Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5618 5613???

"Is there any impossible, your strength doesn't have any effect on me." The sword didn't have a double face leaking, and then said: "Also, I have been a full, the lower three abuse is the three abuse!"

The sword is unparalleled, directly grasped the neck of the heart, swallowing the power of the moment, swallowing the body of the heart of the heart.

"Leaking out your true look!" The sword is unheladed is the power of the heart, not the body.

He doesn't want this to your own, then enter his body.

In the withered skin, instantly changed into a thin old man, the pleats on the face, the face is frightened, and the sound is awkward. "How can you have the power of death?"

"The power of death?" The sword didn't live, how can the other party say that he has the power of death?

The heart is in his body, does not mean that he integrates with him and can feel the universe.

Things happen in the outside world, the hearts should not know anything.

Otherwise, we will not know the life.

But now the other party is actually aware of death.

Why is this?

The sword is unparalleled, and the void is holding, and the heart is directly suppressed in a transparent small bottle. The finger is pinching the bottle, threatened: "How do you know the power of death, then dare to confuse people, I will pinch Death you! "

Now the heart of the magic is like a crawler, and the power of all things can't be seen by the other party, but it is firmly controlled by the life of the heart.

"Your source contains the power of death. You should threaten me. If you can't use it!" The heart is mad and laugh: "No one can threaten me, only I will threaten others!"

The sword is unparalleled to abandon the laughter of the other party, swallow the small bottle directly, swallow.

Since I like to confuse people, let the other person stay in him in his body!

He originally wanted to bring the other party to his own home space, but he was afraid of the measures of the devil. In case of a little change, he did not pay attention.

And the other person's identity is not simple, since the life is taken away from the rest of the magic owners, I am afraid that there is a lot of use, he can't be relieved.

Let the other party stay in his body forever!

Now, he does not believe in true spirits.

In his flesh, no one can save the heart.

He is strong, and he is not afraid of the means of the moon.

As for the power of death in the opponent, he has to study research.

In the future, he has failed. He always thought it was his own problem. Now it seems that someone is from the ghost.

Otherwise, he will work hard, I am afraid it will go to the future of the future.

So he didn't dare to go.

The Magic Magic has been solved by him, but there is no change in this place, and the sword is unparalleled to look forward to the long river.

"Without the demon, only the robbery is left, where are you hiding?" The sword has no double overlooking the long river, I want to take the initiative.

It is because of the reason for the cause of robbery to today.

If you have no heart magic, killing the threat to him, it should be very small!

How do he feel that there is something big to happen, and it will threaten him.

"what exactly is it?"

The sword has no double scorpion, the whole body is vigilant, and there is no great idea.

To be honest, the heart is very small to him.

If it is a general Dao, I am afraid that I have no resistance to my heart, but I'm talking to him, the other party is a crawler, just knead.

It is impossible to exist than the heart of the demon, I am afraid it is the robbery that is pregnant.


The sword has no double shape, and the position is just right, and it is very similar to him to show his universe.

I thought it was a robbery to him, but I didn't expect this time and space.

The long river is actually collapsed, and the time will also be reversed.

The position of the collapse is getting bigger and bigger, and the surrounding of the constant swallowing, soon it will spread the sword.

"No!" The sword is unparalleled to jump, but it finds that no matter how it breaks free, it is useless. His body has been taken into the vortex of time and space.

Drop the time and space vortex, it is more horrible than black holes.

Inside the time and space, even if the robbery enters, it is hard to leave.

After the sword is unparalleled, it finds that he has a weak light to protect him.

With this existence, he shuts the vortex, there are many time-space debris behind time and space in front of it, and it contains a point in time.

The light wrapped around his body is gradually dim, and the sword is unparalleled, and it can't manage so much. Directly flew down the nearest time and space, and they took it in.


In front of you, it was a dark, and then a deafening sound was issued.

The horizons are slow, and the sword is unparalleled to find that they are in a wilderness, surrounding a full of high grass.

In the sky, the thunder is playing, and the wind is falling.


A barrier instantly parked the whole body, the sword was unparalleled to find his own strength, and the bottom is also loose.

Is something that I don't understand, where is this place?

This time and space debris is likely to be a time period of Moro.

Do not find out the way, he will always be trapped here.

"I have to find someone first!" The sword has no idea.

He has covered a lot of books about Moro's seminars from the Polyson Temple, which is probably a few important time periods of Moro.

It is mainly divided into, absurd, Shangdong, people, chaotic star, and discriminant.

It has been destroyed by Moo time and space, and it will also declare the death of the discriminant.

In the four times, there were no longer in the era of discriminant.

The discrimination is an endless era, and it is built in his own discriminant.

There is also a excitement in the sword, and maybe this time he has the opportunity to see the discriminant.

What kind of meeting is there?

Although the big probability of knowing the dismissal is a small person, forging his own fallen.

But he still wants to see this legend.

Just when he stood in the same place, the deceased of a size of the size was gradually close to the sword, and a pair of is full of blood, and the rain is clear.

It is clear that heated in a long time.

"Hey!" It was more than a few miles away from the sword.

The strength of this deceased is not weak, according to the strength of Moop, it is already a congenial monster.

However, in the sword, there is no double look, just a museum.

If you don't have a power, there is no special to control, directly in the nearby mountains and a large-scale forest, all of the flour.

The original green earth is instantaneous, and it is chemically coke.

"Is me too hard?" The sword shook his head without double.

Then I took a split, I left the original place instantly, and my mind was opened to find the traces of the humanity.

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