Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5626 5621??

After the sword is unpacking, the figure begins to dissipate, and he doesn't forget to kill.

It is to be angry with each other.

He is not afraid that the other party is in a hurry, I am afraid that the other party doesn't talk, and it seems like it is ready to prepare anything.

After the body is disappeared, the life in the upper is also disappeared, and returns to the long-term long river outside the original universe.

The sword is unparalleled this time, it is directly left the time and space vortex.

It turned out that the time and space vortex is because the consciousness of the life is only, and the awareness of the life is leaving. The sword is unparalleled. There is also a cave in the mountains of Majoring Mountain.

No way, the use of the use of the use, the sword is unparalleled and also understands his layout.

I want to make the sword to make his book.

It is almost unreal.

Moreover, the sword is not a fool, and it is not possible to fill the time and space. With the mind, you can directly roll out the time and space.

Just starting at the beginning, the sword is unparalleled, I didn't expect to be a layout of the life, I thought I couldn't go out.

After leaving the time and space, he returned to the mountain cave of the Mahayan, and he found that the light is very sufficient, there is no darkness at all.

The walls on both sides are beautiful murals.

A few steps in front, it is export.


The sword is unparalleled, and it is finally returned to the real world. It has experienced too much in these days.

Step by step, I left the cave in an instant to go to the hole.

Miyong is waiting for him outside with thousands of stars.

"Thank you two!" After the sword didn't come, I held a boxing for the two.

Miyongyi is nothing more, retreats to one side.

Thousands of Buddhas are all between the ten, the opening: "Sale this Huang Yi dreams, I am afraid that we have come to the ancient times to chat, where, where you have prepared a good fu, you can help the good Pingdu mutter! "

"Thank you for the Lord of Qianxing!" The sword is unparalleled with hand 10, thank you again!

It's just that he has now been satisfied, and you don't need external objects to fix your mood.

However, the other party sincerity, how he is so embarrassed to refuse.

The sword is unparalleled to see a palace, try the way: "Let?"

"No!" The uterity shook his head.

Seeing the other party firmly, the sword is unparalleled, but he also handed a mustard, there is Nie Yuan's sword inheritance, and some treasures.

It's a compelling!

At the beginning, he also regards the other party as a chess piece, saying that the palace is not encountered, I am afraid that something is not.

The old man inherits the mother's inheritance, after getting blood loss, I am afraid not afraid of any enemy.

Everything is life!

After a sigh, the sword was unparalleled with a thousand star Buddha.

He has not yet received the heart of the beast, but he has already remembered that the ancient heart.

The second yuan god.

That is, the second life.

Dao Jun cultivated the second yuan, the cost of the required is not too big, can not use the whole ancient heart, but after the emperor wants to practice the second yuan God, I am afraid it requires the heart of the ancient NS.

I don't know, when I ask this request, I will see him.

Even if you take it, your face is not.

The second yuan God is actually called the privilege.

It should now be said that it is the second source.

The sword is unparalleled is two originals, and then cultivation is three sources.

The third source, he all thought about it, use life of this source, then to swallow the body of the body, becomes the source of the reincarnation.

Just perfect.

He has now started to count the treasure of how many shots in his hand, and will mention this thousand Star Buddha.

Shortly, some people sent the heart of the beast.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no big shock, the future is so miserable, he has got the heart of the beast, this is nothing.

After I took the heart of the beast, the sword was unparalleled to take a good one in the mustard.

"Universal Master, this little girl, please accept it, this time there is more than you!" The sword is unparalleled, and it is straight into the other mustard.

I have seen this scene, but my eyes have been aiming at the Buddha.

The thousands of stars have cough, and it is quietly said: "Since it is a good idea of ​​good, you will accept it!"

"Amitabha, thank you Shanshi's kindness!" Universiade took the scepter, and the bottom is very like.

This is the best eternal to the treasure!

The sixth order emperor is very small.

After the universal go, only two of them are left, and they are drinking tea.

The sword has been raised for a long time, it is not that face.

But I didn't expect that the Thousand Star Buddha was taken away.

"There is no double, how about this ancient tree?" The thousands of Buddhas looked at the hands and stared at the ancient Tour.

The sword has no difference, but it is still talking: "This ancient tree does not generally, not only quietly, the inside of its ancient capital, I heard that I can make the emperor to cultivate the second source! "

"Haha, rumors are a little exaggerated. If it is an ordinary emperor, it can also cultivate the second source, but it has not been hidden, so this ancient ranks are useless to me!" , Continue to say: "At the beginning of the young, there is no qualification to cultivate the second source, but it is equal to it, but it is already a year!"

This time, the sword is unbounded, and the Qianxing Buddha has not qualified for the second source.

If you have qualified, the realm is too high, you can't make the second source of the ancient heart.

Now this is to let him grasp the opportunity!

After the sword didn't double touch the other party, I went out to smile.

Directly said: "This time the thousand star Buddha owner has great enviants, what do you need?"

"There is no double Siki, and the removal of killing is a small thing. As for the heart of the beast, it is not all the mountains. Now it is a home of the original, and the good deed has given a return. How to dare to ask again! Heart Buddha is busy.

This time, the sword is unparalleled. He didn't quite understand this old monk for a while. What is it?

After watching the sword, the sword is unparalleled, and the tone suddenly suddenly, said: "This time, there is a small matter to help, if this thing can be, this big ride mountain, the mysterious mountains have seen Despite going! "

This is said to have a domineering.

It seems that he said a word.

This big ride mountain, but it is not a thousand stars.

"Hey, this is too simple to me, let's talk about it!" The sword has no double leaks smile, waiting for thousands of stars.

After drinking a bite of tea, the thousands of Star Buddhas drunk, and the voice is low: "Help me with the true spirit!"

"Bring the words?" The sword was unparalleled and looked at thousands of stars.

The other party knows the true spirit, this is not surprising.

These years, the true spirit can be said to be deeply rooted.

"Yes! Let's take a sentence!"

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