Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5620 5615?

"Forget!" The sword didn't swite his head, and then he said to the old man: "I left a letter nearby. If you can find it, you can let me find me! "

Subsequently he left a seal in the jadeboard, he left.

This jadeboard, the final result will be in the hands of the people, and even if he does not give these people, it is still in the wild, and it will eventually go to the hands of the people.

Because this is the things of the disagreement, this is unable to change.

After the sword is unparalleled, the group of people monks, except for the baby who is unparalleled by the sword, the rest of all people are crazy to find the trolley.

This is a big firmer!

"This is interesting!" The sword is unimpeded to fly towards the holy land in the record. The more I feel interesting.

He misged into the Time of Moro.

The discrimination seems to be born in this era. After three era, it has opened up its own era.

Maybe he is still able to encounter the disagreement.

From the record in the record, it is very ordinary in the early stage of the discrissive, and the people's brilliant era. The discrissive is just a magenta. When I arrived in the era of chaos, my disagreement slowly showed the head angle.

According to the record, the epogenic era is because an ethnic monk has become the end of the robbery, then take the family to the peak people era.

This era, in fact, is not a big family.

It is said that the era of the Ethnic Group, in fact, the original people, did not think so, only the people in the later generation have given this era.

Although the people have robbed, improve the method of cultivation, the comprehensive strength of the people is far less than the rest of the world's long river.

Only a peak strong is far less than enough.

Now this time, the robbery, the big probability will appear.

Just don't know, is it holy place in the continent.

His present position, is almost a distance of the universe.

In order to be able to arrive quickly, the sword is unparalleled, and the strength is greatly changed, and the strength has increased to the peak.

Now he, the more the distance is approaching, the faster the strength is improved.

I don't know if it is bad.

He has not heard of this phenomenon.

So his strength is already overflow.

In normal state, there is a top-top force.

The peak state after the ancient times, has already been a complete success, which is much stronger than the strength behind him.

Do you say that after he is going, do you have no enemies?

Now he still can't say that there is an invincible emperor, can only say less hostile.

The emergence of the stars, it is indeed that he is beyond awareness, but he can accept it as long as there is no role.

Ten days!

Only ten days, he crossed the scope of the universe and arrived at the Holy Land of the Gong.

"Tenglong Mainland!"

One of the holy land of the family.

It is the holy place in this continent, which is not the holy place of the whole time and space.

However, it is not much different.

Most of the life of the universe, most of them are special life, no groups.

In the peak of the people, they began to move to the universe life.

The current family is living in the midth of time and space.

This is why, those special life have always said that the universe is their hometown, it is not a local area of ​​the family.

After entering the Tenglong Continent, the people can be seen everywhere, there is no wasteland, this continent is so pleasing.

After coming to this place, the sword is unparalleled.

Anyway, he has not found a way to leave, it is better to travel to the red dust in this place.

Tenglong continent, is a small country in the eastern region of the eastern region, and the sword is unbroofed, and it has begun to live in the customary life.

At the time of the Qing Dynasty, the family's practice of the family was not perfect. He didn't have to learn from practice.

Just slowly wait.

This time and space shred is small, but the space is not small.

Such an ancient continent is more than 10,000 more than the original universe.

Time is in a hurry, the sword is unparalleled, I don't know if I can go to the born.

The result is only a million years, he disappeared from this place.

When you appear again, or a time and space vortex.

Just now he is wearing an ancient monk's costume, the jadeboard is gone.

It seems that everything is true.

For a million years, he has gone through the Tonglong continent, and he left many opportunities in the holy place of the family.

Although it is only useful to the allo, it can also change the history of some people, and the humanity will accelerate the peak ethnic group.

"Well?" The sword is unbrick, and it is still vortex in time and space.

This is not to let him experience Mo Luo time to let him leave?


The sword is unparalleled once again, enters a huge spatial fragment.

Like the last time, after the dark, he saw the time in front of him.

The village is cool!

Valley can be seen everywhere, and there is a smoke in the hut.

This is a variable village.

There is no trace of breath nearby.

This time, it is a chaotic star field.

The family has already made great movements and entered the universe.

What he is in place is a magnificent universe, although most of them are still a customary, but monks have already.

In the world, there is already an emperor.

This is just a medium-level domain.

The sword has suddenly appeared, and the yellow beef is critical in the next embard.

A child of a cow jumped with his feet, and saw the sword unparalleled dress, it was shocked.

For these mortals, I have never seen such a clean orthodontics.

Unfortunately, the sword is unparalleled.

I laughed at the child, and the sword was unparalleled to leave, and I will go to the emperor.

At the beginning of Tonglong, he has seen several emperors, but the strength is too weak.

I didn't see the power of the entry of the entrance of the family, and I didn't have any intentions with those people, but I observed some, I left.

This time, the emperor he felt may not only.

The whole cosmic Zong, at least hundreds of emperors.

And strength is not weak.

In the era of chaos, the disagreement has risen. He just took the opportunity to inquire about the discriminant.

Just ready to leave, the sword is unparalleled and stopped.

He looked at the dark child, the more you read it, you feel that this child is there!

"Your surname White?" The sword was unparalleled.

Children look at the sword and talk to him, not afraid, naughty: "I don't do it!"


The sword is unparalleled, just a palm, and there is a string of sugar, and ask again: "What is your name!"

"White Dog Egg!" The child is not too small, directly grabbing the sugar gourd, not like a sword unparalleled.

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