Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5625 5620 Chapter ?? Destruction Accounting

In the middle of the middle, it seems that I have heard the sword unparalleled, and I have broken the power of death. I can't wait to break the sky now, go to the sword.

"Urgent, anxious!" The sword was unparalleled and smiled.


He didn't expect that the life of Shangdong, thoroughly violent, directly down on the power of death, and condensed countless destruction.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

These black phantom have a strong battle.

Starting the sword is not a double, it is only a hop, just a little more, found that these black phantom is the power of death, although there is a strong battle, but it can't last, it doesn't think about him.

"During the life, your calculation is perfect, but unfortunately missed a little!" The sword is unparalleled in the mountain, overlooking the countless black phantom, is being fused together, and the stock is constantly making.

However, the sword is unparalleled.

Even if it is integrated, it is the best.

After he reached the hijacker after the power of the stars.

Here, the sword is not a double slightest.

The fusion of the fusion is changed, and it is surprised: "Which this is wrong?"

"You should know, I have been to the starry sky, but you will never think of me in the starry sky!" The sword has no double overlooking, leaking a bruises.

The eye is slightly smashed, disdain: "Oh? Yes!"

"Even if you have a relationship with Dongjun, I don't care, because Dongjun is dead!"

"Dongjun?" The sword was unparalleled, just like him, Dongjun is really dead in the hand.

The out of life and then said: "You really know Xiaowong, except for him, I don't think so calm, you only need to know a little, you will save you!"

"You can kill Dongjun!" The sword was amazed.

He is actually very little understanding of the Star Man, because the original star people are too weak, he is not in the eyes.

So take the opportunity to go to the story, I want to know more about the starry people in the gods, how to die, or the strength.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, you will be sneer: "You really think that Dong Jun is very powerful? Compared with the starry, he is just a worm, I am the real star hegemony, the people of the people!"

"Hey, I don't believe it!" The sword did not have a double color slightly, then said: "Dongjun's strength, so powerful, how can you lose you a six-hearted!"

After you have heard it, you can't help but laugh.

"To the right, the six robbery is indeed the opponent of Dongjun, even if it is the border, it is not the opponent of Dongjun, it can be a nine hobbian, you don't believe it!" The sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and the front is just a look at the breath. It's ridiculous. If you are a nine knocked, you need to swallow your life? Don't take the time and space, is it casually? "

He broke his lie in a word.

There is no need to install in front of him.

After being reversed, the color of the face changed his face, and he was angry: "Kid, you dare to play me!"

He understood that the sword is unparalleled, he has known his previous layout.

When you do it directly, the death of the death, the body, the black fog, instantly erodes the world, let the whole space lose all things.

Thoroughly death, it is a desolate scene.

The sword is unparalleled.

"I changed!"

Under the sky, he invincible.

Because there is a massive stars in Shang Cang, the source is constantly declining, and the sword is unparalleled, let him instantly reach the robbery.

This scene made the life, he didn't expect the sword where the sword can be so powerful.

His book is in the middle of the sky, is equally powerful.

This is the unique force of the starry sky, how the sword is unparalleled, and it can be so powerful.

"In the starry sky, what is the realm!" I can't help but ask.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is not talking, directly shot.

For the life, he doesn't want to say more, otherwise it will be calculated by the other party.

It's all right to play, in the face of death, the power of his life is sudden, and the power of the lifetime of the robbery will be done directly.

This consciousness of the life is also unrupt.

At the moment of the other party, the sword is unparalleled to pinch the consciousness of the residual residual situation.

"I still want to run?" The sword was unparalleled with the confident consciousness of the other party, and it was directly sealed in the long river of the watching chessboard.

After the awareness of the god enters the watching chessboard, the face is changed, and the tone is incredible: "How can you have time to go!"

"This is really can't tell you!" The sword was unparalleled, and the consciousness of the destroyed the residue directly went to the bottom of the day.

In the sea of ​​the origin in his body, the power of the death of the death is also in the hands of the sword.

"Hey, now you have lost his wife and" "

With the consciousness of life, plus the power of death.

He can create a fellowship.

Insulation can devour him, he can also swallow the life.

This is also a great opportunity to him, just want to get this opportunity is too difficult.

Nowadays, in the future, it is fell into the residual bureau of your person, and the sword is unparalleled. It only needs a fidelity of the fidelity to swallow the life. It can master the reincarnation in advance.

However, this is waiting for him to the emperor to do it.

Complete reincarnation, the power, it is really weak.

If the sword is not a double future, it is expected to go to the nine hobbies, then he can master the two capabilities.

One is time and space, the second is the reincarnation.

The two are added is time-space reincarnation.

This is much more powerful than simple time and space.

At the beginning of the mysterious teacher, he can find him only by the power of time and space.

When he grasped the time and space, I may be able to jump off the long river.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled to have some excitement.

"Hey, in the life, I will not give you a chance again!" The sword did not decide.

When I wait until the time and space, he will no longer explore those fragments and say anything.

Just now this piece of debris has not been completely consumed, he still needs to wait here.


Decocted the big man, staring at the sword below, and the eyes are deep.

"How can he know!"

For example, the sword is unparalleled, once the power is first first, it is probably the opportunity to kill the life is very small.

It can be used now, it is not a sword.

"Master, I am afraid I have to defeat this world!" Dragonfly slowly closed his scorpion, and the figure of Master appeared in his mind.

That is the Lord of Real Death.

A colorful corpse, this is a teacher who is in life.

This corpse, I don't know when I entered the starry sky, and I don't know when to get it completely.

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