Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5655 5600?? Toughness of Life

The purest death and the purest life.

This time the sword is stronger, the stronger, that is the fear of death, and the desire to treat life.

The force of death can be different.

"You can hear, it is better to live," The sword is unparalleled, and you don't forget to attack.

Although death is terrible, it will give people fear.

However, the toughness of life is not facing before death.

Today, the positive death, the power of life broke out.

"Give me, go out!" The sword has no double one punch, the power of death, then a flashes, after the other party, it is a knee, and directly condense the death, completely dispel.

The sword with a thick gas is unparalleled, slow turning, and found that the black breath turned into his way.

"There is a dead, and some people need some little help!"

This is a return to him.

The sword is not a double eyebrow, and the smile: "I don't need your help, because my helper is already here!"

outside world.

The powerful breath, suddenly falls.

"During the life, you are getting more!"

A invisible giant hand, directly through the sword, the death of death is born from the sword unparalleled.

The Sword of the Sea of ​​the source is unparalleled, and when the power of death is pulled away, a paint black snake, breaking into the sea, no one discovered.

The sword is unparalleled, directly in the opposite, and the injury is completely recovered.

It's just the candlelon, it's over, there are some pieces, I don't know if I can fix it.

Just showed the time empty map, he is now weak, although there is no hurt, but can't mobilize the strength of the starry sky, it is impossible to enter the strongest state, and now he is only barely to the five-order drama.

If there is no strength of the starry sky, I am afraid that he is this battle, and he can force the body to force six episodes.

Nie Yuan, it is really giving him a treasure.

True Spirit turned his head and watched the sword and was unparalleled, and pulverized the death of the death in his hand.

"With this person, hurry!" Zhenling has never been so angry.

Because of the life, it has been severely interfered to the interior of the Polyson Temple.

Moreover, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, the opposite is the opposite, I am afraid this is also part of planning.

The present is not completely coming, but the force of the death remaining in the body of Brole.


A touch of black shadow appeared from the origin of Brole.

It is dying.

"This is all discovered!" Doors leaked a smile, and then waved a black halo covered Brole.

Brole's population and flesh, just fell into sleep.

The true spirit station is in front of the sword, and it is not open to this.

The sword is unparalleled, but the opening said: "Adults, can't let them go!"

It is better to kill the fidelity of Brole and the internativeness.

It's not a pity.

"Little guy, a Brolen will be scared!"

Brole's change, it is really scared that there is no one to pick up.

Ginger is already allergic, can't let go of an enemy.

The true spirits shook his head and said: "Before I don't have a regret, hurry!"

It is not true, but he can't shoot first.

I have a will of my heart, suppress him.

That is a huge memory fragment, which is a fragment of the people of the people.

This has not been integrated with the piece of fragment, which can interfere with his consciousness. If it is integrated, I am afraid that the current bodies are already in life.

The life also saw the true face of the true spirit tangled, reminded: "You are the true spirit of the Temple, but also part of the discrimination, you must don't forget!"

This is a leak that he appeared at the beginning of his discretion.

I didn't expect to have true spirits, and there will be independent awareness.

Otherwise, it will plan to be better than it is now.

It is also an independence. The true spirit will really hate the way to swallow the way, and the sword is unparalleled.

Decoction with Brole, in the channel opened in the true spirit, you leave.

The channel is finally resolved.

Dear the death of the temple, appearing in the universe.

At the foot is a circular universe, standing in a huge celestial body, and the fudt in the body is roaring.

Because this place is not the primitive universe, and even the people of the people are not a long-term long river.

Their two have just appeared, and a team wearing a strange battle armor is moving towards this direction.

This time and space can be stronger than the time and space of the original universe.

It is even stronger than the original Moro time and space.

"Wait, Taoist!" This farewell is still behind, and the power will increase the strength to the robbery. If you want to say it, he said with the strong man.

A poisonous woman in the lead in the lead is shaking the tail, and it is a scorpion.

After finding that the life is all, there is no fear, but there are some flavors.

"When a robbery, I dare to break into the universe of my scorpion people, you are very courageous!"

The strong people of them are emands.

It does not mean that there is no robbery, sitting here.

When you have just found it, there is a strong person who exceeds the five-robbery and begins to come.

Huge vain is shrouded everyone.

"Take the generals!"


After retreating, the true spirits were slow.

Just just because the memory fragments in the body interfere with him, but he has opened a channel to other time and space, giving him the force of the anti-alpha.

This is also a trial, and it will practice the hand with Brole to practice.

He should have no problems with the passage of two people.

But this is not enough.

I want to send the Polyson Temple together, it is impossible, but he can send a few sense of the inheritors in the Diva Temple, or can do it.

For example, the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, have you long you want to leave here?"

Suddenly a sudden sentence, let the sword are unparalleled, I thought that the true spirit didn't want him, and hurried his body.

"Okay, I don't mean this, you also see that the life is coming for you, the people of the Discrimelles are not important." The true spirit said the truth.

The sword is unparalleled, after all, it is a round-back avenue, which can be comparable to time and space.

This is not important to let the mission to be in the temple.

At that time, the strength of the life, no one knows what will become.

After the sword is unparalleled, I won the road: "Different people decided!"

"After the way, I will give you a chair, then leave the temple in a period of time!" The true spirit back, slowly said.

Now the strength of the sword is unparalleled, although there is also a self-protection ability, but it is too weak.

After the atmosphere should be successful, then go out.

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