Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5619 5614 ?? Shuttle Time

In the future, his space reaches the universe, and it is directly in the universe. The force makes him obsessed.

This life is also fast.

After waiting for him, it can also quickly enter the space universe.

Today, his mental power can cover the high domain sector.


The sword is unparalleled directly, and then the direction is turned to the south.

"Such a big range, there is only a hundred people, this is the era?"

The range of the entire high-level domain is only a hundred people, and it seems that it is still some old monks who cultivated ancient practice.

The rest of the breath, the whole body is coming.

This continent, its broad, more than a universe, I am afraid it is the continent of the more famous time and space in Moro.

According to the truth, like this continent, you should have to occupy the people!

Is it that the books he saw in the original, or said that he came to the time and space, too long, the family has not risen?

Those strengths, it is good, and there have been debris beasts in the margin level.

In ancient Moro time and space, the strength division is not as fine today, and the realm is very relieved.

Simply, it is a fairy, this is the same as the four secrets.

Dian, Tianxian, emperor.

All the customs are the day after tomorrow, congenital, Vientiane, Yuan God, big multiplication.

He was in the past few realms, and he touched more than 10,000 years.

For later Moro Time Space, some of the Tianjiao of the sky can reach the big chance in just a hundred years.

There are countless treasures and powerful masters, it is indeed a lot of detours.

For example, when the sword is unparalleled, it is a powerful master who has a strong master.

Although his teacher is not weak, you can help him more or teach him, and it is very small.

After all, he can't make him smooth.

Those who cultivate a hundred years have become a big arrogance in the realm of the majority, can't get what he is now.

It's not that those Tian arrogue will not be a Daojun, but those Tianjiao, most of the Dijun, want to be a robbery, still need some hardship.

Now the realm of the sword is unparalleled, it can be much stronger than the emperor.

Among them, there are few people who are comparable to him.

"It's here!" When he thought, his figure has reached the vicinity of the Royal Monk.

boom! ! !

kill! ! !

Just came, he heard the killing of the day.

It turned out that these people have encountered a strong deceased, and the strength has reached the later period of Yuan.

There is only one monk in these monks, and it is still in the initial state.

Yuan God is a big realm, some Yuan Shenqiang can save the countless gods.

The middle gap is very large.

Just as the present.

The sword is unparalleled, and the boss is not caught directly, just wants to go, the people of the people can't hold.

He can't manage so much, and you will directly save people in the past.

This time he deliberately pressed his own breath, but when he fought, it still attracted unsuspetent movements, and the heavens and the earth were shock.

The deceased of the realm of the realm of the gods, directly turned into a powder, and it disappeared in the original place.

The sword is unparalleled in the crowd, and saved a baby, just a little slow, this baby is going to fall.

"Ethle!" This group of people in the monks in the monk, the oldest ancient decoction directly went straight to the sword.

The rest of the person saw the old man, and they also kneel down.

The sword has no doubles holding the children in the boy, behind the one hand, the appearance of the world is undoubtedly, and behind the sword is still mysterious.

He knows that according to the timeline, these people are aged, I am afraid that I have to be ancient than the discriminant.

"Get up! This seat is just closed here. After being injured by this animal, it will take help. If you don't thank me!" The sword is unparalleled, and there is a big monk.

The old man who took the lead, when the trembling got up, when the name was reported.

"The late generation, see the predecessors, don't know this place is the predecessor, more thanks!"

The sword is unpair, but bowed to the baby in the arms, found that the other party is the congenital body, the eyebrow is also an ancient imprint, and when I ask: "My observation of this baby's forehead is not simple, it is you Totem of the group? "

This era, he is probably clear, it should be the end of the upper stage.

The people who were born in the Times will have a group totem.

"Yes, the baby in my predecessors is old grandson, just born!" The old man replied.

The bottom is more motivated, and their family has survived in this manner, and there is no big monk.

In front of him, this young teenager, I am afraid it is a big monk. If the other party receives his Sun Chier as the apprentice, they will probably have a large number of monks.

The ethnic group of Mahayana monks is qualified to go out of this, the wilderness of the people.

That will override the fate of their family.

"Just born, Totem can expose, you have the sky, good!" The sword nodded.

Although not much understanding Moro, the basic common sense is still understandable.

This baby's forehead can appear so early, I am afraid it will be a monk.

It is expected to have a major realm.

Of course, you can encounter him, then it is not difficult to become a big flight.

I finger out, I have entered the baby's eyebrow.

On the power of all things, there is also a trace of thought into the baby.

After the mental force entered the baby, a huge blood of the blood pulsed the sword unparalleled.

"Not simple!" The sword was unhealthy.

The future of this baby is not simple, he actually can't get a way.

This way is the power of all things, it is also a kind!

The old man is hot, he can feel a powerful force, injected into his grandson, ecstasy.

It is worse than the sword, but when I said, I was unparalleled by the sword.

"I still have something to do, I don't bother you!" Said that the sword is unparalleled to get up and want to leave.

Holy Land.

Where is he going to see.

Before leaving, the sword didn't think of the board dropped, and I wanted to return to find it. At this time, he suddenly became a move, what did you think of?

That is the jadeboard of the disagreement, he brought into this time and space, isn't it to say two exactly the same jadeboard.

If this is the case, the plate in his hand will disappear.

Now that the board is not disappeared, and the positive disagreement has not yet out.

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