Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5609 5604? Your Capital

Even if he is the seventh layer, I am afraid that I can't hardly.

The first sword of the starry sky, after all, is able to kill Broleine.

Brolen Barole is already comparable to Wu Zhi.

I have no problem with a seventy-two layers.

After returning to the main hall, there were countless people 's eyes, and they were shocked and incredible.

From now on, no one dares to question the sword.

If you add a time limit, I am afraid that there are countless era, or there will be another era, and some people remember the name of the sword.

Invincible Daojun!

Everything is divided into millions of people, and he also has a copy of everyone.

Divided into those strong, although some are not enough, but for the five-order Emperor and the fourth-order emperor, it is a big championship.

At the same time, their heart is unparalleled, and they will work hard towards the sword.

Before the sword is unparalleled, there is a lot to talk to the old power of Dongsheng, and there is a situation in the original universe, let them pay attention.

He knows a lot, but it can be said, just said that the magic threat is said.

In case the other party really unsuccessful in advance, when there is no robbery, it can be embarrassed, and you can only look at the magistan to swallow.

However, according to the true spirit, the three real jersey.

Mountain monarch disintegration, the magic monkey was suppressed.

The strength has dropped a lot, the strongest is still the ancient king that is suppressed in the first prison.

His strength is saved, and at least there is a six-minded force.

Even if the magic is unpredictable, it is afraid that there is a three-minded body.

It is like this, there is no one in the temple, and there is no one in the opponent.

The true spirit is not going to go, and the body of the go is too weak.

The Zhuang Zhuang, who turned out, was only a robbery, and the strength was not enough.

Also have to rely on them these inheritors.

In addition to the threats, there is still the life.

The other party is rushing on his life.

Death and life collision, countless era plan, all for him.

He is more careful.

After returning to the familiar cave, empty.

The sword is unparalleled with a panel. On the futon, began to pay attention to the treasures available in his hand.

There are many treasures that can quickly improve his strength, and these can be used.

The stronger strength, the more you have.

"Cosmic crystal, 300,000 square!" The sword nodded.

There is a mountain, the whole body cosmic crystal appears.

Originally, it is more faster than to swallow the origin, but the universe is not easy. It is not too late to use the emperor.

Two-thirds of all objects.

An imperative origination, the original source of the owner.

The source of the six-minded power!

It is his now.

He is close to the black hole, and he is very close, swallowed these origins, enough for him to break through.

Extend it in one hand, gently touch all the best, his spirit is open, and the vast object directly enters the body.

Just instantly, his body is expanding a circle.

This source is too pure.

Some of the swords are unoccupied, and they will stop.


Directly move the home of this source to his own home, and the ethos of this source needs a long time, he can't waste these time.

It is better to be responsible for swallowing.

He also has more important things to do.

Chess, watching the game, the inheritance of the first true king needs to wait for him to reach the emperor to practice, this is not anxious.

At the moment, he needs to have the power to give him the power of the starry sky.

The power of the stars.

This is not the power of the path, but from the strength of the swordway.

Star Sword.

This is the inheritance of Nie Yuan.

Or Ye Yuan's starry sky is given to him.

Just a pity, Nie Yuan's strength is too weak, and which sword did it directly let Nie Yuan die.

If there is his strength, I am afraid it will not fall.

Even if he is now, which sword can be used, can bring the anti-allerge, it also needs a time to stop, not only to supplement the power of life.

This is still the power of life, if there is no life, I am afraid he is in the same way as Nie Yuan's fall.

The power of the starry sky, he did not master it, just borrowed, even stealing.

Naturally, it will be reflexed.

And the power of the starry sky, it is hard to bear the source of time and space.

Some of them are added.

"The first sword!" The sword did not have a double idea to show swordsmanship, a sword out, his whole people willed.


This time, he was directly opposite to serious injury.

Thunder, you can't transfer this force at all.

"No, the realm is still too much, or try it after the black hole!" The sword didn't shake his head.

His realm is really too low.

The power of the starry sky does not understand.

It is simply created a sword, but it is just a little power.

Roughness is used to improve your own stars.

Keyway still needs to put it.

Otherwise, how he plays, you have to smash it in your hands.

It is better to study, how to use the stars of the stars in itself, then go to the swords.

It was previously hersed.

Let's take the power of the starry sky first, and then call it in itself.

Missing movement.

A weak starry force appears in the fingertips, look at it, can't see the boundary.

He is now, even the space can look carefully, even the idea can feel the time.

But you can't see this striker.

Although it is just a trace, a group of condensation.

The sword has seen a huge universe from it.

Look again, the universe is constantly dispersed.

Until his whole person was stunned.

Do not see!

I can only see a universe.

Who can think of this is the power of the stars, containing a universe, even more than a universe.

The mystery of the starry sky is not what he can imagine.

Subsequent time, swords are unparalleled.

The right thing is not a day and two days, and he needs adequate preparation.

He won't be in the stars, or the chance of the opportunity is also in the stars.

Everything is possible.

Inner cave, unchanging!

In addition to the cave, it is a day change.

Trial, gradually decreasing, the number of inheritors began to stabilize.

The number of people is unchanged, the resources of the tomb mountains are constant.

This is a good news for those inheritors.

For the true spirit, it is a big bad news.

The long-term long river outside the original universe, I don't know when, there is a hall of the same temple with the boy temple.

The main hall stands in the long river of time and space, and the movement is bigger than the Buddha.

Directly open to the strong people of the whole time and space.

Obviously it is out of life.

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