Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5611 5606 ??? Westbound

"The Hall of the World!" The sword did not have a double eye hole contraction, and the sound was a little trembling.

He can be completely affirmation, this is definitely a destroyed.

Now the outside world is indeed chaos.

Ok, the other person stands in the spirit, and the sword is unparalleled.

As long as the other party is in the spirit, he is not afraid.

I am afraid that the other party has always hidden, and he doesn't dare to go out.

Even if this is the case, he will not leave the Buddha.

What should I do if I don't wait for him?

Can he dare not take risks, or listen to the command of the true spirit.

"Wu Zhu Xiong, then I will leave, maybe I will come back for a long time in the future, all the treasures!" The sword was unparalleled.

The other party did not help him, he remembered the respect of each other.

Look, Wu Zuo, still failed to become a palace master, still a law enforcement, but now the outside world is so messy, the status of law enforcement is the weakness of the palace.

After the success, he will go to the tomb mountain, and it is estimated that it will leave this time and space, and it is not easy to meet each other.

Wu Zuo seems to understand it, and also hold boxes, but there is not much to say this once, and sincerely: "You are the same!"

Subsequently, the sword didn't have a pair of piphers, and the void was immediately disappeared in the original place and went to the central hall.

Standing in the same place, looking at the sword unparalleled back, slowly left.

On the way in the sword, I didn't find the old man, it seems that I have no chance to come to the door.

It is Qiu Huang's legacy, always guarding the central hall.

After seeing the sword, it is the same, it is straightforward.

"The sword is unparalleled!" Qiu Jin smiled: "You are a small child, it will finally go out!"

The sword is unmolved slowly, leaking a smile, slowly walking.

The two meet, just in Qiuhuangcheng in Qiuhuang City.

Unconsciously sitting on the steps, looking up with Qiuhuang.

The other party is already a six-order emperor, I heard that it is a good mix, and this respect has not goes to the outside world, but goes to the ground.

Talking for a long time, the sword is unparalleled to get up.

Before entering the transfer array, Qiu Huang hesitated, and finally called the sword.

"Yang brother, fallen!"

This message comes from half a era.

At that time, I robbed the universe and the sheep, the three measures were the gods, and the six-order peak emperor, from the rear to the front battlefield.

This is also his voluntary, but unfortunately encountered a strong powerful.

After the sword is unparalleled, I first stunned, slowly turning the eye, I just saw my necrosting sword shank, this is the peer sword that the Yangjiao's old man spends the big price from the Shuque Temple.

"Who is the hand!" The sword was unparalleled in the same place, back to Qiu Huang, can't see the expression on his face, but the tone has suddenly dropped to the ice point.

Qiu Huang's voice is also a bit hoarse, after all, how many old brothers are, he is also very sad.

"It is the first power of Brole, the Temple of Diendai!"


The sword is unparalpted, and I have embarked on the transfer array, leaving only a short sentence.

"I will revenge him!"

This sentence is very decisive, it is also ordinary.

Just when the transfer array is open, the sword is in the middle of the color of the color, turned to look at Qiuhuang's position, roaring: "I will revenge him!"

This is caused!

At the beginning, he was free to kill the father of Brole, and now Brole will kill the sheep.

Killing people, people are burning.

Who is strange.

Only when you happen to anyone, there will be the anger.

Human normal!

It's time to change today, or you can't change it.

Perhaps, they are only mortals.

Since understanding the power of the starry sky, he sometimes feels that the universe of his life will be a point in strength?

Perhaps, maybe not.

After a month, on the continent of the West, there is no urgent flight.

After entering the West, the sword is unparalleled without trouble, but I chose to fly slowly.

The current Tianjie has been assessed too much power.

Maybe those strong, is also voluntarily.

No one yearning for a bigger world.

The true spirit may promise, all the indigenous emperors who leave the Diva Temple can help them repair their own origin, but they should be hidden to betray the Paths.

This requirement is not too much, and natural countless people go to the outside world.

As long as you reach the emperor, you can leave.

Weak out and have no help on the situation.

For those who are in today, most of them are just a man in town.

The present is all.

Can repair this source, that is, a big chant, no one wants to go out.

So that the sword has no double one road, even a emperor has not encountered.

All is some of the body.

If it is in the past, even if the heavens are still safe. I am afraid I have to meet a few unknual magic emperors. Now it seems that these people go to the long river.

It is like a bird that is interrupted, suddenly cured wings, and is also liberated from the cage.

Now the sword is unparalleled.

He also wants to go out.

Western, Lingshan!

Near eye.

A ,, , Jinguang.

The sword is unparalleled to reach the mountain gate and stopped.

After all, there is a person, can't be too no gift.

"In the following swords are unparalleled, come to Bai Mountain!" The sword was unparalleled, and there was goodwill.

The watching mountain door is just two small sands, which is the greatest goodness to the outside world.

One of the little sand, dusty, white and innocent, step by step, there is no double in the sword, the hands are all ten slightly, say: "Sale, please wait!"

"Thank you!" The sword is unparalleled with the hand 10, and it has a gift.

Big multipur mountains.

In a chic backyard, several Bodhi trees outline a look of the world, a Lingshan, a great energy living here, and the knee is under the Bodhi tree, sitting quietly.

When the sword is unparalleled, the Bodhi string in the hand suddenly stopped.

And outside the door, there is also a voice.

"Uncle Miao, Master is please!"

The head woman sitting under the Bodhi tree is the Miyongyi.

Since she was released by the veteran house, she went to the Maxi Mountain. I chose to enter the Buddha's door and ignored the outside world.

The sword is not a double that has become his heart, so that the time of the era has not been completely eradicated.

Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled, and the mountain owner of the Mountain, let her go, I am afraid that today is the best chance.

Compared with the previous, the uterus is now extraordinary, and the real out of the dust is.

Although I found that the sword is unparalleled, it is still not adapted, but it can be treated in normal heart.

After Nie Yuan's fall, don't say that the sword is unparalleled, even if you hear the name of the sword, she must go crazy, I want to kill the sword.

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