Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5604 5599 Chapter ?? Death

But now, there is no flesh, and you can stop him with the body of the body.

"Hey!" The sword was unparalleled and used in the whole body, and the direction of the direction was rushed toward Brole's pop.

, there is no constraint of time.

Brole is also clear, no flesh, now he is very fragile, must break the ban on this place as soon as possible.

Although there is only the body of the body, you can have the power of every punch, or the power of the peak, a punch, and the void is constantly shocked.

In front of Brole, the deflated void is like a mirror.

The sword has no double eye shaped contraction, so that he can't attack Brole, plus this sword is too powerful, he can't drag it with the other side.

"Brole, do you only hide?" The sword is unparalleled, only speech is angry, and angered: "You don't work as a monk, nor a qualified warrior, you forget the teaching of Bukun. ?"

"Take out your strength, fight with me!"

Positive confrontation, he invincible!

This sword is invincible.

Brole's eye holes from white wax, turned blood, white arc, has also become blood color.

The breath is flying again!

This breath, let the sword are unparalleled, and it is also fear.

He is also a lot of the strong people who have learned the strongman, and it is facing the super power of six robbery, such as the six-robbery such as Feno, and he is also fine.

That breath, he is too familiar.

Brole is still able to explode, this is what he didn't think of, this time the breath has been comparable to the robbery.

The sword is in the string, he can't manage so much, and now it is a boy to lea over Brole, he also wants to rush to the other side.

This is the only chance.

When only one chance is left, he will ask himself. If this is the last chance of peace, how he wants to play a strength to exceed his strength, go to the opponent.

If you can't get it, you are falling.

So he must win.

The nephew sword set out the void, fixed time.

Now this void, only his body with Brole can move.

Brole is again transformed again. After entering another realm, there is no violent, but there is a stable.

In the face of his strongest sword, it didn't be awarded to hide, but the front is relative.

This is in the middle of him.

The nephew turned the sword, turned into a small size of hundreds of millions of miles, straight in Brole.

The other party is now hiding, there is no chance, the sword is unparalleled as if it has passed through time, and I saw Brole's fall behind.

At this time, in the Temple of the Temple, the true spirit suddenly chaotic god, shouted, hurried toward the sword unparalleled direction.

True Spirit in the four major secrets, free to shuttle, only one breath can reach the sword unparalleled position.

A breathing is still a bit slower for the peak power.

First sword!


The sword is unparalleled.

This complete show, he is a lot, the first sword is really perfect.

The spatialization in the surrounding Million has made a portrait of only one of his lives.

Brole's breath is not feeling.

In the portrait, Barole is a red-haired, shining with a red arc, and sticking out two fingers pinching the sword.

"It's a arrogance!" The sword didn't look at this scene and disdain it.

I actually took two fingers, I blocked him, and I was too small to watch the power of the starry sky!

Looking down at your own masterpiece, the sword is unparalleled.

It's just that his nephew, this time also fell into the portrait and became a dead.

But there is nothing big deal, he can take advantage of life.

It is not difficult to do.

Just when he was prepared to split the scroll, this piece was fixed in the space in the drawing, which was settled in the space.

"Well?" The sword is around the sweepstakes.

Next, his chest burst, I didn't know when there was a big hand in front of him.

When he reacted, when he wants to transfer his life to supplement himself, death has come, and the force of his life is deadly suppressed in the source.

The power of madness, still being swallowed with his life.

The sword has no double mouth, widened.

Life is constantly lost.

Is Brole!

Or is a life.

In the case of being controlled Brole, suddenly shocked his starlights, took the opportunity to attack, and he wore his chest.

The candlelon is completely smashed, and it has made a fragmentation.

There is no complete beast native source, and the beast will be easily crushed by the robbery.

It's easy to fight against the prevention, but you are in the life!

The super existence of the true spirits can be paired.

He wanted to be the true spirit, could not do it.

This time I was completely desperate.

That wipes the power of death, caught his life.

In the middle, he also understood it.

No wonder, he will evolve from all things to become the power of life, it has been a relatively power.

I have become the right side of others.

Space combination time can form time and space.

Life is blended, and it can also be set up.

This is not a simple reincarnation, like Hui Qing master, the cultivation is the reincarnation.

Today, he is a step to explore the true meaning of the reincarnation.

That is a complete reincarnation.

A level with time and space.

That is the power that transcends the robbery.

Is a shortcut!

Stepping into a higher level shortcut.

The sword is unparalleled.

However, he found that the power of the death, although it was able to suppress him, but the power contained, it was not so powerful.

Relative, it is also mutual.

If you have the power of the death of the six-hit, erode the power of life, I am afraid that the bamboo basket will be ahead, the other party is just a hierarchy of death.

He still has hope.

Thinking of this, the sword has made the last thoughts in front of the sword, and went to the home of its own source, and aggregated became an incision.

At this time, his native sea, the waves roll.

When his avatar appeared, he just saw the power of death.

The intensity of life is the same as the appearance of the present, but it is just a green atmosphere.

After the death of the death, after the sword is unparalleled, it is twisted, and it has also been treated with a sword, but it is only black.

"Hey, you can't stop me!" The black sword was unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and this place is his own sea, can you threaten by an outcome?

"I will take you with this mix, I still want to swallow me!" The sword didn't have a double angry and drunk.

The two are just simply use their pure power to fight, and they did not want to fight, and the secret is rampant.

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