Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5610 5605 ?? Temple

"The Hall of the World!"

After the discovery of true spirits, they directly down the dead command. Anyone who entered the Temple of the Temple was ordered.

The Temple of Dry the Hall and the Difficulties is also the enemy of life and death.

Although the inheritors know not much, they didn't think it was a bad thing.

Especially the business, he is even more loud, directly traveling to the long river, provocating the Hall of the World.

In just a era, the power of the Temple of the Temple is not weak in the inheritors of the Polyspur Temple.

The ultimate emperor has appeared a large number.

A focal turn of a pair of confrontation is unstoppable.

And all of this is unrelated to the sword.

He has been closed, and the outside world has not changed.

Even many people think that he has succeeded.

The sword is unparalleled.

Just when he enlisted the power of the starry sky, it was just a non-payment and passed a era.

The traces of time, there is no reflection, but it has passed long years.

The four major secrets are completely unified, and there is no resistance.

Now inheritors, most of them have entered the original universe.

Although the Temple does not suck the trialist, the inheritors go to the original universe, even go to other univers, Da Kong Gate, and a pair of openings.

These inheritors are a generation of disciples.

The second generation disciples are the strong people who are teaching them.

This is also a matter of true spirit.

The emergence of the Temple of the Temple, chaos the plan of the dismsive, can only be temporarily changed.

However, the effect is not bad.

This time and space has entered the era of large outbreaks.

The first era is an exuberant.

The second era is the era of the disagreement, this era is very short and very brilliant.

The third era is the era of two temples.

The two sides continue to invest in a lot of resources, completely inspiring the potential of this time and space.

In the past five-order episode, it is the era of strong, has been retracted.

Now, the long river of time and space is not a six-order episode, you are embarrassed to say that you are strong.

It is already possible to look at it, and there will be some strong people in the long river in the future.

The time of the era is not enough.

There are a lot of strong power in the first era, but there is still no one in the robbery.

It is the most optimistic thing for everyone, after all, the first ultimate emperor, the result is no movement.

I have been looking for a sanctuary of the Shimen Temple, there is no sign of breakthrough.

But strength is powerful and terrible, and it has become the first strong in the long river of time and space.

And this time and space is also known as a name.

Although it is not the name of the strong, it is related to the two temples.

"Disadogeneration time and space!"

When this name appears, the true spirit is directly to the death of the Shenshen, but the more fear will be more and more.

The initial prophecy is too accurate.

I really want to disappoint the temple!

Compared with the outside world, the sword is unparalleled, and it is also very magnificent.

In the power of the Starry, he overlooks the starry sky, so it is good.

Now he has created two top peaks with the power of the stars.

The starry is recorded, and the Sword of the Starry Sky.

In ancient times, there is a change in the power of the stars.

In the past, when he raised to the peak state, he only maintains a fragrant, and now he has been able to maintain a time.

This is the first change of the ancient times. After he became an emperor, he will continue to go on this road.

As for the Star Chart, he studied not much, but the first sword continued to improve.

Now give him the diagnosis time, gradually shortened.

I can even rely on life to make up for the anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-the price, it is one of his time and cannot make the second sword.

But this is also a great success.

In this way, after showing the star empty map, you can still keep the peak.

Will not complete the first sword as in the past, the direct realm has fallen.

This era, he received a lot of goods.

The space realm arrives at the black hole.

The darkness of the dream, I finally arrived.

And everything is in the country, there is still a larger, waiting for him to swallow up, you can go to fight a fight.

He is still there yet, and he is thinking about how to become a hijacking.

The space is satisfactory, the peak secret law.

He is now a preliminary completion.

After the way, rely on the power of the starry sky, you can repair the peak secret to a complete.

The space is across the universe, the most simple.

It is also his strength and the biggest rely.

Once the space is mastered, his universe is probably the true universe.

Plus the power of life!

The sword is unparalleled to be forwarded. If it is his universe that he thought, it can be born, it is not to say that he can open the universe.

However, it is a bit of trouble.

There is a power of life, but there is no source, this is not.

I can't make him play the source of all things!

This will reduce his strength.

"Overview of the game!" The sword was unparalleled, and thought it was.

His original source is in the watching chessboard.

If you integrate the watching chessboard into the universe, then with his strength of his life, can you resurrect the top of the chess?

To be true, the sword is unparalleled to imagine the future of a group of strong people when they fight in the future.

Inspired by swallows, he is not imagined, all this is fast, let the strength to prove it!

The right is in front of you.




Direct torn space, appeared above Yuanyang Lake, and he wrote a circle, frowned.

"What about people?" The sword was unparalleled.

He found the strongman of the entire veteran palace, at least 90%.

And it is also a strange face.

Just when he was confused, a shadow is here.

It is Wu Zuo, but it is just a legacy of U.

Nowadays, the long river and the temple of the Temple of the Temple are often fighting. His book needs to take the outside in the outside world.

Now that the two temples fight, they are all in the universe.

"Unparalleled, I thought you were closing this time, ready to go directly!" Wu Zuo killed.

The sword is unparalleled and swayed, replied: "Before the way, you need to go to the West Lingshan."

"It's right, so that I will help you give you the old ancestors of the Maxi Lingshan, let them come directly!" Wu Zuo opened still so domineering, asking for others, but also allowed the other party directly.

Although the sword is uncomfortable, it is still very grateful, but this time he is going to personally, it is important, you can't make a regular, you will refuse the conviction of Wu Zuo, and ask the situation.

The strong people in the veteran palace are sharply reduced, and it seems that the power of the old palace now, it seems to be the indigenous emperor.

After listening to the sword, Wu Zuo, the big and small thing happened to this era and said it.

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