Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5638 5633 ??? Combination

However, the true spirit is not going to open, he can't let the true spirits know the things from God.

"Adult, what happened to the power of his death and my life?"

The true spirit leaked a smile, reach out of the palm, and suddenly there have been two pilots.

"This is the origin of water and fire, what will they change?"

The sword is unparalleled, "" The combination of water fire is against the trend, especially the origin, and there are few people in the Dagan. Once the combination is successful, you can explode 100 times or thousands of power, than simple water. The source is strong! "

"This is right, just combine life with death, what I don't know, but I know that they will be very integrated, even more than time source!"

More than time source, that means that it is strong than the robbery.

Said to say this, you have to do it, it is too difficult.

No wonder, you will pursue him, from Moop's sky, until now.

Once fuse, it is a power that transcends the robbery.

The true spirit is also validated after value.

"Right, forget to tell you, in addition to you, Jiang Yan's body also has the power of life, but there is no pureness, it should be the power of the life of the origin in her body!"

After the sword is unparalleled, it is very shocked, and I don't dare to confirm: "How can this possible!"

Subsequently, the power of unprecedented life is burst directly from the body, and a huge green sphere is condensed.

He pointed to this round ball: "How much is it better than this?"

This power of life, probably occupies one tenth of life in his body.

Zhenling was shocked by it, directly jumping to the long, eye hole, staring at the power of life, shocking: "Not so exaggerated, her origin is very fragile, owned The power of life is probably a hijacitive vitality, or the vitality of the grass, probably has one hundred and one of the power of this group! "

"Call!" The sword is unparalleled, which is relieved.

The end of the true spirit is surprised, and it is absolutely affirmation to the choice of swords.

This is too screaming.

Even a bold idea in his mind.

If you let the sword have no double hosted a big array, what will the flesh of the recovery?

At the first jail, the power of the sword is unparalleled can restore Fygo, and now the sword is not strong.

After successful, it is a qualitative leap.

Of course, I can't recover myself, but I still need him.

Take the true spirit, to restore the flesh of the disorder.

I have to succeed, I am afraid he can get rid of the boy, you can go out.

However, he is not intended to tell the sword directly, but the sword is unparalleled first, it is the emperor.

He really really wants to see the sword is unparalleled, and there will be more powerful after the emperor.

A Dao Jun can be able to force this look.

Being an emperor, I can't imagine it.

After understanding the current situation, the sword is unparalleled to go to the tomb mountain to turn it, but the place where you are going to go directly to the true spirit to retain it again.

This closed door is for it.

Tomb Mountain!

Public area.

Mountain sea!

"This place, there is a natural home source, of which I opened up Dongfu, you can go in!" The true spirit pointed out, the sea was broken, leaking a huge seabed mountain.

The eyes of the sword are straight, and the light of the mountain is emitted.

That is the mine.

It is a rare mine.

It is larger than the value of Jiurong Longshan.

I am afraid that such a mountain range is comparable to the space of the space.

Natural Chinese origin.

That should be the original origin.

Sword is unparalleled.

Before the road, he will increase the whole body to the limit.

Only this will have a bigger grasp.

The limits of the body, the limit of the source.

He has to do it.

"Remember, the coherence is irrevers, the space is condensed, and there is no mistake. Otherwise, your sword is difficult to integrate!" The true spirit said.

There is no double point of the sword, thank you, it is not polite, and I will enter the mountain cave.


After passing through a water curtain, the sword is unparalleled into the cave for the true spirit.

This cave is a little messy, and it is not as he thinks.

Even on the wall, there are some weeds.

Of course, it can grow in the grass this place, but it is not weed, but some spirits.

Just these helpful for swords, minimal, naturally didn't look at your eyes.

It is straight to the depths.

It is the place where the true spirit is open.

A huge stone bed!

There is also a silky of all things in the upper part.

It is the power of the natural thing that the true spirit is said.

And in the stone bed, a mustard is also suspended.


"Take a look, what is the treasure!"

The sword is unparalleled, directly put the mustard, absorb the entry.

At the moment of the mare, he flicked in front of him.

Then frown frowned.

"this is?"

The sword is unparalleled, staring at the treasure in the ray, and the face is full of shock.

"Beast God!"

And it is also a flesh of golden beast.

Golden Beast God, it can represent space.

The flesh and blood of space beasts, this is too big to help him, it is too big.

Swordless breathing is a bit heavy.

This blood meat can not only help him condense the source of space, but also help him improve the body, and even the beastist.

After thinking that the beast god soldiers, he directly took the beast of the beast.

Always thinking, let the true spirit help him resume all the power of the beast, and now it seems enough to do it.

All parts of the beast god soldiers have been gone.

On the stone bed, floating from the beast for the sword.

From the top, it is the eye of the candle dragon, candle dragon, candle dragon wings, candle dragons, candle dragons, and the core of the core.

Plus this grain.

The sword is not born with a heart.

Run your hand to refine the flesh and blood, instill into the beast god soldiers, and a complete skeleton is formed instantly.

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood of the eight-claw animal, the blood of the eight-claw animal, the life is constantly giving birth, will be a blood, refining the blood, dripping in the heart of the beast superior.


A invisible nunion begins to be born.

That is a complete space and is very stable.

"Sure enough, the same as me guess!" The sword did not have a smile, looked up and looked at the sound space, and the swords in the body were constantly emitting.

However, he did not integrate directly.

This space can learn from it, he wants to give a relative in this space, then create a space belonging to himself.

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