Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 566 Shemale

"Haha, I still want to resist."

The echo of the brown bear man's laughter is accompanied by laughter, and the flames of the flames are unparalleled.

This is the king of the flame, master!


The gripped palm is like a silence of hundreds of millions of years, and suddenly, the volcano, which is directly in the sword.

The air is burned out, and the power of the destruction of the earth is completely broke out.

In the sword under this power, the twenty-fourth feminine golden sword soul fictitious, there is no sword, and the sword is unbolded in the hands of the sword, and a cold sword is suspended. Out.

, sixth style, a sword is booming!

, this is the killing sword.

Previously, the sword was unpaired, and only the fourth style can only be displayed. As he will kill the killing, the fifth style of the sword, the sixth style, he is very easy to master.

One is a flame, and the other is the Jeno Emperor.

Time, two horrible offensive, it is in front of it.

The terrible energy crazy swept in the four weeks, there is a desirable storm.

And when the sword is unparalleled, when there is a hand, a body shape has also appeared within this plain.

This person, naturally it is the hometown of Ice Peaks that follows the sword.

The Miyou Temple of the Ice Peak is full of mysterious compass on the sword. It is full of enthusiasm. He is crazy to get the compass, and even for it.

Before in the holy land, the Ice Peak Temple was not a double way, but he immediately followed the sword. He immediately followed.

But when he came to this plain, he immediately saw the scene in front.

"The sword is unparalleled, and those people are ... The demon is fine!" The Hall of the Ice Peak is open.

"What happened? These demon rape tattooed, and they have to assassinate this sword is unparalleled?" The Ice Peak Temple is strange, "and it is still a monster king, plus eight-headed mammon, a horrible lineup, These demon ** is fine in my human territory, there is still this terrible force, this is really ... it is so good! "

The main color of the Ice Peak Temple rose red, but the eyes are with a strong ecstasy.

Yes, it is ecstatic.

"Heaven help me too!" The hearts of the Ice Peak Temple were mad.

He didn't have a chance to kill the sword, but now, this group of demon rape taking care of the sword is unparalleled, which is a chance to be a chance.

At this time, he saw that the sword was unparalleled with the face, and the offensive of the show, it is a one-time heart, "Not bad, it is indeed the monster king, but also a good power than the monster king."

The Hall of the Ice Peak is surprised. It is even more shouting at the bottom of the heart. "Killing him, yes, killing him."

The same is human, he is still a strong master, according to the truth, this Ice Peak Hall will see the sword unparalleled, and should be saved in the first time. It can be actually, don't say to save the sword. There is no pair, and the sword is unparalleled in the hands of these demon. Then he kills this group of squats, and the sword is unparalleled.

In this way, he will not have any trouble. After all, the sword is unparalleled is dead in the demon fell, and there is no relationship with him.


The energy storm finally broke it completely. I saw a quite wolverine that was directly exploded, and the sound of half rang again.

The shame of the wolf is natural, the sword is unparalleled, the wolf is angry, but the sword is unparalleled, but it has not cut as few, obviously just that collision, he did not suffer too much.

"How can it be?"

The brown bear man " ?? ???????????"


The sword is unparalleled, and it will take the next to the side of the shock.

"Fortunately, I have already made a tentierical of the fingers of the bone, and the flesh is much stronger than before, otherwise it is easy to remove the power of this monster king." Sword There is no parallel.

The monster king, it is a monster king.

On strength, far on the sword.

Just that collision, the sword is unparalleled, and the strongest power will be made, but the results are still rolled by the other party, but after the other party's offensive is abutting the swordsmanship of him, the power weakened great part. , The remaining power is impacted, and the flesh is still able to resist.

"I can't collide with him, but I can't collide with him, just want to be entangled with him, fight for time." The sword didn't have a double heart.

He is now in a banned, and if you want to leave this ban, it is clearly unrealistic, but this banned area is not small. He can use his own field to say we can use these monsters. As long as it is not stupid. Go hard, these demon rape, want to kill him, and it is not easy.

"Kill, kill him!"

The brown bear man standing in the roof flames, following the sword, and then chasing after the sword.

As for the other eight demon, it is from four sides of the eight parties to the sword.


The sword has no double, drink, the heart of the sword, the prior to the front of the sword, the power of the killing, the two demon rape in front of him, but still is still being defeated by the sword. And go.

"Hey, with these ordinary nine-order monsters, but I can't help me, the top more can bring me some trouble." The sword was cold.

It is not resistant to him, but he can't resist it, as for those nine-order monsters, he is not afraid.

Even if you are two or nine-order monsters to join hands, he can easily sweep.

"Human, die!"

The brown bear man once again appeared in the sword without double, a fist as a meteorite dropped from the sky, and he didn't swear directly.

This fist is coming, the sword is unparalleled, and only the swordsmanship can only be displayed again.


The huge roaring, the sky, the sword is unparalleled, and the top of the ground is smashed, so that the ground has a diameter of hundreds of feet, the horrible giant pit.

But the next moment, the sword in the huge pit is unparalleled, but then rushed again, and continued to play next to it, with this week.

"My fist has been used up, and he is still just a slight injury."

The brown bear man died and stared at the sword. He was able to detect that the sword is unparalleled, and it is still not weakened.

"No accident, he has already understood the tenth floor of the bullish door, strong flesh, even in the many people of human beings, only those who can be numbered, and the speed is not slow "

"He has saved the strong people of the Human League, how long it can't be used, and the strong people of the human ethnic group will arrive. If you don't say to kill him, even I can walk away, I am unknown."

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