Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5624, 5619? Layout Future


These disciples, naturally don't know why this is, hurried forward.

The sword is unparalleled, it stopped and barely leaked a happy smile. He said: "You are very good, I am very happy, but I am seriously injured, I haven't lived, remember to practice!"

"Who?" Several disciples have been asked.

The sword is unparalleled in this millions of years, the master is also the same as the father.

I heard the teacher's injury itself, I wanted to know who can seriously hurt their master.

"Silly children, don't ask more, there will be announced in the future, don't have to be revenge for me!" The sword didn't swite and shook his head. He said that this, but took out a mustard, trembled: "This is I will leave you The treasure of the next thing is good, don't say it is my disciple. "

These treasures are all he searched in this universe, and this seven people have cultivated to the five-order episode.

After you want to become stronger, you need to go to the long river of time and space, alone.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will slowly disappear, and finally return to the time and space.

Seven disciples were facing tears, and even the flesh of the Master did not leave, only one of the row of crown.

And the top is also signed "unparalleled!"

The future of these seven is indeed changing the history of some discriminant age, but did not affect the life.

Because they are the strongest, but they have come to the top of the five puffs.

Just the sword is unparalleled, there is no time to vote, and there is no confirmation to the Pestician Temple.

Want to change, why it is difficult.

After the sword is unparalleled, after the time and space fragment, enter a huge time and space fragment again.

Another round of reincarnation.

This time, the sword is unparalleled to Moro's oldest times.

Wild era.

This is an era without a family.

The era of desert beasts.

In his time and space fragment, there is a first-day animal god.

When the sword is unparalleled, when the breath is, it is scared.

He put the flesh as a deceased, the distance from the distance, and began to refine the first day of the beast god.

It's just that this deceased is not a candlelon. Otherwise, after the candlelong kit on him, I am afraid that he can't spare him.

Mixed for a million years, the sword has disappeared again.

This time he has experience, it can be calculated as that era according to the surface of the time and space.

I went to the time period of the contest.

He feels that the emergence of the family is a big relationship with the context of the context.

When the epogenic era, only the people can get the Totem of the Human, and the chaotic star fields are also because of the people.

After the ethnic group, there was a chaotic star field.

Most of them have been taken away by the people.

After the rise of the thriving, those waste beasts cannot compete with the treasures.

Even the original universe of the original universe is occupied by the original universe.

On a floating hill, behind the sword behind, watching the gods in the sky.

Former moment, still ancient times.

Next moment, it is the era of gorgeous.

From this moment, the family is beginning to give birth from everything in life.

In the moment of the people, the sword is unparalleled, and the power of a strong soul is coming to the mainland.

"It's really related to God!"

The sword is unparalleled to the earth, the brow, the eyebrows, and a kind of jump you want to try it, you want to go in.

This is awkward, with the people in the stars, must be related.

Maybe all secrets are there.


The radiance shines, the sword is unparalleled to see the totem leaking on the stream.

Under such a shining light, it is hidden huge horror.

Moop's secret.

The sword is unparalleled, and the next moment is directly on the peak.

The power of the stars in the body suddenly broke out.

The flesh is expanded into a circle.

This power, he can't get it.

"Call!" The sword was unparalleled.

This time I tried, let him be more convinced, and the upper is from the stars.

And the life is the character of the Tung Jun, which is the strong in the stars.

"The secret of the starry sky is not the only one!" The sword didn't get angry.

For him, the starry sky is indeed unique.

Perhaps from the stars, he can defeat the life.

The other party comes from the stars, which means that the life is better than him.

And I also know that he has the power of life, this is the chess game from the beginning.


Through the light of the earth, the two power is relative.

In the gods, a broken wooden boat, killing the soul light, swim on the sky.

The sword is unparalleled to raise the palm, just in contact with the plane, he also felt a power of death.

During the life is above.

Just strength, it is stronger than he imagined.

In the middle of the world, it may be strong than the future.

"It seems that he didn't cross a time and space, the strength will be sharp!" The sword has an answer.

In the middle of the Shangdong, I am afraid that it is existent to the seven-robbery. After the gains are shattered, they have reached Mo Luo or only half-step seven-step strength.

Nowadays, in their original space, I am afraid that the strength of the life will be reduced.

It's just that the true spirit doesn't know this.

In the future, in order to swallow him, you will choose to kill the life and fall.

Perhaps it is not the opponent's willingness.

Instead, it is the same as him, and it has entered the future.

Doors have span time and space many times, but he does not arrive at the point of completeness of time and space, so every time you will fall.

When I arrived in the future, there was only a strong battle.

It is good to be a decisive decisive in the sword, and choose to die directly in the future.

I have to return to the current main time and space.

No wonder the devil does not know the life, the original life did not take the heart of the magic, and I chose personally shot.

After all clearly, the sword is unparalleled.

Born in the past, and the future, it is all in the layout.

Then he is here, I am afraid it has a lot of relationship with the life.

His layout, I am afraid that in the eyes of life, just like a child.

"Almost be calculated by you!" The sword didn't looked up at the light of the road.

If he is tangled here, I am afraid that he will forth in the face, and he can't escape.

It's good to have a good luck, and the third time I entered Moiro time and space did not encounter the life.

This time is the distance recently, but unfortunately, you can't come out.

It is now the early days of the Shang Cang, and the life is not coming.

After the sword is unparalleled, I can't help but laugh: "During the life, you can't think about it, you will change the heaven, the future, I will pay for you!"

The future of the future, the future of the future, is a future that is designed to give him.

That is inaccurate future, he will not be affected.

Everything is still what he said.

I really have to fail, and he will not be fully induced.

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