Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5603 5598????

His first sword in the starry sky is very confident!

No matter how powerful Barole, as long as this sword goes out, it will kill everything.

Let this void, formulate a star-empty portrait.

Space and time must be squeezed into a picture.

This sword is his biggest reliance!

"Ready?" The sword didn't have a double single hand, slowly closed the scorpion, and he was in the power of the stars.

The battle of the two, there should be an end.

The West Sea is extremely distant in a distant area.

Mono, etc., the direction of the West Sea is a coke soil and has become the ruins of the battlefield.

The strong people of the Temple of the Temple of the Temple of the Temple of Temple have already felt a strong breath, but no one came to watch, or stopped.

Sitting on the Dragonfly Participation on the Hall, holding a token in his hand.

When the sword is unparalleled with Brole, he received the news, and he didn't wait for him. True is personally stopped.

At this time, a very subtle scene appeared in front of you.

On the white end, I was sitting on the main hall, but I was like a dead old man, standing in the gate of the hall, looking away.

"True spirit, really want to give up Brole?" White is still a little dismissed, and there is also a heart in the tone.

After all, it is a strong stronger, and now it has grown to this point.

The true spirit did not answer, just shake his head, this is also an attitude.

Obviously white one does not know the truth.

The truth of the life, I am afraid that the four major temples don't know.

"It turned out to be you want to destroy the people's temple!" Real spirits.

At the beginning, he gouave it to guess and constantly go to the timeline.

I can't find one person.

I thought it was a sword, and I didn't think it was, and he shot Huqing and found it, starting from ginger.

Finally, he figured out everything.

It is not that someone else wants to destroy the people temple, which is herself to destroy the people.

Since I have set this robbery, why should I create a disagreement hall, but also to create him!

I am also a chess piece!

"You shouldn't believe in him!" True Spirit bite his teeth, his heart.

Substant information, he mastered very little.

It can also be found that the other party is not simply simple.

At the beginning, the second power of Moro, half-step seven robbery.

Mo Luo is a long-term long river, and a seven-bit robbery that can have a seven-robbery in countless age is already very good.

The emergence of the disagreement, many people think that Mo Luo will expand, become a dazzling time and space in the starry sky.

The result is the final fall.

Behind this, I am probably a planning of life.

Although I don't know what the other party has promised to the original disagreement, but now, the discriminant at the time is obviously the other party.

And some people who have been taken away are very subtle.

Among the three truths of the evolution of the evil spirits of the discard, there are two people who are still alive, or from another perspective, they are still alive.

Mountain Jun, Gu Jun, Magic Jun.

The Mountain Jun was decomposed by the primary body. In addition to the mountains, the four magic labels were also divided.

There are two in the true spirits, and they are taken away by the life.

There is also ginger!

The anti-day practitioner in this Diva Temple.

When he appeared from ginger, he was already careful.

It has not appeared early, and there is no appearance, and it will appear now.

Since ginger is also in the chessboard, then Brole is also likely to be a person who is killing.

Among the four secrets, it is impossible to born, and the practitioners in the secret in the secrets have a defect. This is unable to change.

Unless he shots to transform the other party.

Jiang Yan has never been transformed with Broles.

This is obviously a chess piece that is inserted.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, he will take the brilliance.

But now there is no double shot, you can lose some idlessions.

I didn't care about this.

This is different from the past, and the emergence of life is also evil.

It will not only threaten the current people's temple, but I am afraid I can threaten his status.

What is the moth of the other side, what to do with his kick out!

At that time, you can't say it.

Fortunately, he has a foresight, create a veteran house, and firmly grasp the inheritance in his hand.

Now, the four temples, he is not believed.

Insulation with the people of this year, this is what these people know that all people know, I am afraid it really wants to rebell.

He is now waiting, etc.

I am afraid that the other party leaves, there is no movement, passive is him.

I have to appear unexpected, and I don't run the way.

With the Dividend Temple to other time and space.

Once again, the four major secrets, as well as the interior of the entire district.

The true spirit is always not at ease!

On the Western Coast, it is to stage a game, and the peak.

The sword is unparalleled to Battle.

Today, the sword is unparalleled to stand in the peak state, the strength is comparable to the strong, which sword in your hand can be killed.

Brole has also reached a complete body, all of the potential of the body excited, and the changed trunks showed the peak.

The war has achieved horrible peaks.

It is comparable to the ancient power of Wu Zuo that practice countless years.


The sword has no double shape to flash, the speed is exceeded.

The figure is clear, but the atmosphere has reached the deepest spike.

"Star Chart!" The sword didn't have a double angry, and the cloud sword was in front of him, and the next moment directly doubling Brilli.

"First Sword!"

The sword is vast, suddenly tilted!

Countless ideas are shaking, spatial changes, time-free.

Brolear hands holding boxing, putting on the waist, the foot is suddenly bit, directly crushed the space of the condensed space, and rushed to the sword.

The hands are more condensed out of countless air waves, and constantly throw swords.

It is only the power of these atmospheres, and the speed is low, and it is too slow for the sword.

Countless huge round energy, is set in the void, like a round of round and moon hanging.

Decades the swords of the sword, a little bit of the stars, and the space begins to distort the trembling.

Time is more completely fixed and fixed Barole's body.

His time, the master is still too small, can only go to the first sword in the first sword, can be done, only in the void, can not freeze the respect of the other party.

So Brole is a slowness that can feel the speed of your own speed, but the consciousness and the idea are still running.

After being fixed, he broke out again, wanted to break the cage.

The flesh is fixed, the idea is still.

He left the body, and the body brought the source and talked out together!

This scene made the sword unparalleled a big jump.

Two Broles appeared in the deflated void.

One is a dark flesh, it has been gone by Brole, and the other party is also very decisive, and no more abandoned. When he went down, he can only wait for death.

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