Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5628 5623 Chapter ??? Go to God

It was found that the sword was unparalleled, the brow is slightly.

That shares are more introverted, the breath is absolutely extensive, and it is actually so powerful.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you have?" White is a little daren.

Because now he also looks not to sword.

The sword is unparalleled in the transmission of the pass, and looks up to the outside world, wear a hole in a hole.

After seeing a white one above the main hall, I wandered a smile. After a flashing, I entered the white tiger hall, and the sword in the temple was unparalleled, and smiled: "There is no way, I didn't expect the temple, early I know I will visit this in advance! "

"This is only an era, you have come to my position, you don't lose money!" White looked at the sword unparalleled, somewhat awkward.

When I wanted to see the sword. When I was unparalleled, I was also a Dao Jun, but the sword was unparalleled at that time, the strongest is more powerful.

Today's breath is only a weak one line.

The strength of the four major temples, although there is a strong weakness.

The weakest is also powerful than God.

It is also able to match the existence of the robbery.

Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled, but it has already been successful.

It is indeed only a weak.

"The main hall is praised, and the unparalleled is good!" The sword has no one as the ever modest.

White is shaking his head, saying: "You have achieved this achievement, it is never luck, but your powerful heart!"

It has a seven-poble of the white eyes to see the sword unparalleled mood as a pound of lake, no wave.

Absolutely the heart is satisfactory.

"You come here, is it going to go to the tomb mountain?" Asked the white test.

The sword is not a little smile, and I replied: "It is indeed going to the tomb mountain, saying, I have never been to the tomb mountain!"

Always I heard that what is the power of the tomb of the tomb, this is the first time, although he is now not able to improve, but still expect.

That is the expectation after the emperor.

On the one hand, it is expected to become an emperor.

On the other hand, because he is looking forward to the right, how to rehabilitate on the tomb mountain.

Torn the capital of the qualifications, and after the way, it can be cultivated so fast.

So what kind of situation will he be in his way.

After listening to the sword, there was a unparalleled answer, nodded and said that it would be definitely: "It's going to see it, there is a real practice holy place!"

"Come, I personally open the transfer array for you, directly transfer you to the gods!" White is directly uploaded, with the sword unparalleled into the transfer.

The sword is unbelievable, and the other party is so polite, but also for a busy answer, then enter the transfer array.

This is also caused by his strength.

Even if it is a white one, he also looks at him.

The future of the people of the people, maybe it is really pinned in the sword.

Nowadays, the outside world is chaotic, and the temple of the world is, and the Buddha is still sensational.

In the treasure, it is not weaker than the Different Temple.

Nowadays, just a era, you can fight with the inheritors in the Dividend Temple.

The future of the people in the future will have to enter the trough in a period.

Because the inheritors in the Polyson Temple becomes less and less.

And the power of the Temple of the Temple is more and more.

However, the true spirit is worried about the calculation of the life, and the life is also worried about the fact that the true spirit is.

Although the remaining Di Dynamic in the Tempse of the Differences is small, it is still possible to maintain a screened screening.

It's just slow, and it will not be like a big flat.

In general, still play.

Now they sometimes, they can stand on the wind.

From the future memories, the sword is unparalleled, and the rise of the Temple of the Temple is also known.

It is not only to cultivate elite inheritors, but even some ordinary emperors are recruited, not picking fat at all.

Although the strength of ordinary emperor is not good, it is a kind of treasure that has a unique treasure that has a unique treasure.

Holy water!

Ordinary second-order emperor, only one drop of holy water, it will change the origin, but the cost will never progress.

The body will also change.

This way, the ritual ceremony with the sword is unparalleled.

That is the god created, it should be a way to increase the body in Frosta in accordance with some means of inheritance memory.

The temple of the world is to use a lot of money.

When the first-order emperor's own ceremony, the first-order Emperor will become the fourth-order episode.

Second order emperor can become a five-order episode.

In the primitive universe, it is unnecessary to use this method.

There are so many original universal universal cosmoes in the long river, but the third-order emperor is a strong man in that primitive universe.

Only some inheritance can develop the potential of these third-order emperors.

Only by relying on this elite emperor, it can fight for a long time.

Therefore, those emperors of the ceremony are the weakest emperor. It is impossible to improve themselves. They can only choose to take holy water.

But this is also their voluntary.

In the face of power, they are extremely desired, and they do not need to induce threats at all.

Unfortunately, the sword is unparalleled.

If you don't want to be aimed at him, he also wants to go out that there will be a strong opponent in the long river.

Nowadays, the long river is different from the past.

There are a lot of happiness.

And in the temple of the world, there is also a lot of ultimate emperor.


The moment of the transfer array opened, the sword is unparalleled in an instant in the mission of God.

The vastness, turbidity, and a quietness of the sword are unparalleled.

Perhaps it is really an ancient continent left by Moro.

The sword has no double, and the familiar feeling is incompatient.

That breath, swords are unparalleled in Moro time.

It should be from the power of the upper air era.

This shows that there is a treasure in the gods.

The sword is unparalleled.

The discrimination can become a half-step, I am afraid I don't get a treasure in the middle.

Otherwise, it will not be dead.

Organize cooperation with the life until falling before falling.

The shape is constantly moving, and the sword has countless thoughts.

Soon, he saw the tomb of the tomb.

On a threaded mountain, there is a marine sea, or it is a sea.

There is also a forest in the giant wood.

They are entangled with each other on the tomb mountain, and there is all the scenes of a world.

Sure enough, it is magical.

The sword is unparalleled, and the powerful breath is attributed to the black hole, and then it will return to the calm.


When you appear again, the sword has arrived on a huge battles.

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