Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5647 5642 ?? Frozen Devil

That is the rules of the tomb mountain, suppressing him.

Now he wants to see how powerful of the desert beast of this layer.

The origin of the beastists is almost the same.

Distance to the universe home source level, only a wasteland of a robbery.

Just fifty-nine layers, the deceased of the beast he encountered, there was an attack of the robbery.

It is not enough.

It is just a comparable attack, the key is the strongest trick comparable to the robbery.

If it is a wasteland, it is the strongest blow to the deceased.

In strength, there is a change in the paralysis.

Top peak, the true spirit felt this scene, rising his mouth.

A silhouette of the tomb, and awakened a true robbery.

For example, sell a good to the sword, he also beg sword.

Is it a good place!

The sword has no double scorpion, and it also found a breath and quietly appeared.

This time, he has not yet opened up the cave, there is a wasteland, I am afraid it is true.


Among the 60th floor of the tomb mountain, an inconspicuous stone is being cracking.

The size of the stone is only a wide range.

It is not an eye.

As next moment, stone cracked, a headless orc, rushed out.

Sure enough, there is nothing to do with the sword.

The desert beast in front of you is not bad, but the murderer.

"Frozen Devil!" The sword was unparalleled at the other side, and thought of a monster seen in Moro.

That is Moro oriented ancient ethnic group.

Although it is an overlord, it is very rare, less than special life.

There is no more than 10,000 heads.

But the birth is the fairy, adult is emperor.

There is no restraint, it is easier when breaking.

He has seen the portrait of the other party in the book.

"You actually snow the devil!" The murderer of the small child, some are a surprised sword, and they can recognize him.

The sword is unparalleled: "Casually understand!"

"Is there that an era? How do I feel the operation of the long river!" The small kid of the elderly sizes, looked up to the sky, some could not understand.

The sword is not double too lazy to explain, just pay free to reply: "Beat me, you know!"


"Your breath is too weak, beat you is not too simple!"

"Try it!"

The sword is unparalleled.

When I arrived in the opponent, the speed of the speed was quickly, and I didn't see it too clearly.

Only when I returned to the sixty floor Huqing, I saw the moment of the sword without double.

The speed has been integrated with time.

The sword is unparalleled, surpassing the emperor.

If you can't see it, it is normal.

Those inheritors above the fifty floors, began to see the sword unparalleled means, but at this time, they found their consciousness, and they couldn't change the sword.

The sword who came to the murderous beast was unparalleled, but I didn't expect that the other party did not turn around, and she took his punch.

This makes the sword unparalleled very surprised.

"That is the strength, I am afraid I can be able to know the truth soon!"

The small boy beast suddenly turned, open the brown lips, a violent force, instantly out of mouth, and the sword is unparalleled.

Because the hands are caught, the sword is unparalleled, and it can only be hard to resist.

boom! ! !

A attack, it will be directly comparable to the mountains of eternal to treasure.

The nearest sword is unparalleled, it is disappearing in the rain.

Huiqing's forehead appeared cold sweat, and the familiar atmosphere will be in the next moment, it is over, look up, it is the sword.

A dark armor, parcel.

There are also a power that is just destroyed.


The sword has no double leakage, staring at the murderer below, and asked: "You are a few robbery!"

"It can resist it!" The small murderer is very surprised. After seeing the sword, the eye is contracted, and the eye is shocked: "Beast God!"

"You don't know?" This time was unparalleled.

The other party knows the beasts, I am afraid that there is also some famous in Moro.

Although the frozen evil monk is later, it is also a super ethnic group.

The small murderer bite his teeth and stared at the sword. There is no double evil. "This is hard to know, when someone used the beast gods to sneak my frozen demon, killing my people!"

It is true to see the other party.

And the hatred is still not small.

"My ancient temple, today will be revenge for the ethnic group!" A roar, let the countless gravel burst.

In the 60th floor, the other two, the merchant and Huang Qing, even the roar of this, and the shackles were shocked.


No matter whether it is Hui Qing's business, it is still able to feel the oppression of the ancient temple.

Only the robbery will have this compression.

"Sixty floor, how can there be a robbery!" Everyone feels incredible.

The sword is unparalleled is eager to try.

I didn't expect to have a robbery in advance.

It seems that there is no need to fight this layer.

Otherwise, these sixty layers can be ignored.

At the bottom of my heart, he joined the true spirit, letting the other party transfer him to sixty-five layers.

"You are sure, the rules of the rules there are very compressed!" The true spirit is uncertain.

The sword is unparalleled but very insisted.

Now there is only his own strength to be clear and your strength.

The force of the sixty-five layers, can't suppress him.

Instead, he will let him feel free.



Although the true spirit is somewhat, it is still done.

He is also the same, I want to see if the sword is not a double door, there is much powerful.

Sixty-five layers, a desolate.

The space of this place is more solidified, and the gravity exceeds the external world, and the rules is more powerful.

If the sword is not easy to tear space here, it is not easy.

When you look down, you can clearly see the people below.

"What's going on?" The ancient temple was somewhat confused, how did it suddenly have been moved?

And he feels that this place has a lot.

There is some subtle impact on him.

"Human, this is you doing?" Ancient temple asked!

The sword is unparalleled without rebutting, nodding.

"I said, just defeat me, you can know everything, now you, don't need to ask too much, as long as you understand, you don't defeat me, you will die!" The sword didn't have a double angry, and the breath was boiled.

The strength of the instant explosion, let the shorts of the ancient temples to the arms.


The sword is unparalleled around, surrounds the dark red arc.

This is the strongest strength of his normal.

If it is not because of the power of the starry sky, he is at this time, I am afraid it is the strongest state.

"You actually hide strength!" The ancient temple disdain.

Even if you feel that the sword is not paired, it is still not moving.

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