Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5646 5641?? Killing the Breakhouse

"You can be considered!" The person who speaks is true!

However, this is just a man of true Wuyang.

This should be in the long river of the outside world.

After the sword is unparalleled, after seeing the acquaintance, nodded slightly, there is nothing more, ready to directly open up the hole.

The fifty floors at this time has more than a dozen cave.

Of course, some cave have already been destroyed.

Some of the strong people who arrived at the beginning, some have broken through, reaching higher position.

It was found that the sword was unparalleled in the fifty floor, and the Huiqing under the lower part was a bit surprised.

With his eyes, you can see the strength of swords and unparalleled strengths.

Attidence can reach sixty layers.

There is no need to waste time in fifty layers.

It can be followed, he understands.

! ! !

A successful deceased beast, rushing from the tomb mountain.

It is like being supposed to be suppressed countless years, just appeared, the breath on the body suddenly skyrocket, an unbeatable force appears, and the shocking power makes the next few inheritors are pale.

The strength of this deceased is definitely in the top ten in the tomb mountain.

When I realized the breath, the face was trembling, I couldn't help but remind: "Be careful, this deceased is not simple, it is likely to be suppressed, it breaks through the strength!"

When he opened up a cave in the fifty floor, he did not encounter such a strong deceased.

The strength of this deceased is better than his book.

It can only be said that the sword is unparalleled.

He believes that the sword is unparalleled in the fifty floor, and the strength only arrived at 50, but he knows that the sword is unparalleled.

Now the sword is unparalleled but desire to treasure, and improve yourself.

More eager to live and die.

Unfortunately, every one can play on the tomb mountain!

If it is the robbery, the Zhuang Zhong is in the words, he can try his strength.

In the face of this deceased, the sword behind the sword did not pull out, a flashes, instantly arrived at the beast, there is no change in the breath, just a hand knife, directly poked the body of the beast.

The power brought by this hand knife, bursting the entire body of the deceased from the internal burst.

The sword is unparalleled by himself.

The strength just broke through, I didn't have a good time for a while, and one hit actually hit the burst of the opponent.

Fortunately, he has the force of swallowing, one hand, and the burst of flesh and blood are condensed into a group.

The deceased of the 10,000 gangs, the eye-catching is a drop of blood.

The sword is unparalleled to income the beasts.

The source of the beast god soldier has once again strong.

Although today's beastists have reached a complete body, the internal origin is still a weak, and there is no source of the universe.

Therefore, it is necessary to continuously engrave the strong deceased beast.

"This ......." Zhenwuyang can't believe in the sword.

Just said that there is too fast, even the true changes in Wuyang have not seen any changes in the sword, the deceased is completely fallen.

That is better than his book, it is resolved in a trace of ancient deceased.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled, there are more horrible!

When the sword is unparalleled, when I have a stunned true Wuyang, I miss a smile, slightly raise my hand, say: "Waiting to meet!"

After finishing, a flashed, has reached the fifty-one layer.

Then the next layer of the opening of the cave, the desert beast that was killed was also rained into his beast.

Sixty floor!

To date, the top level in the inheritors of the tomb mountains.

This news, instantly detonated all the inheritors on the tomb mountain to watch.

Continuous unpacking business, also came out from the cave.

When I saw the sword, I didn't talk, two people just nodded.

In the fifty-four layers, a strong man who was born, he also came out from the Dongfu, looked up and stared at the sword of the top, and his eyes were unwilling.

He is the super power of the top three in the tomb mountain, the space arrived at the cosmology, and created a unique peak.

It is the ultimate emperor of the osteo.

Before Huqing, only the merchant can press him.

However, he didn't care, because the business is the tomb of the ultimate emperor, more than his time to practice, he has confidence in the future.

However, the next Hui Qing Dao was successful, and the pace was chased in an instant.

After returning from the crime, it is directly a strong force, and the time of the era exceeds the business.

This makes him feel the unprecedented pressure, so that the disputes in the outside world have no matter whether they are fully affected.

The hometown of hometown was broken by the temple of his name, or he did not let him go.

Nowadays, someone exceeds him and let him be shaken.

It is a sword.

I have invincible.

Just right, I have to take an invincible name.

On the fourth light and shadow, the body is like shadow of the dark zone, and it is also lifting his head and staring at the sword.

It is only no change in his mind.

Because of his heart, always believe that the light and shadow will obscure time and space, and he is a real super power in the future.

In addition to these top-level super heirs, there are many ordinary inherits that have just arrived at the Tomb of the Tomb, and they are envious, and yearning.

Arrive at the Tomb of the Tomb.

The strength you have, you can cross the long-term long river.

Now the top of the outside world is the master of Qinglong Temple.

The strength is just a sixty floor.

Of course, I am fighting, I am afraid that the bell is really the first.

After all, it is a robbery.

Just Zhuang Zhong did not thrown the appearance, but a dangerous place in the town.

Shocking the Shenshen.

This is more useful than going to camp.

If it is a result, you can destroy the death of the world.

These inheritors have long been out.

I really have to have a robbery, I am afraid that I will shoot.

Alternatively, there is still other means to create a robbery.

After all, the power of the holy water is too horrible.

Sixty layers of war.

The entire Time and Space Long River can reach this standard, except for those robbery.

No more than five people.

Brole is not the opponent of Qinglong, should have not reached this realm.

Nowadays, there are three people in the tomb mountain.

The outside world has this strength and even exceeds sixty layers.

Plus the Qinglong Temple.

Just five people.

This powerful war is to go to some powerful time and space, and it is the top power.

At the beginning of Moulo time, although there is a large group of robbery, even many of the universe.

But rarely crafted, most of them are mainly emandy.

Like the sword is unparalleled, at the original, how is it a god, and it is still very born.

Because the power of the magic, there is a strong weakness.

"Sixty floor, no general!" The sword is unhealthy.

When I came here, he felt a touch of tiredness.

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