Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5636 5631 ??? Secret

Although the later periods cannot be improved, it is very attractive than those who are slowly cultivated in a short period of time.

Especially for those qualifications.

Hui Qing ago for a while, and finally seems to have a decision, say: "If I let's further, no matter how the true spirit is, I have to persuade, I have to go out!"

At this time, the sword was unparalleled, and Jiang Yan has gone to the spirit of the world, and the status is high.

If Brole is the first God of War, then ginger is the presence of a holy girl.

Strong terrible, after so long, no one knows how much she is now.

Half more than half of the election, when the Lord of the Qinglong Temple was handed over with Brole, it almost kills each other.

The latter ginger made a hand, no one knows the winner, only know that Jiang Yan retreats with Brole.

The Qinglong Temple is a small injury.

This news belongs to the top secret, and there are very few people, and the sword is unparalleled from the White Temple.

In order not to affect the morale, there is no announcement.

Nowadays, the Polyson Temple will stand up.

But from the perspective.

The advantages of the Polysman Temple will gradually become weak.

The strength of ginger, can now be said to be a long river in the whole time.

The Qinglong Temple is not an opponent.

If you don't go out with the true spirit, no one is her opponent.

The only hope is the current Huiqing.

After this, I'm always in this point, I have been in the tomb mountain, I am afraid that Hui Qing has gone out of the Different Temple.

What needs to be hate now is now.

The more people who ginger killed in the outside world, so they can let Huqing go to the opposite side.

This is not understood, but the sword is unparalleled and thinking about it.

Implement, the future ginger is not his robbery, but the robbery of Huiqing.

Thinking of this, swords are unparalleled.

Huiqing is too horrible.

The sword has shaken his head.

Seeing his expression, the brow is a moving, asked: "There is no double brother, this time you have something plan!"

"First, let's go!" The sword was unparalleled.

Now he is going to use all the minds on the way, as long as the coordination is successful, everything is not a problem.

Hui Qing also nodded, agreed: "It's the same, you are nowhere, I don't think too much, once the success is successful, I am afraid it is the first inheritor of the tomb mountain!"

Who is the first, Hui Qing doesn't have much ideas.

But the sword is unparalleled to be the first. He is still very happy, even if it is the first to grab the past, it doesn't matter.

The relationship between the two, can be said to be a life and death, and the sword has saved him countless times.

"Hui Qing, our eyes can not have been in the tomb mountain!" The sword is unparalleled, for the first inheritor, he is now interesting, then said: "You are not always wanting to go out? Waiting for me to successfully , Our brothers are not as good as departing the people! "

Although he can be a lifetime, Hui Qing is a reliable friend. He can't bear to look at Hui Qing's chess pieces.

After listening to his words, Hui Qing leaked the expressive expression, said: "I think so, when I go out to teach the means of the temple!"

Don't look at Hui Qing usually compare, the purpose of good fortune, in fact, the heart in the bones, is strong than the sword.

"What is the temple of the world!" The sword didn't sway his head, and the disdain of his face was said: "Do you know how much time and space in this star, how many strong people, why bother to stay here, It is better to go to other long-distance long rivers, and the strength will be upgraded to the peak, and return to all! "

This is not what he is boasting.

Once the coordination is successful, the true spirit will not change the idea. When they turn on the channel, go to the long river of other time and space, as long as the long-distance river is similar to the original Mo Luo, his opportunity will not be bad than when it is.

And the improvement will be faster.

When it becomes a robbery, it will be returned.

After his heritage, it has become a hijacking, there is time and space to treasure, and the upcoming the complete beast for the beast, the battle is not impossible.

The identity of the life, it is useless.

In front of the absolute strength, everything is virtual.

"Go to other time and space long rivers?" Hui Qing stunned, then surprised: "Starry!"

"Yes! It's starry sky!" The sword nodded.

It seems that Hui Qing also knows the story of the star empty, and the other party is strong, not only because of the cause of the past, it is more important to be the secret of the stars.

It's like everyone who is against the sky, it has a connection with the stars.

"But what do we have?" Hui Qing is still a bit movement, or there is a kind of concern.

The sword has no double pointed to the above, saying: "Great True, will open the channel for us!"

When I said, I deliberately increased my voice, and I was very respectful.

You can't see it here, he doesn't know, but the true spirit must be able to hear the conversation between them.

Sure enough, I didn't have a while, the true spirit sent someone to summon the sword.

His chat is almost the same, and some of the plans in the future are also said.

Go to other long-distance long rivers, strong itself, return to the current time and space.

Let Huaqing think about it!

To summon the sword, unparalleled is a tomb of the mountain.

The sword has seen each other.

Not surprised!

This tomb will take a tomb, because, this place is buried in the great existence "Discrimination"

It can be thought of, the relationship between the disorder and the life, this great two verbs may be withdrawn.

Following the lingerie, the sword has reached the top of the mountain.

There is a pavilion this place.

Always in ancient writing.

"Catch the booth!"

A long-standing power, let the sword are unparalleled, can't help but tremble.

"I have seen it, the true spirit!" The sword was unparalleled.

Standing in the hitching of the true spirit, back to the sword, no pairs, did not look back, the tone is cold and indifferent: "Come in sitting!"

The sword is unparalleled. Before the wing, as for the lingerie, it has been very interesting.

The true spirit overlooks the tomb mountain, where is it!

He naturally didn't dare to sit down, but he was slightly behind, standing next to the true spirit, overlooking the tomb mountain.

"I have a treasure you need, I have been prepared for you!" The true spirit said.

The sword is unparalleled, the first time I feel that the true spirit is very generous, and I think so thoughtful, actually give him a treasure you need.

However, I think that I feel a little wrong, I am afraid that I have been pitted by the true spirit, I want to open the rejection.

"Don't think, I just don't want you to have a failure!" Zhenling turned his head and looked at the sword and unparalleled, his heart was speechless.

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