, and it can be shot directly.

Several six-order episode, like a chick in the hands of the magic logo.

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