Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5645 opens up the cave

It's so big that it is like a big temple, but it is like it to accommodate countless people.

The spatial structure of this is probably, it can be found when they arrive at the universe.

At this time, there is only the sword unparalleled and Huiqing, which has this strength.

As for the Lingling, he can't be an account.

Two people directly went to the front counter, and they did not pay attention to those new inheritors.

"Adults, are they the heritage of this place?" Many people are very curious. Maybe since they were born, they listened to the legend of the Buddhist Temple. The first time came in, of course, is curious.

Among these people, there are several generations of inheritance, from the outside world, now returning, but there is no unfortunate place.

When I saw Huiqing, I also respected in my eyes.

I heard those little guys asked, I quickly interrupted: "There is no gift, this place is the tomb mountain, they are your uncle, not to mention the existence, but the first inheritor of the contemporary tomb!"

"First inheritor?"

"Strong, do Wan Xing Emperor?" Some people asked curious.

This sentence made the initial heritage missed a hint.

Wanxin Emperor.

That is, Wanxing Emperor, now it is already in a pleasant.

Universe a universe, power and strength are peaks.

Among these little guys, there are also many from Wanxing's universe. Naturally, the strength of Wanxing is extremely high, and that Wanxing Emperor is the strongest in the tomb mountain.

"This, you have to ask you to ask Wanxing!"


After getting the token, the sword has no double sweeps some of the tasks above.

Most of them are the task of the outside of the outside time and space.

There are very few tasks of the four major secrets, and there are also auxiliary tasks.

Not dangerous at all.

These tasks are open to the inheritor, those who come from the outside, do not need to pick up, only need old people to practice thousands of years in the tomb mountain.

"Where is it now?" The sword asked without a double opening.

Hui Qing refers to a copper furnace outside.

"Ordinary inheritor, now you need to quench the flesh, there is no need to go, go directly to the mountain!"

Quenching flesh!

The sword is unparalleled, and his flesh is very powerful. At the beginning, in the cosmic copper furnace of the mountain, it refined to the tenth.

Already reached the perfect state.

As for the mountain climbing, the sword is unparalleled.

This is a thing that all inheritors have to do.

The height of climbing is also the standard when resource allocation is in the future.

Now the strength of the sword is unparalleled, there is not much dare to say, the sixty floor is easy.

I don't know, I can reach sixty layers.

According to the division.

The Lord of the universe can reach a seventy floor.

That is, the extent of the three robbery, or the three robbers of the universe.

Eighty floor, it is a five-order.

The 90r floor is six robbery.

The ninety-nine layers arrived at the strength of the seven-robbery.

If it exceeds the ninety-nine layers, all the past is true, and it is a true seven-robbery.

At the beginning, this tomb mountain was at the beginning, I am afraid it is to find a successor who can reach the Qi Qi.

Seven robbery!

No matter which time and space, the long river is absolutely hegemon.

At the beginning, it was also comparable to the strong border.

That kind of strength is more horrible.

No wonder, even in the life, you are very real, don't dare to engage in things.

After breaking the upper, the strength of the life is fixed, it will be half-step, but it is too big.

Perhaps because of the calculation, there is no difference in the disagreement.

Before the rise of the rising, I will kill the disagreement. It is not a better control of the original Moose time.

Still because it accounts now, I feel that Moro is empty, does it cost to master the power of life?

It is possible.

Everything is possible.


The sword is unparalleled, looking up at the top.

Hui Qing also stood aside, said: "This climbing, there is no danger, no opponent, just release the breath, go forward, but after 50, you want to open the Dongfu, will encounter the defender Strong strength! "


The sword is unparalleled, and the Hui Qing can say some strong, then it should be some.

Opening up the passover of the passover, if it is a hundred-tenth floor, it is not a waste of the lobby.

But now the people's temple, in addition to the purgatory, there is no robbery!

Zhuang Zhong was also thrown into the long river of Time and Space.

Do you say that this place also suppressed a lot of robbery desert beasts?

If this is the case, he can earn a pen.

The whole body of the desert beast!

The blood can refine the blood, supplement his beast God soldiers.

The skeleton can increase his body, and it is a great remedy.

And the origin of the deceased, although it is brutal, but the rules above it mean.

Also treasure.

But he is now the emperor, and the ordinary wasteland is not on.

At least there is a wasteland that has a robbery, he can see it.

Then start from the 60th floor!

"I will come, it should be very fast ........" Then I took directly to the ladder of the Tomb.

Leave a Huqing one person and look forward to it.

At this time, there are also many people.

Many people are in opening up the cave.

Although the 50th floor, although there is no deceased in the cave, the structure of the tomb mountain has an abnormal tough, the overall quality exceeds eternal tobao.

It is not that simple to open up the cave.

Even if the quality of the mountain is not good, it takes a few years to open.

Many inheritors are below the fifty floor.

Fifty floors have few people.

During the emperor, I want to reach the fifty floor and need to be struggling.

The weakness is still not working.

Even if it is Wu Zhi, I am afraid I can only reach the point of the fiftieth floor.

After all, there are many ultimate emperors, nor is it harmonious.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, and how I will receive such an apprentice in the first place.

Even the name disciple is too tarable.

Strength can be seen in ordinary, but in the tomb mountain, it is general.

And it is still cultivated for such a long time, nothing to grow.

Those who threw these distractions, the sword didn't have a one-step step, and the breath of the body did not reach it.


Only between the words, the sword is unparalleled directly to fifty layers.

It is necessary to know that the inheritor on the tomb mountain now has only dozens of people.

After all, the time practice is still very short.

It can reach the fifty floor, that is not a strong in the absolute.

The sword is unparalleled.

In addition to Huiqing, the underlying countless people hope to go to the sword where it is unbelievable.

"Who he is, how can it be so strong?"

In the fifty floor, the tangle is opened up, and after the familiar atmosphere, it will take the moment.

When it is a sword, there is no surprise.

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