Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5627 5622?

Although the sword is unparalleled, it is not a big thing to him.

I will agree directly!

"That's more thanks, there is no double, this mustard is invited to send to the true spirit!" Many-Star slightly squatted, then took out a mustard, handed it to the sword.

When the sword is unparalleled, a touch of mind has been deeply, but it is found that he can't open it. Some surprised.

But I want to come, the big Mountain, how to say the famous mountains of the ancient times, inheriting treasures, nature is not general.

Look, Many-Star is ready to take a big Mountain to find true spirit to do some kind of transaction.

such a pity!

The other party did not know the spleen of true spirit.

For true spirits, this whole of the bodies are his own, how to trade.

"Thousands of Buddhas, I heard that this ancient tree can give birth to the second source. I don't know if it is true!" The sword has no smile, and also actively showcase.

He is what this ancient treasure heart is trying.

But don't be much, he is just a Daojun, one-third is enough.

You can buy money, as long as the other party agrees.

The other party also implied that there was no reason to not agree.

Thousands of stars are not a fool. I will understand that I will take a bite to tea, then laugh and look at the sword.

This is waiting for the sword without double price.


The sword is unparalleled to take out more than 100,000 square cosmine, and the kind is complicated.

In fact, there are still many cosmine, just those camfith, when they are closed, I am afraid it is still used, so I haven't taken it out.

The value of these treasures is also worth 100,000.

The most important thing is his power.

This is invaluable.

The sword is unparalleled, the strong green rays, the power of the strong life is out of the moment, and the ancient trees have a lot of spirit.

"I only need one-third of the heart of ancient, and after getting it, I will repair the ancient turf after the ancient heart, the outside people can't see it!" The sword is unparalleled to say that it is checked.

The hot fever of the thousand-star Buddha is of course because of those treasures.

Big Tianshan, this time is not born, because of the swords of swords.

This is not that someone informs thousands of stars in advance, but this robbery, I have long been there.

Nowadays, helping the swords are unparalleled. It is a big receipt, and the future sword is unparalleled.

Now I can get so many treasures, it can be said that it is a lot.

As for the ancient trees, the Thousands of Stars have not been placed.

Whether it is for the Big Mountain, or for what, they will go out.

Repair this source, can go further, this is every dream!

Today, the chance is in front of you, you can't grasp.

"No problem!" Many-star directly agreed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the other party will be so atmospheric.

According to his understanding, should the ancient Tripwa should be the first to Bao of the Major Ling Mountain?

Just bring a word, send the first to the treasure.

Although the ancient trees will recover, it can take time, it is extremely long.

"In this case, then thank you thousands of Star Buddhas!" The sword did not get up directly.

Things are talking, there is nothing to talk about it.

Dachen is not asked, there is a chance after the future.

The Thousands of Star Buddhas also got up, and they took a mouth from the ancient trees.

A complete ancient heart appeared in front of them.

When the sword is unparalleled, when you see the heart, your eyes are beating.

The heart is abnormal.

Since his heart is successful.

No wonder is the first to treasure.


Thousands of Buddhas passed through space, directly removed one-third of the ancient trees, and handed it to the sword.

The ancient trees, and there is a lot of darkness.

However, the sword is unparalleled with life, which can help the ancient trees to recover.

This is a thank you!

After taking out a three-third of the ancient trees, the mouth disappeared.

If it is a vanus that is not understanding, it is thought that it is dialing the ancient trees.

In fact, the thousands of stars are just through the nine-layer space, and after a certain layer space is drawn, the heart is taken from the complete ancient trees.

This is the same as the emperor, kill a crowd.

It can be taken out of the other party, but do not hurt the other party's body.

This is a space.

Vanus can only see the essence of space.

They can grasp the core through the nature.

After the sword is unparalleled, this time, this time, it is successful.

Before leaving, he sent a group of life into the ancient trees. After farewell with the thousand Star Buddha, he completely left the big multiplings.

This time, he did not choose to take a transmission array.

Instead, let all strengths, choose to fly to the Temple headquarters.

His speed now is much faster than it.

Under normal state, it is possible to match the top.

It is more enough to come to the end.

The space is full of dark hole.

I used to feel the ultimate sword. Now I look back, I feel that it is not the limit at all, only constant transcendence.

At the moment, he only left an opportunity.

That is the way.

Go to the most perfect gesture.

boom! ! !

The breath on the body has risen, and a huge lake is flying, exploding countless waves.

He now, not only the heart is satisfactory, but the breath also reaches the most perfect state.

The sword who is originally planned to have, or feel some unstable.

With his current strength, go to the tomb mountain and easily.

First go to the temple, ride the super transfer array to the mission of the Tomb, just need to reach the Tomb of the Tomb in almost a day.

For him, it is indeed a test.

Now the special life of the Tomb of the Tomb, basically moved to the original universe and went to the outside world.

The strong people staying in the four secrets, and less.

Therefore, after the sword is unparalleled, I didn't touch a strong force.

Temple Headquarters!

Or is a white tiger temple more accurate.

The four temples are the strongest white tiger temple, which has been greatly stressed, but it is some depression.

Because the pressure has arrived at the Qinglong Temple.

The outside world is killed, and it is managed by the Qinglong Temple.

It is a white tiger temple.

It has not been threatened internally, and the white tiger temple will naturally be depressed.

But as a white one of the Temple of the White Temple, it is a little .

He has traveled to the four major secrets.

After relieving, it is a bit not used to it.

When the sword is unparalleled, they directly saw that the white respected is in the main hall, and it is also a little unexpected.

Once this is a busy man, I want to see one side, it is very difficult.

Even if you see it, you will be bored.

Nowadays, the present is sitting in the hall, drinking, extremely leisure.

It is very similar to the original dragon.

The four secrets have become the back garden.

When you feel that the breath is unparalleled, there is no double, and the white is also stunned.

If the world is very peaceful, he is not paying attention to the strong in the heavens, and now I saw the sword, I was also shocked.

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