Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5644, 5639? Inheritors on the Tomb Mountain

I don't know if I have a chance.

It's really going to be, he will also report.

After all, I have a kind to him.

Can't forget.

Hui Qing is on the side of the clouds.

Good in Huqing's personality is simple, and there is nothing thinking.

"Well, you have just been successful, take a break, let Huiqing take you to play some places to play, after a while, I still have something to help, to travel to other time and space, will be fundamentally It is necessary to build, the layout needs! "

The sword is unparalleled with Huiqing, and then he will leave together.

Said to play, actually to practice.

There are a lot of tomb mountains.

The three gods of the gods are here.

And the Pow of the Discrimination.

It is just the Pow of the Disagree, it is still closed.

The three gods of the gods is open.

However, it is necessary to reach the fifty floor to practice.

"There is no pair, I will take you to the public area, you need a token to practice in the tomb mountain!" Hui Qing explained: "In fact, it is almost the same as the veteran, the resources of the tomb mountain, the heritage of the top It is best, but it is too demanding for most of the inheritors, so many people go to the veteran palace! "

The sword nodded and nodded, indicating that Huang's words.

The tomb mountain creates it, I am afraid it is to leave a group of the most peak inheritors.

As for the mediocrity, it is calculated as an elite and slowly cultivated.

! !

The two of the two came to the tomb mountain.

Thunder Island.

An island on a mountain.

It sounds very fantasy, but it is a fact.

Because there is a part of the tomb mountain, it is a seawater aggregation.

There is a island in the sea, it is also normal.

It is also very lively on the island.

About 100,000 years, this place does not know how much inheritors come.

Just every time, it is increasing.

The first generation of the inheritor, I am afraid how long it takes, there is no fresh blood.

But the second generation of the inheritor has been growing in the outside world, and some qualifications are good, they are brought into the buddy temple.

However, after coming in, I came directly to the tomb mountain, no screening, and no tempering, just need to practice thousands of years on the tomb mountain.

It can continue to leave, and the strength is not enough.

However, this second generation of inheritors, I want to enter the threshold of the Apternary Temple, but it is very high.

First of all, it is necessary to be absolutely loyal, and there is a vow.

Then it is the potential.

The ultimate way, there is no need to say more.

But the ultimate number of people is very small, most of them are two original source, as well as some variation of the origin.

Only those who have continuously cultivated these people can screen enough seedlings for future robbery.

"Walk here!" Huiqing took the way in front.

On the road, many people stared at Hui Qing, and many people are whispering.

"He is Hui Qing?"

"Yes, contemporary tomb mountains, first inheritors, have reached sixty layers, power horror, and he is the first batch of inheritors!"

A good fortune is a good white robe, but also the color of the worship, adding: "He is also the pride of our original universe, but also the first strength of my Buddha world!"

This sentence, suddenly made a lot of the original universe, the gloss of his face is more favorable.

However, the inheritor of Tong Tian Buddha, there is a total of a total of only a few, but only the white teenager is here.

It is also the last year to enter the tomb mountain.

Most of these people are Dao Jun, only a small number is the emperor.

Some practitioners, there is no mountain to leak in the mountains, but it is a big color after the emperor.

So that, the tomb mountain also enrolled a lot of emperor inheritors.

Hui Qing is not very intended to these eyes, as well as those words.

The sword is unparalleled but laughs on the side: "Hu Qing, did not expect you to be famous!"

"The unparalleled brother is talking, it is some virtual name, and the business predecessors have broken each day, and now the sixty layers!" Hui Qing said.

Breakthrough, let the sword have no double look.

It is a candidate.

If you promise him if you promise him, he can consider it.

I am afraid that he doesn't consider it, I really want to agree, the true spirit will also arrange the business to walk with him.

The merchant is the first ultimate emperor of the long river of this time and space, and the first inheritor for the long-standing tomb.

After being transformed by Huiqing, breaking out again, and now I arrived at sixty layers.

I am afraid that I have been to the robbery.

Huiqing may still take some time, but the contract is much smoldering than they are.

After all, when they were still born, the business is already a five-order emperor.

When I came to the Tomb, I became a six-order emperor, and I came directly to the junction, and then I was more than half-step.

Anyway, the other party will be the inheritors of the fastest breakthrough.

In addition to the business, there are more than a few ultimate emperors on the tomb mountain, and the sword is unparalleled.

Especially the light and shadow, once with them.

Now in the tomb mountain, it is also ranked in the top five.

There is also Tong Tian Buddha, as well as true Wutai.

The heritage of these people is good.

The potential is not small.

Especially true Wuyang and Tongtian Buddha.

The native of the two is not the ultimate, but it can be varied.

It can be in the same order, weak ultimate emperor.

Even a large number of batchs.

Today's tomb mountains, but there is a hundred ultimate emperors.

Really Wuyang and Tong Tian Buddha can take the top ten, but it is not surpassing most of the ultimate emperor.

On the ultimate emperor, some more almost certainly press them.

Such as Huqing this monster.

Or is a business, practice the old monsters of the endless years, and the terrible fear.

It is the two digits of the light and shadow and the backbone, and it is not easy to enter the monster.

Thinking of these, there is no effort to have a hundred years old.

"Wild Temple!"

The sword is unparalleled to see the words on the plaque, read silently.

This is ancient ancient, he doesn't know that it is the absurdity of Moro time, or because of the wilderness.

"There is no double brother, this absurd temple is the hundredger halls on the tomb mountain. The inheritor accepts the task, or the new inheritors must first come first!" Huiqing pointed at the hall, giving the sword unparalleled.

At this time, there is just a lingerie, and a messenger of the Suzaki Temple and enters the main hall.

See this situation, the sword is unparalleled and then walks in.

This batch of inheritors, the number of people, more than 100,000.

Among them, there are many emperors.

The sword is unparalleled, which should be searched from the outside world.

Just come to study for a while, it is estimated that you don't stay too long.

Inheriting a number of inheritors like this, it will come to this batch.

The 100,000 people's long strokes are not crowded in the main hall.

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