Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5598 5593 ?? Turtle shell

The sly, Tianyu Jun, turned into an ontology to rush into the sea, but was directly grabbed by the magic giant hand, and shredded.

Turtle is a stunned, and the rest is even atmospheric.

Escape is not escaping at all.

I have no hope.

I can only ask for mercy.

"Senior, forgive!"

"We have already cast the temple, and he also hopes that the seniors look at the face of the temple, around us, today's things, we haven't seen it!"

As for those who are strong, they are afraid of implicating themselves, everyone dares to go.

Mono will hold a box at will, there is no nonsense, and once again, all the clouds flow, clean and neat.

The number of monsters of a few gornes were dropped from the air, and they also spread their death.

Turtle Island's primary body, a huge snapper, strength all the way to the peak, so you have already spoken to a realm.

Will be as follows.

As long as you create a secret law, he can become a good job.

At the beginning of the three Kings Ting, the Lord's receipt is not small, but not only the realm of the soul has improved a lot, but also some ancient secret laws, now we fully show, the body can skyrockery to 50,000 times.

On the body, Turtle Islanders is already in the first place.

In the realm of the realm, in fact, it is very similar to the realm of the big Daman, regardless of a quality change from the realm.

Just like the big Dikai got the space home source acknowledged, some spaces were slightly controlled.

In the best, I was originally divided into the emperors who arrived in the cosmology in the space, and later found that it was not only a road to the space.

In addition to the space of the universe, there is a peak secret law, as well as the body.

This Turtle Island is very big.

Improve the realm of the soul, I want to create the peak of the peak, I have not stopped in the body, with many treasures that I got in the Sanyang Ting, and these years followed Broles all the way.

Especially Brolen is a madman, only knows the battle, no sense of treasure, and some inheritance can make him interested.

This is from the original supernatant, and the sword is unparalleled.

And Brole is very high in the tomb of the tomb, nor the treasures, this is all inexpensive to the Lord of Turtle Island.

This allowed him to increase the body to 50,000 times.

The sword is unparalleled.

His body is only 50,000 times, and now it is already exceeding the limit of Daojun, and it is impossible to improve again.

It doesn't mean that he has become an emperor, he can become an emperor, he can upgrade.

And the beastists can also increase the body.

However, this opportunity, this opportunity, he also didn't want to waste, just when the magic Luo said the Turtle Island, the sword did not lift the arms of the candle dragon. The palm of his hand opened, and a shakes of swallowing were directly, and directly roll to Turtle Island. host.

The magic is like, once again, wear the Lord of Turtle Island, let his breath fall again, and it is not working.

The original turtle was unparalleled by the sword.

The huge turtle island, the chemistry is only inch, and the breath is all the way.

The sword is unparalleled in the hands and whispered: "I will give you this turtle shell. I can give an alive road!"

50,000 times of the dawn, almost all condensed on this turtle shell, if he can take a complete turtle shell, after he became an emperor, directly swallow the pain of the turtle shell, at least let his base gods enhanced Thousand times.

This is an unmeasureable wealth.

Improve the body, the more later, the more expensive it needs.

As long as you can help yourself, you can't waste it.

When I thought I became an emperor, the resources required were almost endless, and the sword was unparalleled.

The force of swallowing, can not be used unscrupulous, he can only get some treasures to improve yourself.

However, these overheads have brought him an endless power.

After the emperor, his beast will also be fully displayed. At that time, the light is the growth of the body, he can more than 60,000 times.

The Stars of Stars, but also directly let him achieve the realm.

Not only these.

There are some treasures, and after it is an emperor, he will be able to fully understand.

For example, he is now in charge of the watch, that is, it is time to go.

Once become the emperor, he can Linyi's own source is more, and that time it is the source of the universe, and it is an extremely powerful universe.

There is also the first true king to give him a game.

After many treasures, he became an emperor, it will completely embrace into the dragon, jump out of this world.


Emergency is imminent.

Now there is only the cause of causal causal in front of him. This way is really weak. After he enters the boy temple, the strength is constantly skyrocketing. It has been a minor state.

When he thought, he would solve it.

Don't need Huqing to shoot, as long as he travels to Tongtian Buddhism, find a few monks to help him resolve.

But now it can grow into a robbery, let him feel a headache.

Since I know the Lord of the universe, I am divided into nine robbery.

He felt more and more, this is a robbery, it will not be the disaster of his cosmology and come in advance.

"It's not waiting!" The sword didn't double the Turtle Island, waiting until the heavens and then resolved.

It is still a first solving Brole and the desert beast.

In this case, Brole is not known, and it can be supported.

According to the sword unparalleled speculation, the Eight Euter Empress will knead each other.

Not only is his doubt, but even the eight-claws are very confused.

Obviously awakened the blood of the beast, the strength has skyrocketed into the peak in the world, how can I kill a six-order emperor?

The hierarchy analysis is clear.

They are thresholds, initial, top, peak, and successful.

These indigenous work, self-recognition, in fact, the top is also top.

Magic Lon is also at this level, it is barely to the top.

This eight-claws are somewhat different, because awakening the blood of the beast god, is now standing in a steady state, than Mono's strong.

Brilli's strength, although the stronger the battle, but it is not much with the magic.

According to the strength of the eight-equal, it should be killed.

Cannor's breath can be able to support so long in the state of continuous decline.

There is a embarrassment.

Although the sword is unparalleled, there is a little understanding, it can be known that not much.

There is also a fear in the heart of the eight-equals and beast, and it is not as good as the war Brilli, but now he is very afraid.

The huge scorpion turned, he knows that Xiao Yan is unparalleled, and then takes the lead in the opening: "The people of the people, I know that you have a holiday with this person, this is to eradicate his best opportunity, you still don't do it!"

"Hey!" The sword didn't shake his head.

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