Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5635 5630???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

However, these people are now falling.

The Taojun on the original star of A9, now the weakest, I am afraid it is a five-order episode.

Torn the sky has fallen almost a plurality of era, and the five-order peak emperor.

Not don't say that than torn potential is still great.

Wanxin Emperor who walks, the progress is slow, but never stopped.

Now, the sixth-order emperor will be entered, and the power is not weak.

Now I have left the boy Temple, I heard that it is in the long river of time and space, I won a whole original universe, renamed "Wanxing Universe"

Although I didn't control the universe, there was a master of a universe.

It is already a party.

"Time is really fast!" The sword was unparalleled and looked up and looked at the murals on the stone wall of Dongfu. "Remember the first time to see the joy of the treasure?"

Huang also stood up, and then there was a bloody building, "How, will forget!"

This is the innate to the gentle birth of Mo Yu.

And it is still the peak of the treasure.

That is the treasure used by the emperors.

But now, the emperor in the inheritor is the eternal tobao used.

There are even some, even the universe is going to Bao.

This sword is unparalleled, but Huqing This era is on the tomb mountain, but it is known to know.

Tomb, the first inheritor is Hui Qing himself.

The second inheritor is a business!

The third inheritor is a unfamiliar ultimate emperor, so that Huanqing has not seen several times.

And rarely moved in the four major secrets, and has been practicing in the tomb mountain.

On the tomb mountain, only can reach the fifty floor, there is a permanent residence.

Nowadays, they are now qualified, only ten.


Hui Qing directly will shine on the stone wall.

First: Huqing, sixty floor!

Second: Business, Fifty-eight floors!

Third: Bone Rob, 54th floor!

Fourth: Light Yue Emperor, Fifty-two layers!

Fifth: Tongtian Buddha, fifty-first floor!

The top five is almost all the first batch of inheritors.

Tong Tian Buddha can be ranked fifth, so that the sword is unparalleled!

The remaining five people are all fifty layers.

It is also only crowded in the near future.

Hui Qing and Shang's rankings, it is far ahead.

If it is not the Buddha, the Hall of Bolori is, I am afraid that his ranking can also be in the top five.

The progress of the business is still the same as in the past, steadily forward.

It is also the Popularity of the Temple, now promoting the popularity of the robbery.

Almost everyone is watching the merchant faster to enter the robbery.

Because the space of the merchant has arrived in the cosenics, it is probably a success.

As for the peak secret law, it is only a bad arrival.

Once all succumbuses, they can directly reach sixty floors and become a robbery.

Huiqing's war and the realm are strong, but the time of practice is still too short, I want to be a robbery, but I can't practice this, it also requires a lot of opportunities.

It's just this kind of opportunity, and there is already a little interior, and even there is nothing to pull out.

At the beginning, Huiqing Road, pulled three Wang Ting, let alone become the opportunity of the robbery.

This opportunity, there should be, but not much.

I want to be a charter of the robbery or in the outside world.

The sword is unparalleled, and he feels that the Buddha is helpful to him in the emperor, but it is a robbery, I am afraid it is here.

Peeking over the sword of Moro's time-space, and also is very forward to the powerful time and space.

It is the survival of the real power, rather than this kind of artificial secret.

Nowadays, the original universe is in the long river, name "disgical"

It has already begun to break out.

First, it is the emperor.

When the number of emperors reached a certain degree, the robbery also came into being, thereby opening up a new era.

The era of the distant long river is divided, in fact, it is a bit similar to the original Moro time.

From one place, to the Temple of Discriminate, then go to the Shenshen of the Hall.

Directly let the bottom improving don't know how much level.

At the beginning of Moulo time, it is better than this time and space.

At least this time and space of the long river, the humanity is in love, basically there is no foreign enemy.

The family has always been born from the original universe.

With special life, it is also in peace.

The Temple and the Temple of Dry World, the same as the superfluous of Moro, is a matter of breakthrough to the practice.

The original Moose time, after the won, it is more powerful.

I don't know that the two temples today will be sorted, will not let this time and space in the long river.

Tringing with Huiqing, the sword is unparalleled, and it is gradually ripe.

Now the Temple of Diet, the reason why God of Chamber can be competed with the Pesticia Temple, the main reason is that the hempians of the Shenshen are very low.

Or there is no threshold.

Even people are all received.

And the layout is very deep, go to the top power, and go to the vanity forces.

Everything is trustworthy.

Strongly dominated.

"Dry!" The sword is unparalleled in the eyes of lightning, and the cup in the hand is shocked into powder.

Hui Qing's brow, open, ask: "There is no double brother, you have a hand with this person, how is his strength!"

"Unclear, but he can compete with the true spirit, we are not opponents!" The sword shook his head.

In fact, he also learned from the mouth of God Frosa, and he was aware of the strength of the truth.

Even more powerful than the true spirit.

But he did not tell Huqing.

He also has his own ideas, and the identity of the life is not so simple. It is related to the Shangtong of Moro, and is also related to Dongjun in the stars.

It is even more contact with him.

This is still his second person who touches the people.

If it is just a half-step seven robbery, the sword is unparalleled, there is also the hope, to catch up, not afraid.

But from the identity of the digestion, I was at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, I am afraid that it is powerful than the discriminant.

Without absolute strength, he will not take risks.

This is also the reason why he didn't dare.

In today's Different Temple, it is a dark flow.

Although threatening does not reach him, it can threaten those inheritors!

So that the true spirit gave up the inheritors of the Polyson Temple.

Instead, hundreds of millions of the inheritors have all made up the second generation of inheritors.

It can be such that the quality will also fall a lot.

In addition, the people who have unsatisfactory, the people of the gods, and the people of the gods are more passive.

Although the treasure is not more than the death of the world.

Some treasures are all prepared for Tianjiao, can't give those waste!

Especially some of the very weak emperors, there is no use at all.

Treating these trendies, but it is prepared.

With holy water, you can take your strength, let the strength skyrocket.

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