Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5629 5624? Inheritors!

The ship is in the upper side, and the banner belonging to the Hall of the Temple is also hung.

"The sword is unparalleled!" A woman with a scarlet armor saw the sudden power on the deck, exclaimed.

I heard the name of yourself, the sword is unparalleled, and it is found that it is an acquaintance, and smirk: "Zhu Qi!"

This big ship is the inheritor who sends the Shuque Temple.

Only by riding this warship can shuttle time and space, enter the tomb mountain.

Don't look at where the tomb will be, but it is not a double, you can't fly over.

Only by riding corresponding to treasure can enter the tomb mountain.

Because the time and space of the tomb mountain and the time and space of the gods are not together.

Just look at the eyes, both are all together.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is good, just encountered a warship that sent a heritage that I just finished the game.

I didn't expect to sit in the town of this warship or Zhu Qi. This acquaintance.

At the beginning, the other party sent him to the magic mountain.

It seems that there is still a relationship with some kind of shear constant.

"It's so clever, Zhu Qi messenger!" The sword was unparalleled.

In a blink of an eye, he has surpassed the opponent too much.

The messenger of the four temples is all the ordinary embarrassments that are refining the remaining corners of the four major temples.

Although there is also a seven-poo exquisite, but the power is too much, just the five-order episode.

Now the sword is unparalleled, and you can tear them.

"How can you here?" Zhu Qi stood up and walked directly to the sword without double, asked.

When near approaching, the sword is clearly clearly visible to the opposite face with a symmetrical gap, and the eyes of the mountains.

However, since the other party asked, he also answered.

I heard the sword is also going to the tomb mountain. Zhu Qi is not surprised, and it is asking about the things of the mountain.

When he was exported, he had some regrets.

She felt that the sword was very weak, but also the ordinary emperor level, I asked quite failed to ask.

After all, she has been in the original world, the sword is not a double understanding, but he heard that the sword is unparalleled is no enemy.

On the deck, thousands of inheritors have found a strange man on the deck, and look at the messengers of the Zhuque Temple, they are very curious.

These little guys, some are Daojun, some are big Damai.

For everything in front of now, I'm very curious, I have seen it.

When you hear the name of the sword, it is a glimpse.

Subsequently, someone was exclaimed: "Invincible Dao Jun, sword is unparalleled?"

Although they tried to trial, they were in the world of Xuanwu Temple, but they had some of their ancestors, and they have entered the Pestic Hall early, and the status is not low.

If you can't enter the Xuanwu Temple before.

However, after the death of the Hall of the Hall, the Xuanwu Temple changed the normal state, not only took out a lot of to help the Qinglong Temple, but also included a lot of arrogance.

Among these people, there is a sword where there is no double style.

I told them the vectors, and I entered the tomb mountain in the future, I don't seek to go beyond the sword. As long as I arrived at the realm of the sword, I can reach the unparalleled realm.

The sword is unparalleled with a strong force. If these little guys can become a good job, it is true.

The difficulty of the robbery is too big, this is a plurality of era, and there are countless resources in the Purgent Temple, and there is no robbery.

It is conceivable that there is more difficulty.

Therefore, it is still a peak.

The outside world is the same.

It is a super strong, it is basically difficult to fall.

And there is very little strong in the Temple of the Temple. So far, the two sides have been fighting for such a long time, and it is only the evils between the universe. It has not fallen in the universe.

Every universe is from the beginning of the bottom.

Subsequently rising to the super emperor.

The general universe, the six-order Emperor will participate in the war, that is, the war of Tianda, the interior of the contenders will be discussed.

Don't say it.

Therefore, it will be a long period of time and become the peak of this time and space.

Unless there is a large number of robbery.

But it is now not too possible.

The Temple of the Dienie is coming, and it has never appeared, and it should be the same as the true spirits. If you want to maintain the Temple of the Temple, you must wear thousands.

Then, the sword at this time is unparalleled.

I heard Zhu Qi's inquiry, let him face, a little red in a look.

His strength now, it is indeed possible to pick up the original suppression in the second prison, but now the mountain is no longer.

Take away by the life.

"Samper's things, I am very sorry!" The sword was unparalleled to hold boxing, apologized.

If you have a little more, he will succeed.

It can be successful, who is going to take away, and he has no way.

I can only wait for him to go, I will find a way.

Now he owes a lot, although there is no cause of robbery, these causations have no way, but it is still necessary.

Zhu Qi's eyes change, strongly endured the sadness, shake the head, so I don't have the relationship, this is not your fault, you should have no way now! "

Feel the sword unparalleled, Zhu Qi has opened the topic.

She knew that the mountain king's sword was unparalleled, so the sword was very good.

The sword is unparalleled, the bottom is not a taste, how to listen to him too waste.

It can be true.


Can't protect anyone.

"This time I went to the tomb mountain, it was ready to go!" The sword was unparalleled.

Zhu seven o'clock, encouraged: "With your strength, it is not difficult, let alone you are very strong, you can succeed, don't let go of those who come back!"

Back people!

There is also a tearful flow in the sword.


He can't live up to those who come back.

Those who have helped him hopes that he has become extremely powerful, he can't live up.

"I will!" The sword has no double Zheng.

Zhu Qi's eyes also have light, her strength is too weak, I want to save the mountain, I am not likely to be, I can only hop the hopes in the sword.

After saying these, I didn't say anything, I left the deck.

And tell the sword unparalleled, shuttle, need a time, you can reach the Tomb of the Tomb.

One time, the sword is unparalleled, and it is staring at the turbid void on the deck of the bow. The body among the origins are all in the past.

Although all aspects have reached a success, it is not meant that he doesn't need to practice.

He didn't dare to stop for a moment.

Future failure, let him not have to have a little sand.

Can't fail!

Just when he silently cultivated, the number has not been to the heritage of the tomb.

Just, they all feel that the breath of the sword is not simple, even if the sword is unparalleled, there is still some emperor's breath.

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