Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5637 5632 ??? Maybe I am wrong

The sword is unhealthy, the true spirit, I have seen my heart, I'm busy and deny: "Believe Thank you, you can't come, how can you think more, this big en, there is no double perime!"

"Hey!" The true spirit is a cold snort, not a good air: "I haven't gotten it, I think about the running road to the mouth, can you remember my grace?"

"This!" The sword is unparalleled.

At the beginning, I was telling him, I can open the channel to send him to other time and space, now how he wants to run.


He broke a piece of chess.

It is very big to invest in Huqing.

From the first round, I was nestled until I came to the Sanyang Ting.

The true spirit is obviously a huge effort.

How can he be broken because he is a Daojun!

"The potential of the true spirit, Hui Qing's potential, you and I know, can not be wasted!" The sword is unparalleled, and the screen is said to it.

After the true spirit heard, it was also a glimpse.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is so straightforward.

"Oh! Do you think I am wasteing his potential?" The true spirit said, the breath suddenly improved, the sword of the shock was unparalleled, almost fell.

After the sword is unparalleled, the hands are holding boxing, respectful saying: "It is not this because of the character of Huqing, I believe in the character of Huanqing, Hui Qing's personality is never forgotten, do not need ginger to implicate He won't be unfavorable to the disagreement! "

"Said that this is said, but you don't know, he has shot the Qinglong for the ginger!" There is an angry on the face of the true spirit.

At the beginning, Hui Qing took the Qinglong, he almost gave up Huqing.

If you don't have any appearance, take away ginger.

Now Huqing, is not falling, it is suppressed.

I can become a piece of chess now, even if it is good.

After the sword was not completed, it shook his head, and the tone was deeply said: "You are wrong!"

He still said that the bottom of the heart.

Hui Qing's reasoning to the Qinglong, I don't know what the ginger is contrary to the end.

Just want a explanation!

At the beginning of ginger, there is no hierarchy to threaten the meaning of the Buddhist Temple.

Therefore, Hui Qing will take a hand from the Qinglong Temple.

But now it is different, ginger went to the Shenshen of the world.

Even if you think about the old feelings of the heart, you will not be able to cast a temple in the world as ginger.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled and also understanding the scruples of the true spirit.

In case, it is finally raised a white-eyed wolf.

He has absolute confidence in Hui Qing.

Never possible!

Although the true spirit is eased, it can still be cold.

"Maybe I am wrong, but your sword is nothing more than anyone. Now the people of the people, I would rather I am wrong, I can't have any accidents!"

The sword is unparalleled straight to the body, looks at the true spirit, and he suddenly understands the bitterness of true spirits.

A true spirit, supporting this Buddhist temple.

Still working hard to complete the wishes of the original discrimination!

Let the Daggers have great great!

The gods were sent, and they were in the life.

The most critical or discrete.

It seems that the true spirit saw the true face of the disagreement.

You know, the disagreement is true spirit, and the true spirit is the discrimination.

Although the truth is bundled with the Polyson Temple, it is more like alert.

He has some memories of the disagreement, even habits.

This is even greater about the fight.

"Adults, maybe we are all right, wrong is this era!" The sword is unparalleled to teeth, the tone is heavy: "I am waiting for the Tianjiao, but I am not willing to be a chess, I hope everyone is fulfilled!"

The true spirits slowly turned, and he looked at the sword of the sword, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes, and then disappeared again.

It's not not tolerant, nor is the true feelings of swords, but he saw a hopes from the sword without double, or he saw the future from the sword.

The sword of the time is unparalleled, movable world!

Is a strong!

There is only such a strong, and there will be this temperament.

He really didn't look at the wrong person.

"Talk about your plan!" The true spirit is eased, and asked the trick.

The sword is unparalleled, and the idea will be said directly.

After him, it will not leave alone.

Instead, take away a group of people.

This is not a running road.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it is still not authentic, but the kindness of the Polyson Temple is a clear, and the main thing is for him.

After all, it is going to be on.

However, he takes time.

Go to other time and space to practice, return it after being robbed.

At first, he heard the true spirit to send him, but he did not take away the idea of ​​other people, but since he knows the future, he did a crazy intention.

Prepare the Amusement Temple to come to an empty city!

A group of people with the most potential, go to other long-range long rivers, not only for a better cultivation environment, but also to leave a fire.

After seeing the future of the future, the sword is unparalleled to think so.

If you rely on him, even if you become a robbery, it takes a long time to cultivate to the five knobs, and even the six robbery.

The true spirit has confident to him, and there is no confidence in the sword.

Everything in the future can be decided.

Just like he has always had confidence, the result has failed.

If he is not his heart, I am afraid that I can't walk in the future, and I still have a lot of resistance to him.

Now it is good, the heart is satisfactory, the hope is very big.

Therefore, he will put forward a group of people and leave it together.

It is for insurance.

After the true spirit, some hesitated.

After all, it is a strong person who has been cultivated by the Buddhist Temple. It can be said to be countless resources.

Just send it away, what about these people don't come back when I arrive!

This is gambling!

"Can you guarantee it?" Zhen Lingxiang asked.

The sword is unparalleled naturally, what is guaranteed, and the present is swearing directly.

"I said others!"

"Adults, you can let them send out their own vows, not afraid they don't come back!"

The true spirit is still somewhat not to worry, then said: "What should I do if they press the realm?"

This sword has long been thought of.

Subseleased: "Advise the admiration, our inheritors, if there is such a person, there is no eligibility to travel to other time and space, qualified, will never have this intent, after all, they don't know the power of indulging! "

This explanation, the true spirit is still satisfactory, and after nod, no accurate answer is given.

The sword is unparalleled, this kind of thing is still to give the truth.

After waiting for a while, I opened the topic and chatted.

"The things that have been done, it is still not possible to announce the outside world. His identity is very mysterious, even I have pushed!" The true spirits shook his head.

This is nothing, but it looks like, the true spirit knows how much he knows.

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