Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5639 5634 ??? Cooperative (1)

Once the space is formed, he only left.

This time, the trip is the most original space.

The power of life in the body has emerged, all of which entered the inside of the beast!

In this space, the beast god seems to be recovered.

Lifelike candlelon, traveled in space.

Complete beast.

The origin is formed in a rare nutrient in the flesh, but now there is still some weak, there is less than him slowly incurred.

In this regard, the sword is not too much.

He is more concerned about this space.


Ordinary Daojun is closed, you need to open a space in your own source.

If you comprehend the space in advance, it is relatively relatively easy.

After opening a space, put your own road into the space.

So, in his space, there will be a powerful source.

For example, the original universe is the universe of all things naturally born.

There is countless way interior.

If you want to control, you need your own space source, but also stronger than the origin of the original universe.

The space is everything in the emperor.

And the emperor cultivation is only space.

Constantly powerful, the strength of the emperor will become stronger and stronger.

And after the emperor, it has its own space, can accommodate everything, the strongness of the heritage is not the same.

The sword is unparalleled, it is not because of the powerfulness, this is the pole, so it will be so powerful.

Every emperor has space, it can be said that every emperor is similar to the road.

It's just that the power of all the things in the space, too little, no way to swallow, can only slowly refine it.

The sword is unparalleled, it is a Jie.

After understanding this, the Sword is unparalleled to make some adjustments to yourself.

The sea of ​​origin in the body began to aggregate.

He wants to use countless thousands of things to create an unprecedented space and then integrate your swords.

The power of all things is the polarization.

In this way, his poles will completely disappear, or say that his polarization is space, accompany him with another gesture.

"Return!" The sword was sitting on the stone bed, and the candlelon flying in the space flying into his flesh.




Dark red dragonflies, the strictty of the sword is unparalleled.

A unique, exudes dark red halo, and there is a brown arc that has been flashed.

Beast God's origin, although there is still some weak, but in the power of the sword, there is a lot of life, all potential is exploded directly.

Before the road, I didn't expect that I will refine the beast to refine the whole body.

This makes the sword are unparalleled and very happy.

Before you have a look, he still has an important thing, to do it.

That is the second yuan.

He wants to leave the origin of a monarch, ready to refine the second yuan.

As long as there is the origin of the road, and the power of the source of life will always exist.

After he is successful, you can refine this second yuan.

At that time, directly refining became an emperor's god, the strength will be more powerful, this is the true spirit to him.

With the second dinner, he can let the present to other time and space adventures, the second yuan god is staying in the Past Temple, regarding two preparations.

After all, he began to feel the mood, let himself fall into the real cultivation, maintain its own peak.

Between the day, there is no wave!

The sword is unparalleled in my mind, and everything is touched.

The distractions have disappeared, and the space is replaced.

A complete space is placed in front of him.

"Gathering!" The sword was unparalleled.

In the sea of ​​this source, electric flash thunder.

On the sea, the sea dragon rolls are continuously poured.

Countless sea water sparks, as if there is a suction in the sky.

In vivo, the seas of the body is constantly aggregated, and the film of a juncture also begins to appear.

Diameter, 100,000 miles!

A perfect space is being born.

This is a pure space.

The sword is unparalleled and has not been used to use everything.

Ordinary Dao Jun, can do this, in fact, the distance is successful, it is already close.

The space diameter of 100,000 miles in the body is that once the success is successful, it is the second order Emperor.

The sword is unparalleled to comprehend space, and it is even more convenient to the space to the black hole.

How can I give it a time.



In that miniature space, there were countless violent powers.

That is the spatial source of swords.

The pole is a black hole.

In the range, the black hole continues to expand.

Just without the blessing of all things, the black hole expansion is very slow.

But the sword is unhappy.

The true spirit is over, can't worry.

How can he pay back?

I have to eat a bit.

He must first completely stabilize the spatial origin, and then expand it.

His space origin arrived in the realm of black cave, although slow, but once it turned, even if he did not turn, he can also reach the level of sixth order.

The premise of becoming the sixth order is the realm of black holes. Of course, the indigenous source is incomplete. It doesn't need to arrive at the black hole. I can reach the six-order emperor, and I can get it.

However, there is no defect, not only there is no defect, but also is very complete, and it can even be a metamorphosis.

It is said that it is slow.

It can be just a fragrant time, the space of the space is a million miles.

Moreover, the speed of the expansion, but it will change.

Among the space, a star will appear every 100,000 miles.

The sword is unparalleled, the source of the source is countless star.

The unusual emperor, the space that is condensed, can accommodate a few stars.

It is possible to accommodate hundreds of stars like tearing the sky.

It is a Taojun, which is a Taojun, such as Jiuyu Road, Wanxing Road.

These people are the strength of the Taojun, not as the ultimate road, generally can accommodate 10,000 stars.

However, after the emperor, the speed of practice will become very slow, but in general, some will be improved.

Just is too slow, one is there is no very perfect manner.

Even if it is the temple, the inheritance of Wan Dao is very small.

There is also a master of all things, there is a perfect Wan Dao stream.

But the inheritance is not anyone who can practice. It is still in the tomb mountain, no one will take it, only can cultivate some fur.

Then it is the ultimate way.

The space of the ultimate road, the space is coaceous, the weakest is also 50,000.

More striking, it can condense millions of stars to form a star river.

Even a large sea!

Nowadays, there is no double space in the sword, has increased to 10,000.

Time has also passed the day.

The longermost is still not a cohesive space, but a fusion.

This time, the sword has no double, that is, it is running for 10,000 years, and even millions of years.

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